Snippets about Lake Tahoe

park• Sugar Pine Point State Park is going to bring its facilities into ADA compliance. The West Shore state park is seeking bids on the project until July 20. Engineers expect the work needed to cost about a half million dollars.

• The South Lake Tahoe City Council anticipates voting July 12 on an entity to run the city’s ice rink, with transfer of responsibility occurring  Aug. 1.

• South Lake Tahoe Parks and Recreation Department is looking to use inmates from the county jail to do unskilled tasks.

• Tony Romo, quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys, is co-favorite with Rick Rhoden to win the 22nd annual American Century Championship celebrity golf tournament next month in Stateline. Golf Digest magazine ranked Romo as the No. 1 pro athlete golfer in the country in 2009.

• Kristi Laguzza-Boosman will start July 5 working in TRPA’s PR department.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

sup• Stand-up paddle boarders – kids to those with gray hair – are participating in races each Wednesday starting about 6pm at Regan Beach in South Lake Tahoe.

• North Tahoe Public Utility District has hired William Stelter as manager of Planning and Engineering. For the last 10 years he has been a design and project engineer for Gary Davis Group in Tahoe City.

• Douglas County wants feedback on its website. This is the link to the survey.

• El Dorado County has tips for beating the heat.

• A new attraction at the July 29-30 South Tahoe Wooden Boat Classic at Tahoe Keys Marina in South Lake Tahoe will be a kit boat built by Tahoe City Boy Scout Troop No. 266 which will be on display in the entertainment expo area.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

boat• South Tahoe Wooden Boat Classic (July 29-30) at Tahoe Keys Marina in South Lake Tahoe has discount tickets at any Raley’s, Nob Hill, or Bel Air market in California and Nevada. Tickets at the stores are $15 – a $5 savings. Kids 12 and under are free.

• El Dorado County’s 2010-11 Grand Jury report does not have anything scathing to say about South Lake Tahoe this year.

• Straw Hat pizza has opened in Harveys casino at Stateline.

• John Poell has been promoted to battalion chief and fire marshal at Lake Valley Fire Protection District.

• Census: The ratio of married-to-unmarried couples is 9-to-1 in El Dorado and Placer counties.

Help for students needing to obtain GED

Do you need your GED or do you know someone who does?

Susie Meier, a former GED instructor and examiner, will assess your skill level through a series of pretests – for free.

Then she will assign a course of study to ensure success in all five academic areas: science, social studies, reading, writing and math.

For information and to schedule a session, call (530) 721.1506 or email

Rotarians provide leadership training for students

More than 100 students, including six from Whittell High School, participated in a five-day Rotary Youth Leadership Awards leadership camp to focus on developing interpersonal skills, leadership, team-building, and ethics in a fun and supportive environment.

The Whittell students were sponsored by the Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club to participate in one of two camps organized by Rotary Districts 5180 and 5190 for students from Northern Nevada and northeastern California.

The students, who will graduate in 2012, participated in group activities, spent an entire day on a ropes challenge course, and heard motivational speakers.

Whittell students get leadership training through Rotarians. Photo/Provided

Whittell students get leadership training through Rotarians. Photo/Provided

Rotarians and non-Rotarians serve as camp counselors and facilitators and work closely with the camp’s professional staff from Sierra Nevada Journeys.

July Fourth events last 4 days in Incline

Incline Village takes things to the next level with their traditional Red, White & Tahoe Blue festivities scheduled for July 1-4, which includes patriotic chalk drawing contest, opening ceremonies with a tribute to veterans, doggie dress-up contest, beer tasting and brats, brunch with Shakespeare, firecracker trail trek and free fireworks July 4 at 9:30pm off Incline Beach.

For more information, go online.

Tour focuses on gardens of LTCC employees

The 2011 Garden Tour put on by the Lake Tahoe Historical Society is July 31 from 10am-4pm.

The theme will be “Learning More About Gardening.” Music and refreshments will be at the Ledbetter Terrace at Lake Tahoe Community College in South Lake Tahoe.

Four of the gardens on the tour belong to current or former employees of LTCC.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased after July 1 at the museum (3058 Lake Tahoe Blvd.) or at Aspen Hollow, Nels Garden Center, Sun Basin and Tahoe Outdoor Living.

Washoe Tribe festival at Tallac Site

The Washoe Tribe’s 21st annual Wa She Shu It Deh Native American Arts Festival is July 23-24 at the Tallac Historic Site on the South Shore

The festival features a basket weaving competition, native dancers, music, and arts and crafts.

Admission is free.

For more information, call 800.792.2746.

Supervisor changes in Eldorado National Forest

Ramiro Villalvazo as of this week is no longer supervisor of the Eldorado National Forest. He is now regional dirctor of Public Services in Vallejo.

Tony Valdes, currently Eldorado National Forest resources staff officer, will be acting forest supervisor for the next four weeks until a longer term acting supervisor is appointed.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

edc• Here is current information on El Dorado County’s redistricting plans and time line for adoption.

• Three Reno pool teams are headed to Las Vegas for the American Poolplayer Association’s national team championships Aug. 18-27. The 9-Ball team is Too Sober to Play, and the 8-Ball teams are The Murphs and Morelli’s Marauders.

• Here are the junior livestock results from the El Dorado County Fair, as well as the livestock top sales.

• The Great American Campout is June 25.

• Jennifer Ehmann, doctor with Barton Pediatrics, will be talking about children’s health on Aug. 23 from 6:30-7:30pm at Kahle Community Center in Stateline. For more information, call (530) 543.5656.