  • Chicken wing consumption spikes during Super Bowl

    Chicken wing consumption spikes during Super Bowl

    By Huffington Post Rumors of a chicken wing shortage are likely unfounded, so wing fans can breath a sigh of relief. And these wing fans are serious about their devotion — the National Chicken Council estimates that 1.23 billion chicken wings will be consumed over Super Bowl weekend this year. This is down slightly from […]

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  • Watch when you eat, researchers say

    Watch when you eat, researchers say

    By Mary MacVean, Los Angeles Times Some popular diets advise against late-night snacking or even eating after 6pm. Now, there’s some research to confirm that when you eat could matter as well as what you eat if you’re trying to shed pounds. A study in Spain followed 420 men and women on a diet for […]

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  • Japan’s school lunch menu: A healthy meal, made from scratch

    Japan’s school lunch menu: A healthy meal, made from scratch

    By Chico Harlan, Washington Post TOKYO — In Japan, school lunch means a regular meal, not one that harms your health. The food is grown locally and almost never frozen. There’s no mystery in front of the meat. From time to time, parents even call up with an unusual question: Can they get the recipes? […]

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  • K’s Kitchen:  Butternut Squash and Cauliflower Soup

    K’s Kitchen: Butternut Squash and Cauliflower Soup

    By Kathryn Reed I came across Cookin’ Canuck by chance. Someone on Twitter or Facebook had mentioned something about not liking a food site anymore. Others recommended other sites. Before I knew I was searching for recipes and forgetting all about work. Of course I convinced myself if I found a recipe that sounded good, […]

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  • K’s Kitchen: Roasted winter veggies

    K’s Kitchen: Roasted winter veggies

    By Kathryn Reed The butternut squash kept calling to me. And I kept ignoring them. Then I bought one and put it on the counter. Finally, I couldn’t keep ignoring it. Hunger will do that to you. I knew I didn’t want to put anything sweet on it – like brown sugar. And I knew […]

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  • Chaos in California could be boon for Wisconsin cheesemakers

    Chaos in California could be boon for Wisconsin cheesemakers

    By Rob Schultz, Wisconsin State Journal MADISON — Wisconsin’s cheese producers are poised to profit — perhaps mightily — from a feud that has buckled the knees of California’s dysfunctional dairy industry. California cheesemakers have prospered for decades because the price of milk used to make cheese has been set lower than what competitors from […]

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  • Award-winning Placer County winery expanding

    Award-winning Placer County winery expanding

    By Jon Tourney, Wines & Vines AUBURN — After expanding wine production and sales for five years at its original location, Lone Buffalo Vineyards has roamed to a larger property in Placer County and built a new and larger winery and tasting room that opened Jan. 11. The new 12-acre property is located northwest of […]

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  • Red Hawk Casino takes a gamble on foodies

    Red Hawk Casino takes a gamble on foodies

    By Cathie Anderson, Sacramento Bee Let gamblers enjoy the card tables and slot machines at the front of the house at Red Hawk Casino. Foodies would prefer to play in the rear. Evan Smith holds the keys to much of this domain as the new vice president of food and beverage. His is the largest […]

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  • Inaugural ball food: from foie gras to peanuts

    Inaugural ball food: from foie gras to peanuts

    By Tim Carman, Washington Post Even in 1889, as crews prepared for President Benjamin Harrison’s inaugural ball under the eerie artificial light of the Pension Building’s newfangled incandescent lamps, planners had a bad case of Gotham envy. Hired to mastermind the massive feast for the ball, Philadelphia hotelier George C. Boldt told a Washington Post […]

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  • K’s Kitchen: Popcorn for dinner — why not?

    K’s Kitchen: Popcorn for dinner — why not?

    By Kathryn Reed Popcorn by itself is a fairly healthy snack. Air popped has 31 calories per cup. I eat popcorn by the bowl. Not like a soup bowl, but a bowl a family might share. I also don’t just eat popcorn. It must have butter on it. Real butter. Fattening butter. Salted butter. Then […]

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