  • Governor promotes Calif. wines in China

    Governor promotes Calif. wines in China

    By Napa Register During Gov. Jerry Brown’s trade mission to China this week, Golden State wines were served at an event in Shanghai titled, “California Winemaker’s Dinner Meets Chinese Banquet” as well as a VIP reception at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. Sales to China helped grow California wine exports to a record $1.4 billion […]

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  • Tree fruit farmers question FDA rules

    Tree fruit farmers question FDA rules

    By Brady Dennis, Washington Post Blueberries and bananas are in, but black-eyed peas are out. Papaya is in, but plantains and pumpkins are out. Spinach and summer squash, in. Sweet potatoes and winter squash, out. Artichokes? Out. Apples? In. And many apple farmers, as it turns out, aren’t too thrilled about that. The Food and […]

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  • Climate change may impact winemaking

    Climate change may impact winemaking

    By Rachel Tepper, Huffington Post Amid growing concerns that climate change may be negatively impacting agriculture and food industry operations worldwide, a new study suggests that the winemaking industry as we known it may soon be forever altered. Rising temperatures and changes in rainfall are already rendering traditional grape-growing regions in the Mediterranean, such as […]

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  • More bad news for red meat eaters

    More bad news for red meat eaters

    By Elizabeth Lopatto, Bloomberg News The fat and cholesterol found in steak may not be the only components bad for the heart, according to researchers who have found another substance in red meat that can clog the arteries. The substance is called carnitine, and as bacteria in the gut breaks it down, it turns into […]

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  • Freezing food does not kill germs

    Freezing food does not kill germs

    By Nancy Shute, NPR Think that freezing food kills E. coli and other nasty microbes? Think again. That’s the lesson from the new E. coli caused by frozen chicken quesadillas and other snacks that has sickened 24 people in 15 states. Freezing does slow down the microbes that cause food to spoil, but it’s pretty […]

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  • Original craft brewery back in business

    Original craft brewery back in business

    By Devin Leonard, Bloomberg Businessweek There wasn’t much in the beer aisle back in the 1970s when Jack McAuliffe went to the local supermarket, just the usual Budweiser, Miller, Coors, Falstaff and maybe some Pabst Blue Ribbon. The limited selection didn’t seem to bother the typical American drinker. But it wasn’t enough to suit McAuliffe. […]

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  • Virginia City to heat up with chili cook off

    Virginia City to heat up with chili cook off

    Virginia City 30th annual Chili on the Comstock returns May 11-12. Taking place along C St., the historic town’s main drive, the event includes a new Fireball Crawl. The two-day event from 10am-5pm includes about 40 of the best chili cookers in the West competing for a spot in the International Chili Society World Finals […]

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  • Chocolate makers adjusting recipes for success

    Chocolate makers adjusting recipes for success

    By Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times In 92 years, See’s Candies has never shied away from being old-fashioned. At the factory on La Cienega Boulevard, some octogenarian workers measure their decades of employment in hip replacements. Quaint floral details are still hand-piped onto chocolate eggs. An inexorable march of candies heads through tubes the length […]

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  • Is the secret to olive oil in its scent?

    Is the secret to olive oil in its scent?

    By Anahad O’Connor, New York Times Why is olive oil, the crown jewel of the Mediterranean diet, so good for your health? Nutritionists point to its abundance of antioxidants and oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that protects the heart. But new research suggests that some of the benefits of olive oil might be contained in […]

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  • Kalani’s sea bass recipe in national magazine

    Kalani’s sea bass recipe in national magazine

    Bon Appétit magazine has a section where readers may write in about a restaurant recipe they would like the publication to track down. The April issue features one from Kalani’s in South Lake Tahoe. Betty Magan of Bass Lake wrote the magazine saying, “We’re just back from Lake Tahoe, where we had the wonderful miso […]

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