Placer County looking for nonprofits to give money to

The Placer County Fish and Game Commission is soliciting grant proposals from nonprofit organizations, schools, or other individuals or organizations.

To be eligible, an organization has to use the money for education, environmental or habitat improvement, or enforcement activities. The use of the money must be related to Placer County’s fish and wildlife. The maximum award amount of any single grant is $1,000.

Grants are available for projects consistent with the intent of California Fish and Game Code, Section 13103. The deadline to submit grant applications is Oct. 1.

For an application or additional information, please contact: Ed King, Placer County Agriculture Department, 11477 E Ave., Auburn, CA 95603-2799 or call (530) 889.7372.

LTFAC meeting in Incline

The Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee meets from 9am to noon on Aug. 23 at the Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences located at 291 Country Club Drive, Incline Village.

LTFAC will address issues related to federal activities at Lake Tahoe.

Items on the agenda include a summary of the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act Round 12 secondary list, a discussion of the role of LTFAC in the future, and a public comment period.

LTFAC consists of 20 members representing a broad array of constituencies.

For more information on the Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee, go online.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

wagner• Jack Wagner reportedly used his $125,000 winnings from the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship at Edgewood Tahoe to buy a 6-carat diamond ring for Heather Locklear.

• Let’s Read Together Storytime is at the South Lake Tahoe branch library (1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.) on Sept. 10, Oct. 8 and Nov. 12 at 11am. This is for children ages 2-5 and their adults.

• Weight Watchers has returned to the South Shore. Meetings are every Wednesday, with a 5:30pm weigh-in and 6pm meeting. Meet at 100 McFaul Way, Ste. B, Zephyr Cove. This is behind the Round Hill Safeway.

• Lake Tahoe made’s list of 10 most affordable ski destinations.

• Barton Auxiliary blood drive is Oct. 1 from 11am-6pm at the South Lake Tahoe library, 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.

Expect long delays crossing Carson Pass

Highway 88 is closed at Carson Pass from 10am-1pm Monday through Friday through Sept. 20.

caltransCaltrans is blasting in the area.

Delays of up to two hours are expected.

Origami classes at South Lake Tahoe library

Learn to make easy, movable origami figures at the South Lake Tahoe branch library — 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.

There are two classes Aug. 27 — 1-2pm and 2-3 pm. Come for one, stay for both.

Supplies will be provided. Must be at least in third grade.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

tada• Celebration of Education by the Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation is Aug. 26 from 5-7pm at South Tahoe High School. Tours of the Theater Arts & Design Academy will be given. This event is free and open to the public.

• Employees from the San Francisco and Silicon Valley offices of California Technologies took a road trip to Lake Tahoe to help build sections of the Rim to Reno Trail System on Aug. 13.

• Money is available for those with cycling interests. Grant deadline is Aug. 26.

• Barton’s Skilled Nursing Facility is seeking energetic and enthusiastic volunteers to lead an hour of enjoyment and entertainment for their residents from 4 to 5pm. If interested, call Maureen Froyum at (530) 543.5533.

• South Tahoe is conducting a Bijou neighborhood meeting on Aug. 23 at 6:30pm Bijou Community School.

• Here is Caltrans’ Sierra roadwork schedule for next week. And this is the Tahoe roadwork schedule.

Cocktail contest raises money for Barton Foundation

Barton Foundation’s annual Signature Cocktail Contest is Sept. 8 from 5:30-8pm at Riva Grill in South Lake Tahoe. Must be at least 21 to attend.

The contest is the kick off to the Festival of Trees and Lights which is the first weekend in December at MontBleu in Stateline. Both events benefit the expansion and renovation of Barton’s Community Clinic.

Taste specialty cocktails by local mixologists, heavy appetizers, music from Cool Black Kettle. Watch our local “celebrities” ham it up while they vote for “Best Cocktail,” and then cast your ballot for “Most Congenial Bartender.”

Tickets are $25 through Sept. 7 and $30 at the door. Purchase them online or call (530) 543.5614.

Book discussions at South Tahoe library

The third Wednesday of each month Friends of the Library meet to discuss a wide variety of critically acclaimed books.

Each meeting is at 3pm in the library conference room at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.

Aug. 17 — “Shanghai Girls” by Lisa See

Sept. 21 — :Saving Fish From Drowning” by Amy Tan

Oct. 19 — “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand

Nov. 16 — “The Heretic’s Daughter” by Kathleen Kent.

Reading, signing of book about Fallen Leaf Lake

Author Janet Kaidantzis will sign her book “Fallen Leaf, A Lake and its People: at the Lake Tahoe Museum on Aug. 19 form 3-6pm.

The cover says, “From the Washoe to the pioneering families of Nathan Gilmore, Lucky Baldwin and William Price to the artists, academics and craftsmen of the early community, Fallen Leaf Lake drew people to its natural beauty who left a legacy in stories, legends and land.” Kaidantzis and Bill Craven will answer questions about the past at Fallen Leaf Lake.

The museum is at 3058 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.

Heavenly gives $20,000 in college scholarships

For the 10th year in a row, Heavenly Mountain Resort awarded five recent high school graduates with $4,000 to continue their college education.

The scholars are:

· Jessica Levine graduated from South Tahoe High School and plans to attend UC Santa Cruz. She received a Heavenly Employee Dependent Scholarship. She plans to major in psychology.

· Althia Torres-Monzalo graduated from Whittell High School and plans to attend UNR, majoring in photography.

· Tiffany Racz graduated from South Tahoe High School and plans to attend Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She plans to major in environmental engineering.

· Sierra Bertolone-Smith graduated from Douglas High School and plans to attend Lewis and Clark College. She plans to major in biochemistry.

· Allyson Woods graduated from South Tahoe High School and plans to attend Cal Poly. She plans to major in business administration and finance.

The Heavenly Mountain Resort Community Scholarship Program is part of Vail Resorts ECHO, Vail Resorts’ social responsibility and environmental stewardship program. For charitable giving, the company focuses on local programs that assist youths and the environment, which are seen as the community’s greatest assets for future growth and prosperity.