Boot camp for business owners

A business boot camp for entrepreneurs and small businesses will be all day Sept. 27-29 in South Lake Tahoe.

The boot camp is designed to build your business and help you create your business plan.

This three-day course that will cover market analysis, marketing strategies, finances, business law, pitfalls of small business and more.

For information or to register, call (775) 588.1728, ext. 303 or email

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

caltrans• This is Caltrans’ Sierra roadwork schedule for the next week. Here is the Tahoe roadwork schedule.

• Anesthesiologist Pat Baghdikian joined the ranks of the Barton teadership Team as co-manager of the surgery department with registered nurse Shelly Stalter.

• Ginny Sutter-Bremson Memorial Golf Tournament, a benefit for the Lake Tahoe Humane Society and S.P.C.A., is Sept. 11. Deadline to enter is Aug. 5. Contact Chuck Bremson,, (530) 308.5760 for info and to register.

• The National Physique Committee sanctioned amateur bodybuilding, figure, bikini and fitness championship the Tahoe Show on Aug. 27 at MontBleu in Stateline will be hosted by Ton Jones of Spike TV’s “Auction Hunters”.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

fitness• Anytime Fitness is looking to open a second Lake Tahoe gym. According to an employee at the Zephyr Cove facility, negotiations are under way for the Minnesota-based company to lease the Tahoe Daily Tribune building in South Lake Tahoe.

• Barton Foundation’s 17th annual Golf Tournament and fundraiser grossed nearly $34,000 for the Community Health Endowment. Briggs Matsko from Lincoln Financial Advisors made the first hole-in-one in the tournament’s 17-year history.

• While Jackson Rancheria Casino invests $100 million in restaurants, slot machines and other amenities, it is laying off 150 workers – about 10 percent of its staff.

• Tamarack Chairlift at Heavenly is open for hiking.

• Participation this summer at Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club is up 30 percent.

Volunteering pays off for LTEF

By Nancy Rollston

Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation and South Tahoe High School teens volunteered at the American Century Golf Tournament on July 15. The teens distributed appreciation plaques to amateur participants in each foursome as they finished the 9th and 18th holes. The amateurs were surprised by the presentations and appreciated the photographic mementos.

Teen volunteers had the opportunity to meet the celebrities and were rewarded with many autographs and kind words as well as having the opportunity to participate in community service.

The Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation will receive a generous donation from Livestrong through LTVA for their participation. This donation will enable the foundation to buy musical instruments for school orchestras in Lake Tahoe Unified School District.

Nancy Rollston is president of the LTEF board.

Public workshops precede annual Tahoe enviro summit

The public is invited to provide policy recommendations to state and federal elected officials attending the Environmental Summit on Aug. 16 in Homewood.

The roundtable discussions Aug. 3 and Aug. 4 are an opportunity for the public to give their input as to policy recommendations to officials who will be at the summit. (The 9-11:30am summit is open to the public, too.)

The workshops are:

Aug. 3 3-5pm and 6-8pm at Inn by the Lake, South Lake Tahoe;

Aug. 4 10am-noon at Granlibakken Resort, Tahoe City and 3-5pm, North Tahoe Events Center, Kings Beach.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

bakery• Sugar Pine Bakery has opened a second location on Emerald Bay Road in South Tahoe.

• Parking at Push Fitness in South Lake is about to get better as the gym expands the slab of asphalt to the vacant lot next door.

• The eighth annual Downtown Truckee Wine, Walk & Shop set for Oct. 1 is seeking merchant participation and event sponsors. For more information, call (530) 550.2252.

• The Pony Express re-enactment is expected to ride through the South Shore Aug. 26, stopping at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe about 11:30am.

• Jonathan T. Finnoff is the newest doctor at Tahoe Orthopedics and Sports Medicine on the South Shore.

LTCC fire academy orientation

Lake Tahoe Community College’s mandatory orientation for the 2011-12 Lake Tahoe Basin Fire Academy is Aug. 1.

academyNo reservations required. Simply show up with a pen at 6pm at the Student Center at LTCC. Attendance at this meeting is required to be eligible for the lottery to select students for the 2011-12 academy.

For information, call (530) 541.4660, ext. 583 or 554.

STHS gridiron fund-raising goal inches closer to reality

There are about two weeks left to donate to the Friday Night Lights project at South Tahoe High as part of the Heavenly Mountain Resort-South Tahoe Alliance of Resorts matching challenge.

Heavenly and STAR pledged to match the community up to $20,000 to help put in lights at the South Tahoe football field.

ltusd-football-150x150The community is a little more than halfway.

More than $1.2 million is either pledged or in hand, and only another $216,242 is needed to reach the goal for Phase 1.

For more information on how to donate, contact Angie Keil at (530) 541.2850, ext. 225 or go online.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

cole• South Lake Tahoe Mayor Hal Cole will give a state of the city address Oct. 20 at 6pm at Lake Tahoe Airport.

• Chase International real estate agents Joshua Talayka and Edee Campbell were the only two from their profession to be selected to serve on the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Program’s advisory committee. Selected by the Nevada Supreme Court, they will serve with 12 other professionals from various fields and backgrounds.

• Proponents of legalized recreational use of marijuana have been given the green light to begin gathering the nearly 505,000 signatures they’ll need to put the measure on the ballot in 2012.

• Kirkwood Mountain Resort is working with the U.S. Forest Service on a proposal to expand its mountain bike park. Comments should be sent to Micki Smith at

• Steve Brooks, doctor with Barton Family Practice, will talk about heart disease on Sept. 21 from 6-7pm at Kahle Community Center in Stateline. For more information, call (530) 543.5656.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

bluego• What do think about BlueGo, the bus service on the South Shore? Take this online survey to let officials know your answers.

• For the first time in Burning Man’s 25-year history tickets sold out before the event started.

• Tahoe City resident Tamara Fritz has been fined $35,000 by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency for illegally constructing a pier extension. Her spread is the locale for the annual Oscar de la Renta Fashion Show fundraiser for the League to Save Lake Tahoe. This year’s event is Aug. 6 from 11am-2pm.

• The World Series of Poker, which starts in September, will be at Harveys in Stateline Nov. 10-21.

• Send suggestions for Lake Tahoe News’ question of the week to