Parade to impact traffic in S. Lake Tahoe

South Lake Tahoe’s annual 4th of July Parade will impact traffic on Highway 50 and select side streets.

The parade, which will run from 10-11am, will be staged on Ski Run Boulevard, go west on the highway, then turn up Al Tahoe Boulevard. It will conclude at Bijou Community Park.

The two westbound lanes on Highway 50 between Ski Run and Al Tahoe will have a rolling closure. Pioneer Trail will be the best alternative.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      The deadline to comment on the Eldorado National Forest Snowmobile Plan is Aug. 6. Information is available online.

·      Fire crews from the Tahoe National Forest, CalFire and Truckee Fire were able to get a line around the Boca Fire that started at about 2:30 July 2 near Boca Dam, and hold it at about 2 acres. Helicopter 514 from CalFire was able to drop water on the fire and support the crews on the ground. This fire was likely started by shooters in the shooting range, according to Truckee police officers.

·      Meet people in the community and make new friends with Friend Speed Dating, Adults ages 50 and over are invited to a low-key social event at the Minden Library on July 21 at 11:30am. Attendees will be given a set amount of time to chat with each of the other attendees. The “getting to know you” period will be followed by food and refreshments.

·      El Dorado County supervisors are contemplating increasing the sales tax in the unincorporated area from 7.25 percent to 7.75 percent. The voters would have to approve it. This might raise $6.5 million and would be designed to offset the dollars lost if the gas tax is rescinded.

·      The Bicycle Advisory Committee of the South Lake Tahoe Recreation Facilities Joint Powers Authority will meet July 11 from 9-11am in the Downstairs Airport Conference Room at Lake Tahoe Airport.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Grover Hot Springs State Park is looking for volunteers to help remove invasive plants on July 3 from 8am-noon. RSVP to

·      Here are the El Dorado-Tahoe and Sierra roadwork schedules for the week from Caltrans.

·      The South Lake Tahoe Library will host magician Brian Scott on July 6. The free outdoor show starts at 2pm at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd. Scott combines magic, comedy, and pure fun. Bring the whole family for this outdoor performance.

·      At Emerald Bay State Park volunteers are needed to remove invasive plant species and plant native plants at the Vikingsholm Gardens on July 13, 8:30am-12:30pm. Volunteers 16 and older welcome (minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian).

State of Jefferson putting on fundraiser

The inaugural El Dorado County State of Jefferson Business Showcase & Fundraiser will be July 10 form 4-8pm at the American Legion Hall in Placerville.

This is an opportunity to visit with local business owners, participate in games of chance, the dessert auction and more.

No cost to attend.

Food and beverages will be available to purchase.

Proceeds from the event will be donated to Citizens for Fair Representation.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Mark Cooley of Reno has created a logo for Lake Tahoe Humane Society.

·      Truckee Police Department and Truckee Fire Protection District have updated the town’s evacuation guide. It is available online.

·      Work to repair Barker Pass Road on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe should be done by mid-July. U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit construction crews, supported by local contractors, are working to replace pavement in two locations at the top of the popular off-highway vehicle, Tahoe Rim Trail and Pacific Crest Trail access road. The road closure begins just beyond the Blackwood Canyon Bridge, but the road to the campground is open.

·      As part of the Libraries Rock summer reading program, the staff at the Zephyr Cove Library will teach children how to make musical instruments out of household items on July 19 from 2-4pm. All crafting supplies will be provided by the library. 

·      At the Ski California Maintenance and Operations Conference at Squaw Valley, Kevin Schmidlin of Sierra-at-Tahoe and Curtis Kezich of Heavenly Mountain Resort were named Lift Mechanics of the Year. Lift Operations Person of the Year was Brandon Swartz of Heavenly.

Warning: Fireworks are illegal in Tahoe basin

Hi this is Sallie from South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue reminding everyone not to use personal fireworks this coming 4th of July.

Not only are fireworks  illegal in the entire Tahoe  basin, but numerous fires result from their use, not to mention the severe injuries they may cause to the users. 

The South Shore area provides the locals and visitors a world-class fireworks display on the evening of July 4 at 9:45pm. This display is visible over the lake from the South Shore beaches on both the California and Nevada sides.

South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue wishes you a safe and sane 4th of July celebration.

— Sallie Ross-Filgo

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Take note of this photo. Placer County isn’t the only location with more restrictive rules for the week of July 4.

·      South Lake Tahoe City Council is having a special meeting July 2 at 9am to discuss to cannabis related items. Here is the agenda.

·      Beginning July 1, Truckee will provide free service on the Truckee TART Local Fixed Route, operating throughout Truckee, Monday-Saturday between 9am-5pm. Truckee TART Dial-a-Ride will also provide free service for ADA certified passengers as of July 1.

·      Lisa Maloff donated $25,000 to South Tahoe High School’s Performing Arts Booster Association for the purchase of musical instruments for Lake Tahoe Unified School District.

·      South Lake Tahoe Library will host In-Tune Tales on June 29. The free outdoor show starts at 2pm at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd. in South Lake Tahoe. In-Tune Tales is a musical trio from Reno that uses vocals, sound effects and musical instruments as they tell traditional folk tales and modern storybook classics.

Volunteers needed to clean Tahoe beaches

The League to Save Lake Tahoe’s largest shoreline cleanup of the year is July 5, 8:30am-noon.

The event is lakewide.
Hundreds of thousands of visitors celebrate Independence Day at Tahoe, leaving its beaches strewn with litter that harms wildlife and Lake Tahoe.

People don’t understand the concept of pack out what you pack in.

Go online to register and to find a location to help clean.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      The annual Lake Tahoe Environmental Summit is Aug. 7 at 10am at San Harbor. Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., is the host this year.

·      Controller Betty Yee this week announced an update to the Government Compensation in California website, which now includes 2017 self-reported payroll data for cities and counties.

·      Tahoe Beach and Ski Club in South Lake Tahoe is now part of LaTour Hotels & Resorts.

·      Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board expects to have a detailed discussion about affordable housing at its July or August meeting.

·      Douglas County Parks and Recreation Commission’s July 3 meeting has been canceled.

State aging commission to meet in EDC

The California Commission on Aging will be visiting El Dorado County for a special public meeting on Aug. 1 focused on services for older adults.

It will be from 9am-5pm at the El Dorado County Government Center, Building A, located at 330 Fair Lane, Placerville.

Members of the California Commission on Aging will be on hand to participate in presentations and discussions highlighting local programs, including: Senior Services Programs, Senior Peer Counseling, and an Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Project.

The primary purpose of the commission is to advance issues fundamental to ensuring healthy, purposeful and dignified longevity for all Californians.  

For questions regarding the meeting, contact Yasmin Hichborn at 530.642.4833.