Andean music trio coming to LTCC

Tahoe Arts Project is bringing Andean music trio Chasinakuy to Lake Tahoe Community College on April 30 at 7pm at Duke Theatre.

Chaskinakuy will be performing for local students April 25-29 as part of Tahoe Arts Project’s performing arts in the schools program.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children and seniors and can be purchased in advance at the California or Nevada visitors centers. To charge tickets by phone, call (530) 542.3632. Tickets will also be available at the door.

For information, call (530) 542.3632.

Heavenly Foundation’s Grapes & Gates fundraiser

The 10th Annual Grapes & Gates, an evening of wine tasting and gourmet food to benefit the Heavenly Ski & Snowboard Foundation’s Scholarship Fund, is at Edgewood Tahoe beginning at 6pm May 11.

The event will feature local restaurants including Cafe Fiore, Cork & More, Embassy Suites, Latin Soul, Riva Grill and Thai One On. A variety of wineries will be represented.

A silent auction and raffle will be avaialbe.

Tickets for this event are limited. Prices are $75, $65 for foundation alumni. Reservations may be made by calling (530) 314.9285.

Lecture focuses on shoulder injuries

Join Kyle Swanson, orthopedic surgeon, and Kris Terrain, certified athletic trainer, from Tahoe Orthopedics & Sports Medicine on April 27 from 6:30 to 7:30pm at Lake Tahoe Community College in the Aspen Room.

The talk is about shoulder anatomy and common injuries; including rotator cuff tears, shoulder instability, dislocations and arthritis of the shoulder.

This shoulder injury presentation is one of many educational opportunities geared toward educating the community about living healthful lifestyles. Attend any four of Barton’s 2011 wellness lectures and receive an attendance “punch card” and automatically be entered to win a 2011-12 season pass to a Lake Tahoe ski resort and other prizes.

Go online for complete details and the 2011 lecture series line up. For more information, call (530) 543.5656.

Social Security no longer coming to South Tahoe

As of this month, Social Security will no longer be sending a representative to the South Lake Tahoe Recreation & Swim Complex.

If you need their services, you can go in person to the district office at Placerville District Office, 4355B Golden Center Drive, Placerville or call 800.772.1213, (530) 626.8421, or go online.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

wo center• South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center’s rape crisis counselors served 161 adult and child survivors of sexual assault in 2010.

• Choices for Children funding is projected to be cut again in July. California is expected to further reduce funding by 15 to 20 percent, affecting 100 families starting July1.

• Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. subsidiary Liberty Water Co. is acquiring three additional regulated water utility assets – Louisiana Land and Water Co., Noel Water Company, and KMB Utilities Company for $8.3 million. This will add approximately 7,400 customer connections. Algonquin is the parent company of Liberty Energy, which provides electricity to California customers at Lake Tahoe.

• Lake Tahoe Environmental Science Magnet School has been selected by California Business for Education Excellence as one of 1,221 public schools in California to receive the title of 2010 Honor Roll school. This is the second consecutive year that LTESMS has earned this honor.

• Gary Air has changed planes that it uses to bring people to and from Lake Tahoe. The Piper Matrix carries three people plus all their gear.

Kingsbury Grade control burn continues this week

U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews will continue prescribed fire operations on Kingsbury Grade near North Benjamin through this week if favorable weather conditions persist.

Residents and visitors can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas. This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce

wildfire risks to communities and critical resources. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

Seminar about increasing lodging occupancy

As part of its Chamber EDucation program, the North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce is hosting “Internet Bookings: How to Increase Your Lodging Occupancy” April 27, 1-3pm, at the North Tahoe Event Center, 8318 North Lake Blvd. in Kings Beach.

The seminar is geared for owners and managers of hotels, motels, condominiums and vacation homes, and will assist properties in increasing their visibility in domestic and international markets, increasing occupancy and online booking presence, and how best to utilize North Lake Tahoe Resort Association member benefits. Speakers include Leisure Sales Manager Jeremy Jacobson of the NLTRA, as well as representatives with Travelocity, Expedia, Alpine Adventures and

The registration deadline is April 25. This seminar is free to North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce members and is $25/person for non-members. To register, contact North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce Manager Kym Fabel at (530) 581-8764 or

El Dorado Savings’ earnings decline

By Mark Glover, Sacramento Bee

Placerville-based El Dorado Savings Bank, one of the area’s most consistently profitable financial institutions, saw a year-over-year decline in first-quarter profit.

The bank posted a quarterly profit of slightly more than $2 million, about 18 percent below net income of $2.52 million in the initial quarter of 2010.

Read the whole story

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

ski• Tahoe Cross Country in Tahoe City is open until May 1.

• The Boys & Girls Club in South Lake Tahoe is celebrating 20 years of being open. The event is April 27 from 5-7pm at 1100 Lyons Ave. — the old Al Tahoe Elementary School.

• Keep track of what the Tahoe Area Mountain Bike Association is doing via its website. Look for TAMBA membership forms to come out soon. In the meantime, sign-up in person at Pearl Izumi in South Lake Tahoe. Membership is $10 for individuals and $20 for families.

• Julie Regan is now chairwoman of the Barton Health Foundation.

• The Boulder Bay project on the North Shore is back on the agenda of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board. It is slated to be discussed April 27 at 9:30am in Kings Beach.

• The California water board, this week as expected, approved the Total Maximum Daily Load rules proposed by the Lahontan Regional Board. No one from the city of South Lake Tahoe attended the April 19 hearing in Sacramento.

• Here is the roadwork schedule from Caltrans that will affect the Lake Tahoe Basin for the next week.

LTUSD sets kindergarten registration dates

Kindergarten registration for Lake Tahoe Unified School District is May 2-13 at all elementary schools.

To be eligible for enrollment, a child must be 5 years of age on or before Dec. 2, 2011. California Law requires:

1. You bring child’s birth certificate.

2. You bring proof of immunizations, which includes the Varicella (Chicken Pox), Hepatitis B and for most children — the last booster shot.

3. Your child has a health examination upon entry to school [schedule with your family doctor or El Dorado County Health Department at 573.3155].

4. Your child has an oral health examination upon entry to school (or signed waiver) Dental examinations that have occurred in the last 12 months meet this requirement.

5. Proof of California residency.

Call your neighborhood school for an appointment to preregister:

Bijou Community School (530) 543.2337

Sierra House Elementary (530) 543.2327

Tahoe Valley Elementary (530) 543.2350

Environmental Science Magnet School (530) 543.2371.