Tahoe residents embrace the snow

Jenny Anderson, like many others in South Lake Tahoe, woke up this morning to snow on her deck.

For sending in this photo she will be receiving a Lake Tahoe News T-shirt.

"Guess we need to find our shovel!" Jenny Anderson says.

"Guess we need to find our shovel!" Jenny Anderson says.

Read this story to find out how you can get a shirt, too.

Workshop focuses on starting a business

As part of its Chamber EDucation program, the North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Sierra Economic Development Corporation is hosting a “How to Start a Business” workshop Oct. 13 from noon to 1:30pm at Mourelatos Lakeshore Resort, 6834 North Lake Tahoe Blvd., Tahoe Vista.

Deadline to register is Oct. 11.

This workshop taught by Brent Smith of the Sierra Economic Development Corporation will assist attendees in minimizing their risks and walk them through the steps in the business start-up process. They’ll also learn about free resources.

The cost is $55/person, and participants need to bring their own lunch. To register, call the Sierra Economic Development Corporation at (530) 823.4703 or email info@sedcorp.biz.

STPUD candidates’ forum

The Employee Communication Committee at South Tahoe Public Utility District is sponsoring a candidate forum for the candidates for the board of directors on Oct. 12 from 7-8:30pm.

The forum will be at the board meeting room located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe.

The public is invited to attend.

2-day QuickBooks seminar

As part of its Chamber EDucation program, the North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Sierra Economic Development Corporation is hosting a two-day QuickBooks seminar Oct. 11 and Oct. 18, 9am-4pm.

Sign in starts at 8:30am both days at the North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 North Lake Blvd. in Kings Beach.

Deadline to register is Oct. 7.

This seminar is geared for owners and/or financial managers of small businesses. Attendees will learn the fundamentals of the QuickBooks accounting software, how to set-up and understand the accounting system, the simplest way to track income and expenses and how to use financial reports to improve their profitability. Mac users are welcome and laptops are not required for the program.

The cost is $225/person and includes 12 hours of instruction and handbook. To register, call the Sierra Economic Development Corporation at (530) 823.4703 or email info@sedcorp.biz.

Control burns in multiple South Shore locations

U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews are scheduled to begin prescribed fire operations near Meyers, on the south side of the intersection of Pioneer Trail and Highway 50, today.

USFSThe project area is approximately 60 acres. Prescribed fire operations will also continue in the Angora Fire area near Tahoe Mountain and Forest Mountain Roads.

In addition, operations are scheduled to begin in the Bayview area near Emerald Bay on approximately 50 acres.

All of these operations may continue through the week, weather permitting.

Residents and visitors can expect to see smoke from these prescribed fire project areas and smoke may be visible on Highway 50 in Meyers, and Highway 89 near Emerald Bay, as well as near the Angora Fire area.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources.

State and local fire management agencies may also be conducting prescribed fire work during this period.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

best friends• Tahoe Best Friends is hosting a Dog Howl’oween Party and Parade on Oct. 29 at 2:30pm at 2197 Ruth Ave. (off Third Street) in South Lake Tahoe. Dogs and humans should come in costume.

• Brad Wilson is general manager of Diamond Peak.

• The Family Resource Center is taking orders for its tamale fundraiser. Call (530) 542.0740 by Oct. 10 at noon for information and to put in an order.

• Svadhyaya Yoga Studio in Zephyr Cove is offering free (donations accepted) Akido self-defense class on Oct. 21 from 5:30-6:30pm. Call (775) 588.8607 for more information.

• Mount Tallac High is having a Community Open House on Oct. 12 from 8:30-11am for community members and families to visit the school and see learning in action.

Learn how to sell your business

As part of its Chamber EDucation program, the North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Sierra Economic Development Corporation is hosting a “Thinking of Selling Your Business” workshop Oct. 12 from noon-1:30pm at Mourelatos Lakeshore Resort, 6834 North Lake Tahoe Blvd., Tahoe Vista.

Deadline to register is Oct. 7.

This workshop is designed for those thinking of taking the leap and selling their business or perhaps have received an offer they can’t refuse. Attendees will learn about the planning, preparation, communications and execution when selling their business that will lead to a positive, profitable life transition.

The presenter is David Frazier, a partner at B2B CFO, the largest financial consulting firm in the country with 184 partners in 39 states. Prior to B2B CFO, Frazier spent more than 25 years in various executive positions in finance and operations at large publicly traded companies.

The cost is $55/person, and participants need to bring their own lunch. To register, call the Sierra Economic Development Corporation at (530) 823.4703 or email info@sedcorp.biz.

Time to locate water, gas valves before winter

Now that the autumn months are upon us, it’s a good time to locate and label, or visually indicate, where your water and gas shut-off valves are.

sltfdDo this inside and outside of your home. Then, when the snow flies again, and the possibility of frozen and buried pipes occurs, we will be able to quickly minimize any damage to your property.

— Sallie Ross-Filgo, SLTFD

East Coast protests spreading to Reno

All of the recent protests on Wall Street are spreading across the country.

Demonstrators will be in Reno on Oct. 5 starting at noon at UNR.

More information about Occupy Reno is on the group’s website.

Halloween event at S. Tahoe Denny’s

Spooky Night is Oct. 5 from 6-10pm at Denny’s in South Lake Tahoe.

It is for the whole for family, with the first 100 kids getting a free pumpkin courtesy of Corley Ranch.

The actors from “Terror in Tahoe” will be on hand to make the evening fun and spooky.

Twenty percent of the proceeds will benefit the Clean Tahoe Program and the Dinner Table Project.

Call Clean Tahoe at (530) 544.4210 if you have questions.