Snippets about Lake Tahoe

ltusd• Here are the salaries for Lake Tahoe Unified School District.

Lake Tahoe Marathon’s many events are Sept. 22-25.

• Matt Molinari is the newest member of the Friends of the El Dorado Trail.

• A new California law requires all students entering grades 7-12 have proof of an adolescent whooping cough/pertussis booster shot called Tdap before starting the 2011-12 school year. To schedule an appointment in South Lake Tahoe call (530) 573.3155, in Placerville call (530) 621.6100.

• Charter Cable is changing its channel lineup the first week of April for people on the South Shore. For information, call 888.438.2427.

Hyatt Tahoe to celebrate Earth Hour

Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe is celebrating Earth Hour by taking an inspirational pause on March 26 from 8:30-9:30pm.

The resort will toast Mother Earth in the resort’s lobby with a series of green-focused efforts:

· Lobby light dimmed

· Complimentary wine and mini spa treatments offered in lobby

· Informative guest note highlighting Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe’s green efforts and flameless candles placed in each guest room.

Federal Advisory Committee to meet in Tahoe

The Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee is meeting March 31 from 10am-4pm at the U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management office, 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe.

LTFAC will address issues related to federal activities at Lake Tahoe. Items on the agenda include a Tahoe Working Group presentation on the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act Round 12 capital project nominations and science themes, followed by a public comment period.

LTFAC consists of 20 members representing a broad array of constituencies.

Learn about being a grand juror

On March 22 at 6:30pm at the South Lake Tahoe Branch Library the Friends of the Library will welcome El Dorado County Judge Steven Bailey who will speak to the duties and qualifications of being a grand juror.

With the deadline to apply to be on the grand jury approaching in May, this is a great opportunity for the public to hear about the process and ask questions. The library is at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.

Refreshments will be served.

Call Gail Kolb with any questions at (530) 545.9195.

KGID employee receives state water award

Eric Johnson, operations supervisor for the Kingsbury General Improvement District, has won the Operator of the Year award from the Nevada Rural Water Association.

This award is given to one operator in Nevada each year in recognition of their dedication and expertise of water operators throughout the State of Nevada.

KGID is the water supplier for the residents of the Stateline area, and is one of the most complex water treatment and distribution systems in Northern Nevada. The water is treated by an ozone disinfection process before being pumped more than 1,500 feet vertically through a series of tanks and pumping stations to reach the customers homes on upper Kingsbury.

Marriage workshop in Incline

FamilyLife, the global, donor-supported leader in marriage getaways, offers an alternative to divorce — the Weekend to Remember marriage getaway. The weekend event aims to strengthen healthy marriages and heal troubled ones in an engaging, supportive and non-threatening environment.

The April 15-17 event is at Hyatt Regency in Incline Village.

Tickets are $159 per person or $318 per couple. Group rates are also available.

For more registration information and details, call 800.358.6329.

Rural Roundup focuses on attracting new visitors to Nevada

Nevada’s statewide rural tourism industry will gather in Mesquite April 6-8 for the 21st Annual Rural Roundup conference in Mesquite to learn the latest trends in developing new markets and attracting more visitors from places far and near, including Las Vegas.

NCOT produces the conference, which will be at the CasaBlanca Resort-Casino-Golf-Spa. Registration day, April 6, includes an optional golf tournament in which visiting travel writers from the United Kingdom will participate, a walking tour of Mesquite and a welcome reception and barbecue at the Mesquite Sports Complex.

Larry Friedman, NCOT’s interim director, said this year’s conference includes tips from three tourism industry partners who successfully tapped into the massive Las Vegas market to attract visitors to their communities.

Rural Roundup registration fees are $65 through March 21 and $80 afterward. To register, go online.

Tahoe RN to talk about gastrointestinal health

Susan Frailey, a registered nurse in South Lake Tahoe and author of “More Alive Now: Simple Nutrition to Change Your Life” will be joining fellow faculty members speaking at the University of Nevada School of Medicine 18th Annual Alimentary Update.

Frailey will be speaking on “Innovative Nutrition for Gastrointestinal Health” and “Colon Hydrotherapy: Applications for Gastroenterology” on March 25 at 9am at Harveys in Stateline.

For more information on the event, go online.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

sample• Sample the Sierra’s 2011 date has been changed to Sept. 4. The event is on Ski Run Boulevard in South Tahoe.

• Financial relief for residents making weatherization improvements to their homes is available through El Dorado County. For more information, go online.

Barron’s magazine lists Lake Tahoe – the California side – as the seventh best place to buy a second home. No. 1 is Seas Island, Ga.

• The Cork & More in South Lake Tahoe is hosting its monthly Wine Evening from 7-9pm on April 21, with Soroptimist International Tahoe Sierra the beneficiary. Tickets are $15 per person.

• Concerned about genetically modified organisms when it comes to what you eat? Then check out this link to take some action.

Learn about restoration of sugar pines

The Sugar Pine Foundation will share the agency’s collaborative strategy to preserve the White Pines currently plagued by a nonnative fungus as part of the Explore Tahoe Winter Speaker Series on March 24 at 6pm. Learn how you can help restore the Sugar Pines.

Explore Tahoe: An Urban Trailhead is located in the Heavenly Village next to North Face at 4114 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.

Parking garage special rate of $5 flat fee after 4pm.

For more information, contact (530) 542.4637.