Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      One of two free fishing days being offered by California Department of Fish and Wildlife is July 7 (the other is Sept. 1). While all fishing regulations – such as bag and size limits, gear restrictions, report card requirements, fishing hours and stream closures – remain in effect, anyone can fish without purchasing a fishing license.

·      The Mountain Housing Council will give an update about what it’s doing regarding affordable housing during the Truckee Chamber of Commerce meeting on July 10 from 7-8:30am at the Truckee Airport. Tickets are available online.

·      Liberty Utilities is planning outages on June 27 from 8am-4pm in the Kings Beach area along Dolly Varden and on June 29 from 8am-4pm in the Tahoma area along McKinney Creek. 

·      Marine Band San Diego Marching Band will be in the 4th of July parade in South Lake Tahoe; it starts at 10am.

·      Minden Library is showing family movies every Saturday in July at 2pm. The movies and popcorn are free. Movies are:  July 7, “Tarzan” (rated G); July 14, “The Wizard of Oz” (rated G); July 21: “The Aristocats” (rated G); and July 28, “Monsters, Inc.” (rated G).

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Placer County Supervisor Jennifer Montgomery is having a coffee chat session on June 28, 9am at Customs House – Placer County Administrative Office, Tahoe City.

·      There will be a bluegrass concert at Sugar Pine Point State Park on July 27 from 5-9pm. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 that day. Doors open at 5pm, concert at 6pm. For more info, email

·      Snowboarder Jamie Anderson of Meyers has been nominated for an ESPY in the categories of Best Female Olympian and Best Female Action Sports Athlete.

·      Skier David Wise of Reno has been nominated for an ESPY in the category of Best Male Action Sports Athlete.

·      Douglas County Public Library will be hosting a coffee tasting on July 16 at the Minden Library from 2-4pm. DST Coffee Company will give a presentation and provide free coffee samples. Baked goods will also be provided by the Main Street Baking Co.

Interacting with wildlife subject of talk

Learn how to handle wildlife encounters, whether it be while camping, hiking or in your own backyard during a talk by a Nevada Department of Wildlife’s urban wildlife coordinator.

This will be a lesson on what to do and how to react to wild animals; from raccoons and coyotes to bears and mountain lions.

This family-friendly event is free. Park entrance fees will be waived for attendees. The program will be at Spooner Lake State Park on July 7 at 7pm. Sign-ups are encouraged, but not required, by calling 775.749.5980.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      El Dorado County wants people to take this survey regarding KCRA-TV not being available on the South Shore. The survey will be up until July 9.

·      Boz Scaggs will be at MontBleu in Stateline on Sept. 21 at 8pm.

·      On the June 26 Placer County Board of Supervisors agenda is the following item: Approve a contract with the North Lake Tahoe Resort Association for tourism development services and support of Tourism Master Plan implementation strategies for up to $3,800,670 for a contract term of July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.

·      Fireworks will be shot off from West End Beach on Donner Lake at 9:30pm July 4.

·      The annual Art, Wine and Music Festival will return to the Village at Squaw Valley on July 14-15. Proceeds benefit Achieve Tahoe. For more info or to buy tickets, go online.

LTCC students receive $126,000 in scholarships

Eighty-one Lake Tahoe Community College students are receiving scholarships this year.

This is a record year for scholarship fundraising for the LTCC Foundation, with donors supporting the 120 awards worth more than $126,000.

Many of the students are continuing at LTCC to earn a two-year degree or vocational certificate. Some will attend the Lisa Maloff University Center this fall on LTCC’s campus to start work on their bachelor’s degree. More will be transferring from LTCC to earn their advanced degrees from other colleges and universities, including a variety of University of California and California State University schools.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Lake Tahoe Unified School District board of education on June 26 is expected to extend the contract of Superintendent Jim Tarwater by another year, making the contract good through June 30, 2021. He will receive a 1 percent raise retroactive to July 1, 2017.

·      South Shore businesses and agencies may obtain a no-cost onsite solar assessment with no strings attached. Interested parties are invited to schedule an assessment or lean more at a meeting on June 26 at 5:30pm at the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce board room in Stateline.

·      The California Tahoe Conservancy this month reviewed Executive Director Patrick Wright. There was no reportable action after that closed session.

·      Great Basin Institute now serves as the interpretive association for the Taylor Creek Visitors Center, offering visitor services and educational programs for the public at the South Shore facility.

·      Here are the El Dorado-Tahoe and Sierra roadwork schedules for the coming week.

TERC director to talk about state of the lake

Geoff Schladow, director of the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, will provide the annual state of the lake lecture on July 26.

He will talk about the most important factors that affected the health of Lake Tahoe last year. This is an opportunity to learn about the most pressing issues for this year and the new programs that are designed to address them.

Registration for this event is required. The program will begin at 6pm, with refreshments and no-host bar from 5:30-6pm at 291 Country Club Drive in Incline Village on the campus of Sierra Nevada College.

Cost is $5.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Bijou Community School Principal Cindy Martinez is the winner of the LTCC Foundation’s Distinguished Alumni Award for 2018. She will receive her award at Lake Tahoe Community College’s graduation ceremony on June 29 at 6pm.

·      In a letter dated June 14 from Caesars Entertainment’s global president to staff in Northern Nevada it says John Koster, regional president, “has left the company to pursue other opportunities.” Koster ran Harrah’s and Harveys at Lake Tahoe among other properties.

·      North Tahoe Public Utility District officials said, “Peak watering season is still to come and the district and our customers are already behind in meeting the 20 percent by 2020 conservation mandate.” 

·      El Dorado County is surveying residents to better understand public awareness and concerns about water use and storm water management. Here is the survey. It will be available through Aug. 31.

·      Katchafire plus E.N Young & the Imperial Sound, Notis, Heavyweight, Rockaz Sons of Zion, and DJ Treez will be at Blu Nightclub in Stateline on July 13. Doors open at 9pm. Must be at least 21 to attend. Advance tickets are available for $20, $25 day of show.

Food available at LT Boys and Girls Club

The Boys and Girls Club of Lake Tahoe has again been designated as an open site, providing breakfast and lunch at no charge to all youth 18 and younger now through Aug. 24.

The program is funded through the Summer Food Service Program, a USDA/CDE funded program. The purpose of the Summer Food Service Program is to ensure that children continue to receive a healthy meal when school is out for the summer.

The program takes place at at the club (1100 Lyons Ave.). Breakfast is served 8-9am and lunch from noon-1pm. The club is open Monday through Friday. It will be closed July 4. 

For more info, call 530.542.0838.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      “No e-bike” stickers are being posted on U.S. Forest Service trails where motorized vehicles are prohibited. 

·      Sept. 1 is the 37th annual Kirkwood Volunteer Fire Department 5K/10K Run and the 18th annual Thin Air Chili Cook-Off.

·      The Tahoe Mountain Bike Festival in Meyers in June 30-July 1. For more info, go online.

·      Colorado-based Oskar Blues Brewery has donated $5,000 to the League to Save Lake Tahoe. The company intends to provide its craft beers for volunteer events and other League activities.

·      The South Lake Tahoe Library will host Wild Things Inc. on June 22. The free outdoor show starts at 2pm at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd. Wild Things Inc. will bring a mix of wild animals and share with children a message of conservation and appreciation for wild animals.