Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Megan Jewell is the newest ob/gyn doctor at Barton Women’s Health.

·      The 39th annual Fireworks & Beach Party will be July 3, 7-10pm at Kings Beach State Recreation Area.

·      Squaw Valley will close Memorial Day, with skiing that Monday from 8am-2pm.

·      North Tahoe Public Utility District is having a budget workshop on May 22 at 3pm.

·      President Trump has appointed A.J. “Bud” Hicks to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board. Hicks, a resident of Reno since 1957, will assume the non-voting, presidential-appointee seat that Tim Carlson had since 2012. Hicks is an attorney, and has a second home in Glenbrook.

Success of Tahoe to be subject of talk

How collaboration, citizen science and community participation in conservation has kept Lake Tahoe blue will be the subject of a talk on May 23 in Reno.

This is part of a lecture series created by DRI and The Discovery.

Lake Tahoe’s global successes in environmental research and conservation are credited to collaboration between nonprofit organizations, community members, and scientists. Speakers will touch on those relationships, discuss the ecological history of the lake, key policies, and education programs that have made these successes possible.

Darcie Collins from the League to Save Lake Tahoe, Alan Heyvaert from DRI, and Sudeep Chandra from UNR will share their experiences in citizen science, community engagement, and stewardship.

Doors open at 7pm, presentation begins at 7:30pm at Patagonia Outlet, 130 S. Center St., Reno.

Traffic-clogging light at Camp Rich nixed

The controversial light in Camp Richardson that ended up backing up traffic more than it helped pedestrians has been discontinue indefinitely.

Caltrans and its transportation partners are working on other ways to manage traffic through the corridor, including using flaggers for traffic control at the intersection on busy weekends, installing new crosswalk signs and implementing new entry and exit procedures for local beaches this summer.

The light will remain off until at least after the Highway 89 Recreation Corridor Management Plan is completed in 2019.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Sample the Sierra early bird tickets are on sale until July 5. This is Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce’s food to fork event in South Lake Tahoe.

·      Truckee Donner Public Utility District is one of 240 of the nation’s more than 2,000 public power utilities to earn the Reliable Public Power Provider designation from the American Public Power Association.

·      Florence and The Machine will play at Harveys on Aug. 9 at 7:30pm.

·      Truckee Home and Building show will be May 26-27, 10am-5pm at Truckee High School. Cost is $6. For more info, go online.

·       Lake Tahoe’s Reggae Springsplash will feature Steel Pulse, Mike Love, Clear Conscience and DJ DubFyah at MontBleu in Stateline on May 24. Doors open at 7pm, show is at 8pm. Must be 21 to attend. Advance tickets are $25, $30 that night.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      NAMI of El Dorado County is having a crowd sourcing fundraiser. The goal is to fund a program to help family members support a loved one with mental illness.

·      The Bicycle Advisory Committee of the South Lake Tahoe Recreation Facilities Joint Powers Authority will meet June 6 from 9-11am in the downstairs conference room at Lake Tahoe Airport.

·      Karin Holmes is now officially principal of Sierra House Elementary School.

·      The Renaissance Faire at Camp Richardson will be June 2-3 and June 9-10. Cost is $16 for adults. For tickets and more information, go online.

·      Ortovox is launching a precautionary recall of 3+ avalanche beacons running software version 2.1. This is due to a rarely occurring software error that can cause a disruption of the transmission function, potentially prolonging the search process. 

Fundraiser planned for Stateline burn victim

There will be a fundraiser May 17 for the South Lake Tahoe man who sustained third-degree burns to more than 30 percent of his body in a car shop fire last month at the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency building.

Ron Svetlik, 57, has been at UC Davis Medical Center since the April 25 accident at Ron’s Auto & Small Engine Repair on the bottom floor of the Stateline office complex. He is recovering, but it will be a long road.

Casey’s in Round Hill is hosting Thursday’s fundraiser. All proceeds from chili sales will go toward Svetlik’s medical bills. A GoFundMe account has also been established. Updates on Svetlik’s progress will be posted there.

EDC makes it easier to do business online

El Dorado County residents can now access more historical and current land management data online, reducing the need to visit county offices in person. In the coming weeks, users will also have online access to an increased level of information and functionality related to the permits to make the process even easier.

The TRAKiT system, when fully functional, will allow residents to take the steps needed to get permits and provide documentation without going to the county. It will allow users to apply for permits, pay fees, schedule inspections and track the progress of their projects online.

Four specific types of permits will be available in June. They include:

• Residential electrical

• Residential mechanical

• Residential plumbing

• Residential re-roof.

Click here to access the site.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      The book launch of Bona Fide Books’ “Permanent Vacation, Volume 2” will be June 13 at 7pm in the Aspen Room at Lake Tahoe Community College. The first volume was highly acclaimed.

·      Vintage Tahoe Clothing is now open on Ski Run Boulevard in South Lake Tahoe.

·      Nevada’s minimum wage for employees with health benefits is staying at $7.25, and at $8.25 for those without health benefits, per the Nevada Labor Commissioner. The last increase was in 2013.

·      El Dorado Arts Council’s curated exhibition of photography of sky, space, and planets opens May 25 and runs through Aug. 12 at the organization’s Fausel House Gallery, 772 Pacific St., Placerville.

·      Nevada Humanities is seeking members to serve on its board of trustees. Applications and nominations are due June 11 for three-year terms beginning Nov. 1. An application/nomination form is available online.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Lake Tahoe Humane Society is having a garage sale June 2 from 8am-3pm at the 884 Emerald Bay location in South Lake Tahoe.

·      The Douglas County Public Library in Minden will be closed on May 28 for Memorial Day. 

·      “La La Land” will be shown for free in the TADA building at South Tahoe High School on May 17 at 6:30pm.

·      The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office’s inaugural K-9 Charity Tournament will be June 16 at the Carson Valley Golf Course. Contact Priscilla Kramer at 925.876.8116 to register. 

·      By the end of May, Tahoe Mountain trails will have new signs.  The current “Angora Ridge” trail will be renamed the “Tahoe Mountain Trail” and will be a continuation of the Tahoe Mountain Trail from the north. 

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Most of Bijou Bike Park is open, with work continuing on the two large slope style lines. 

·      Lake Tahoe Humane Society has launched a giving campaign titled Paws for the Cause via the Network for Good giving site. The purpose is to start the long road back to building the organization’s financial base in order to begin to restore services.

·      The South Lake Tahoe Fire Association and South Lake Tahoe Police Officers Association are giving away bicycles to 25 pre-selected youth on May 19 at Bijou Bike Park. The California Highway Patrol is donating helmets. SLTFA will be serving hot dogs, chips and drinks at no cost to all attendees from 11am-3pm.

·      Incline Village General Improvement District’s board will have a meeting about the 2018-19 budget on May 23 at 6pm at the Chateau.

·      Douglas County School District trustees will discuss the 2018-19 budget during a public hearing on May 22, 4pm in Minden.