Snippets about Lake Tahoe

black bear• Check out where Sunset magazine thinks people should be putting their head at night in the Tahoe-Truckee area.

• Weather – as in all that snow – has pushed the 55th annual Tevis Cup Western States Trail Ride in Placer County from July 16 to Oct. 8.

• Reno’s Pancake Laboratories’ Facebook app ShortStack is featured in this month’s issue of INC magazine. The app allows businesses to create customized Facebook tabs.

• June 23 from 11am-4pm TAMBA, Big Blue Adventure and the U.S. Forest Service are hosting a trail workday to begin construction on a singletrack connector trail above Tahoe City. More info is online.

• Tahoe Rim Trail Association has weekly trail building days: Daggett Summit on Tuesdays and Saturdays through Oct. 15, and Rim to Reno on Thursdays and Saturdays July 16-Oct. 15.

• Lakeside Beach Grill (4108 Lakeshore Blvd., South Lake Tahoe) is having a fundraiser from 3-9pm June 8 for the Tahoe Tallac Association and the 2011 Valhalla Art and Music Festival. Tickets are $45.

USFS has 2 controlled burn projects planned

U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews will continue prescribed fire operations on Kingsbury Grade near North Benjamin through June 10. In addition, operations will begin June 8 on the northwest shore of Lake Tahoe near Carnelian Bay Road in the Carnelian Bay area.

The operations at Carnelian Bay are on one small unit, approximately 4 acres, and are expected to continue through June 9.

All prescribed fire operations are dependent on weather and available staffing.

Residents and visitors can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

ski run• Ski Run Marina in conjunction with Tahoe Sport Fishing is offering complimentary boat valet service through Labor Day — weather permitting. Hours of operation are 10:30am to dusk.

• Genoa Station Bar & Grill is planning to go in the old Tahoe Ridge Winery building in Genoa.

• Tombstone Tap and Grill is replacing the old Inn Cognito building in Genoa. It is currently undergoing a major remodel.

• Barton and Renown health care systems have delayed the launch of the electronic medical record system to a year from now. It had been planned to go live in November.

• The interior remodel of Raley’s in Carson Valley should be done June 27.

Caregiving class in South Lake Tahoe

Caregiving is a difficult and often challenging role that one can undertake, and taking the opportunity to share information and feel connected to others who are providing care is a vital step to perform this task to the best of your ability.

Take the opportunity on June 9 from 5:30-7:30pm at the South Lake Tahoe Senior Center, 3050 Highway 50, South Lake Tahoe to become connected and rejuvenated at your local support group.

Refreshments will be served.

Free respite care is available to qualified caregivers. Pre-authorization is required for respite services. Questions? Contact the Family Caregiver Support Program at (530) 621.6151.

Ski Run Boulevard ready to spruce up the street

The Friends of Ski Run will be hosting the second annual Spring Ski Run Cleanup Day on June 11 from 11am-12:30pm. Anyone interested in helping keep Ski Run looking topnotch should meet at the Blue Angel Cafe at 1132 Ski Run Blvd. before 11am.

Lunch will be provided to volunteers, thanks to the Blue Angel Cafe.

FoSR will provide gloves and trash bags.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

douglas• When the Douglas County commissioners approved the 2011-12 budget in May it meant laying off 12 employees and not filling six positions.

• Gordon Boettger of Minden set a Northern Hemisphere record in May when he flew 1,401 miles by himself in a sailplane. The previous record was 1,367 miles.

• Because of the outbreak of the equine herpes virus EHV-1 the National Pony Express Association is postponing its annual reenactment of the famous ride from St. Joseph, Mo., to Sacramento from June to August. It still plans to come through the South Shore.

• Nevada County in May became the ninth California county affected by the European grapevine moth quarantine. Most of the affected area in the state is in Napa County.

• The 62nd anniversary run of the Highway 50 Wagon Train started June 4. It runs through June 12. Go online for more information.

• Here is Caltrans’ Sierra roadwork schedule for the coming week.

• Here is Caltrans’ Lake Tahoe roadwork schedule for the coming week.

Minden airport center of high-altitude research

Douglas County’s Minden-Tahoe Airport is preparing to host a series of landmark test flights in spring and summer 2012 by the Perlan Project.

The project, currently in phase two, has a goal of designing and building a high-altitude research glider to study the meteorological impact of a jet stream that circles the Polar Regions during the polar night called the “polar vortex.”

Contact Bobbi Thompson at the airport (775.782.9871) to learn more about the project.

Landscape workshops for Spanish speakers

Tahoe Green Landscaper Workshop series will focus on conservation landscaping techniques for Spanish speaking landscapers and contractors.

Topics include: soils, irrigation, integrated pest management and more.

The dates are June 21-23 and June 28-30. The first week is from 4:30-6:30pm, the second is from 4:30-7:30pm.

To register or to get more information, go online.

Kingsbury Grade prescribed burn to continue for several days

U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews will continue prescribed fire operations on Kingsbury Grade near North Benjamin through the weekend and next week, weather and staff permitting.

Residents and visitors can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources.

State and local fire management agencies may also be conducting prescribed fire work during this period.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

ren faire• The annual Ren Faire at Camp Richardson is June 4-5 and June 11-12 from 10am-6pm.

• Squaw Valley may not have fresh powder like it did Memorial Day weekend, but it will be open July 2-4, 8am-2pm for skiers/snowboarders.

• Thunderbird Lodge is open for public tours Tuesdays through Saturdays until mid-October.

• The American Pyrotechnics Association rates South Shore’s Fourth of July fireworks celebration one of the Top 5 displays in the nation.

• Tahoe Donner Association paid Truckee Donner Public Utility District $775,000 for the 160-acre McGlashan Springs parcel to keep it open space. The property is adjacent to the 240-acre Bucknam Tract the association bought a year ago.