KGID looking at raising water rates

Water rates in Kingsbury General Improvement District are proposed to go up 3.08 percent starting July 1.

Information about the proposal is available at 160 Pineridge Drive, Stateline. There will also be a public meeting June 21 at 6pm at the same address. The board is expected to vote on the issue that night.

The current rate is $65 month for residential customers. That would go up to $67.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report

North Lake Tahoe defensible space evaluations beginning

The North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District is gearing up for defensible space evaluations, tree marking and chipping services for the 2011 season.

These programs will start as soon as the snow melts and bare ground is completely visible on your property. What this means is that people living in the lower elevations will be able to take advantage of these services before folks living in the higher elevations. It is mandatory that the checklist items on the Defensible Space Checklist are completed prior to obtaining a tree removal permit.

Defensible space evaluations will be begin, weather permitting, the first week of June. Chipping services will also begin the first week of June, also weather permitting. The fire district will notify folks that have requested chipping services prior to visiting their homes.

To request a defensible space evaluation or chipping service, call (775) 831.0351, ext. 8118 and leave your name, phone number, address and service requested.

USFS to show off Spooner Summit Fire Station

The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is having open house at the new Spooner Summit Fire Station from 11am-1pm on June 1.

Staff will be on hand to answer questions about the green construction techniques used in the fire station, the Spooner Summit fuels reduction project, USFS Engine 44 and Patrol 44, and the job of a wildland firefighter. Smokey Bear will make a guest appearance.

The Spooner Summit Fire Station is located at 2367 Highway 50. For more information on the open house, call Cheva Heck at (530) 543.2608 or Lisa Herron at (530) 543.2815.

Collecting items to send to soldiers overseas

This spring a 300-member unit of the Northern Nevada National Guard was deployed to Afghanistan. Although the name of the unit is Northern Nevada, it also includes soldiers from the California side of the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Sue Jackson of the American Legion Post 795 South Lake Tahoe is heading up the project to send packages from the Lake Tahoe Basin to this unit. Members of the Boys & Girls Club recently wrote letters and made heartfelt cards expressing their appreciation for these folks.

Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club members write to the troops. Photo/Provided

Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club members write to the troops. Photo/Provided

You can help too by donating something for these packages. Suggestions include: personal letters and cards of gratitude and appreciation, phone cards, sports balls, toiletries, CDs, DVDs, and T-shirts, baseball caps and other souvenirs with Lake Tahoe printed on items.

Monetary donations are welcome to assist the American Legion in covering the cost of shipping. Drop off your donations at the Boys & Girls Club (1100 Lyons Ave.) 2-6pm Monday-Friday until May 31.

For more information, contact the Boys & Girls Club at (530) 542.0838 or Sue Jackson (530) 544.4007.

Rest area on I-80 to be closed briefly

Caltrans will be closing the Gold Run Safety Roadside Rest Area on Interstate 80 eastbound on May 24 from 6:30am to 4pm and westbound May 25 from 6:30am to 4pm

This is for routine plumbing service and repairs. Signs will be posted to alert the traveling public.

The Gold Run SRRA will be open for the Memorial Day Weekend travelers.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

heavenly gondola• Heavenly Mountain Resort is offering a summer pass to ride the gondola for $52.

• Tahoe Center for Orthopedics and Barton Health are offering free student sports physicals to South Tahoe and Whittell high school, and Pop Warner athletes playing fall, winter and spring sports. The event will take place on June 8 from 4-6pm at Barton Family Medicine. For more information, call (530) 543.5660.

• South Tahoe Public Utility District board members have a special meeting May 24 at 10am at the district office to discuss and take action on the possibility of raising water rates effective July 1.

• Tom Davis, board member of Christmas Cheer, says the shelves are bare. The nonprofit is providing food to about 1,000 families a month, whereas a couple years ago it was closer to 200 or 300 a month. To donate, call (530) 542.4934.

• In June, Delta Air Lines’ Sky magazine will publish a 30-page feature on Nevada, including information and articles on the state’s business climate, the healthcare industry, higher education, lifestyle and entertainment.

Memorial Day event in Placerville

Friends of the Veterans Monument will host the 6th annual Memorial Day observance on May 30 at 11am at the El Dorado County Veterans Monument, 360 Fair Lane, Placerville.

Each year the community gathers at the El Dorado County Veterans Monument grounds on Memorial Day to honor those who have served and sacrificed for the cause of freedom.

Highlights of this year’s tribute include:

· A T-6 aircraft fly-by salute in the missing man formation to honor those who have sacrificed to preserve our freedoms

· U.S.M.C. Color Guard

· Special guest speaker: Former U.S.M.C. Maj. Gen. Douglas M. Stone, retired

· Participation of local Cub and Boy Scout troops, Marine Corps League

· Friends of the Veterans monument scholarship awards.

Input sought on what KMS should be

Douglas County School District is having two meetings to find out what the community would like to see Kingsbury Middle School turned into.

The Stateline school closed a few years ago because of declining enrollment. It has sat empty since then.

The first meeting is May 26 at 6:30pm at Whittell High School, Room 3.

The next meeting is June 1 at 6pm at Douglas High School in the library.

For more information, call (775) 782.5135 or email ideas to

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

stpud• South Tahoe Public Utility District has a rebate plan for commercial customers. Call (530) 543.6268 for a free commercial water-use review. Rates for sewer customers are going up 3 percent July 1.

• Leadership Lake Tahoe is looking for participants. Applications are due June 17. For more information, call (775) 588.1728.

• Barton Hospice is looking for volunteers at the lake and in the valley. Call (530) 543.5605 for information.

• Apricot Lane has moved from the Y in South Lake Tahoe to Heavenly Village.

• On May 24 at 7pm in Camp Richardson’s lodge, the Lake Tahoe Historical Society will present a “first person” account of the Pony Express at Tahoe. Specialist Kim Copel and historian Frank Tortorich will relate stories of this short lived, but exciting endeavor. The event is free.

• Here is Caltrans’ schedule for Sierra roadwork for the next week.

North Tahoe hosting meeting for frontline staff

The North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual Summer Recreation lunch June 9 from noon to 3pm at Sunnyside Resort in Tahoe City.

This event is geared to provide insight about summer happenings, including events, festivals and activities to frontline, front desk and concierge employees, along with business owners and managers. Attendees can give a brief presentation at the event, as well as provide 90 brochures or other pieces of collateral to be distributed during the lunch.

This event sells out with ap