S. Tahoe library putting on a royal party

Friends of the Library is having a royal Princess Party on Oct. 22 at 2 pm.

Wear royal attire, including crowns, tiaras and diamonds. Games, crafts and refreshments will be available.

Call (530) 573.3185 for additional information.

South Lake Tahoe Branch Library is at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.

Toy drive benefits Christmas Cheer

The 21st annual Lake Tahoe Toy Run on Oct. 1 benefits Christmas Cheer.

Line up at Horizon Casino in Stateline at 10am. Expect to depart at noon for Flight Deck at Lake Tahoe Airport.

There will be music, food, drinks and a raffle from noon-8pm.

Entry fee is one new toy.

For more information, call Mary Luckel at (530) 541.4332 or (530) 416.4166.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

ltcc• A team of accreditation officials will be roaming around Lake Tahoe Community College in October. The college first had to do a self-study. This is something the college goes through every six years.

• Professor Katie Zanto of Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village won the 2011 Outdoor Hero award for her work founding the Adventure Risk Challenge Program.

Walk the Block is a program by Barton Health with the two K-12 South Shore school districts encouraging fitness. This is part of the larger We Can! Program.

• James Pirtle, 1975 Douglas High grad, is an attorney in Seattle who has set up a blog to help with the defense of a war criminal in Uganda.

• Sierra is the name of long-grain basmati rice that is trying to challenge the markets of India and Pakistan. However, the name does not reflect where it’s grown. It’s from Beaumont, Texas.

Lakeview Commons project subject of talk

Ray Lacey, deputy director of California Tahoe Conservancy, and Hilary Hodges, director of Development Services for South Lake Tahoe, will be at the South Lake Tahoe Branch Library on Sept. 28 at 6:30pm to discuss Lakeview Commons, the community and civic development currently under construction at El Dorado Beach.

They will talk about the origins of the project, its current progress, and how the final result is expected to look.

For additional information about the free program, call (530) 573.3185.

The library is at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.

Douglas County group formed to work on basin water issues

Douglas County is forming an advisory work group led by local residents and county staff to assist the county in developing short and long term strategies in dealing with Lake Tahoe Basin water issues and challenges.

The group will be conducted as a partnership between the county and a number of volunteer community residents with keen knowledge of the issues, and requisite expertise and experience to accomplish the work. The group is expected to make specific recommendations to the county manager by Jan. 31, 2012.

The initial members include Doug Patterson, Ron Alling, Cameron McKay, Darryl Harris, Lynn Endicutt, Greg Ott, Steve Kenninger, Rick Gardner, Ben Sharit and Mike Hashemi, all residents of the Tahoe basin who have been involved in water related issues.

The work group is expected to release interim reports prior to submission of its final recommendations.

A look at the memorial being built in NY; TV special on ‘Women at Ground Zero’

It was 10 years ago today the the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York were destroyed.

This video explains what is being built on the site today.

Tonight at 9 on CNN is a special based on the book “Woman at Ground Zero” — 10 years later.

Grandparents earn their day of recognition

In 1970, Marian McQuade began a campaign to set aside a special day just for grandparents. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a presidential proclamation, designating the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day.

The first official observance was Sept. 9, 1979 — and has been celebrated every year since. In honor of our nation’s grandparents, the Census Bureau presents an array of statistics about the role they play in our lives.

In 2009 there were 6.7 million children younger than 18 living with their grandparents.

The number of grandparents responsible for caring for their grandchildren for at least the past five years – 1 million.

Expect delays if driving on I-80

Because of paving operations, traffic on eastbound Interstate 80 will be restricted to one lane. Delays of 10-20 minutes can be expected.

The restrictions are as follows:

caltrans• Motorists on eastbound I-80 will be restricted to one lane from 6pm Sept. 11 to 9am Sept. 12 from Carpenter Flat Road to Cisco Grove.

• Motorists on eastbound I-80 will be restricted to one lane from 6pm Sept. 12 to 9am Sept. 13 from Carpenter Flat Road to Cisco Grove

• Sept. 12–15, motorists on eastbound I-80 will be restricted to one lane from Cisco Grove to Hampshire Rock Road from 5am-6pm.

Caltrans says the lane restrictions are necessary to facilitate paving operations on the $167 million Emigrant Gap concrete rehabilitation project.

Youth get an education about why school is important

The Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe joins 4,000 clubs across the country with a focus on making sure youth have the support and motivation to stay in school and graduate from high school.

The Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe will continue to ensure that our youth know that pursuing a higher education or trade certificate is the next step. The local club recently hosted a creative careers symposium that showed teens how important it is to get an education in order to pursue your dreams for the future. Local business members and entrepreneurs engaged the members with inspiring stories of how they pursued their career paths.

Jeanette Minier speaks at Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club. Photo/Provided

Jeanette Minier speaks at Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club. Photo/Provided

Presenters were: Jeanette Minier, artist and sign designer; Gina Stowell, artist; Travis Parker, professional snowboarder; Donna Vano, Guinness world record holder; Drew Little, Tall Ships engineer; Casey O’Neil, Workforce Investment Act coordinator; Ryan Cassidy, Boys & Girls Club program leader and professional musician; and Mike Tillson and Enrique Perez, USFS/Generation Green supervisors.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

slt• On a motion by then City Councilman Bill Crawford, the South Lake Tahoe City Council on a 5-0 vote shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, approved $2,500 be sent to New York City for relief efforts.

• El Dorado County supervisors will visit Tahoe for their only 2011 meeting at the lake on Oct. 11 at 9am at Lake Tahoe Airport.

• My Reading Buddy – which has children reading to dogs – has two locations on the South Shore. Check out the fall schedule.

• Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is taking nominations for its Blue Ribbon Awards through Oct. 14. Winners will be announced Nov. 17.

• South Lake Tahoe author and eco-activist George Drake will be taking the Climate Ride Challenge in October by bicycling more than 320 miles in five days down the coast of California in an effort to raise awareness on sustainability issues.

• Here is Caltrans’ Sierra roadwork schedule for next week and here is the El Dorado-Tahoe schedule.