Snippets about Lake Tahoe

trta• This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Tahoe Rim Trail Association and the 10th anniversary of the completion of the trail that circles the Lake Tahoe Basin.

• The Resort at Squaw Creek is celebrating its 20th season.

• California is taking $3 more from each parking fine issued by cities for the Safe Trial Court Trust Fund. To deal with this, South Lake Tahoe is raising rates by $5 so it can cash in, too.

• Any check issued by South Lake Tahoe for less than $15 that is not claimed within a year will have the money go back into the fund it was drawn on or the general fund without notice to the payee.

• Two orphaned bear cubs rehabbed at Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care were recently released near Truckee.

• South Tahoe Public Utility District now has agendas for board meetings on the home page of the website.  STPUD’s website may always be accessed by clicking on the square ad on Lake Tahoe News.

TVES fundraiser at Bob Dog Pizza

Bob Dog Pizza at Meyers Station is hosting a fundraiser for Tahoe Valley Elementary School to raise money to buy snowshoes for the PE program.

The pizza fest is Feb. 10 from 11am-9pm.

Bob Dog is at 3141 Highway 50 in Meyers. Eat in, pick up, take-n-bake or delivery — in Meyers, Y, Gardner Mountain, Keys, Montgomery Estates, Sierra Tract. (530.577.2364)

Mention Tahoe Valley so 25 percent of the profits are donated back to the school.

Book sale at South Tahoe library

On Feb. 26 from 10am to 3pm the South Lake Tahoe Branch Library will be having a book sale to support the Friends of the Library Free Children’s Programs.

Many hardcover and paperback books will be available at deep discounts. DVDs, VHS and books on tape will also be available.

The library is at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.

All Friends of the Library members are invited to a pre-sale from 9-10am. If you are not currently a Friend, you may join at the door. Membership is $10 per individual, $25 for a business, and $250 for a lifetime membership.

Call (530) 573.3185 for more information.

Prescribed burn near Zephyr Cove

U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews will be conducting prescribed fire operations on the west side of Highway 50 just north of Zephyr Cove Beach on Feb. 9. The project is approximately 3 acres.

USFS_logoResidents and travelers can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas.

State and local fire management agencies may also be conducting prescribed fire work during this period.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

South Tahoe Planning Commission appointed

It took three rounds of voting for the South Lake Tahoe City Council to decide on five members to be on the city’s Planning Commission.

Four people were seated on the first ballot – Michael Berg, Joy Curry, Austin Sass and Tami Wallace.

The second round was to break a five-way tie between Michael Beschoff, Judy Brown, Jonnie Crawford, Adrian Gooch and Mort Meiers. That vote saw Brown and Crawford prevail.

Ultimately the council voted Brown, a former council member and mayor of South Lake Tahoe, to be on the commission instead of sitting Commissioner Crawford.

The commission will begin its duties Feb. 11. The existing commission’s last meeting is Feb. 10.

The council had delayed the appointments in hopes of attracting more candidates. Originally five people had applied for the five-member board. This time around the council had 11 people to choose from.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

homewood• Nice write up about Homewood in the February issue of Ski magazine. It mentions the awesome views, but fails to provide a photo. Same issue touts Northsar for being kid friendly.

• Reno is on the list of top 10 cities with the worst drinking water, according to the AOL Daily Finance report published last month.

• The 35th annual Great Ski Race, the Tahoe Nordic Search and Rescue fundraiser cross country ski race, is March 6 at 9am. It starts at the Tahoe Cross Country Center in Tahoe City and finishes at the Cottonwood Restaurant in Truckee. Information is online.

• Dee Byrne is now Squaw Valley’s director of Snowsports School and Race Programs. She spent the last eight years as the director of Vail Snowsports School.

• El Dorado County Air Quality Management District has released a request for proposal for fiscal year 2011-12 motor vehicle emission reduction projects.

John Fremont’s impact on Tahoe subject of Thursday lecture

Explore Tahoe Winter Speaker Series continues Feb. 10 at 6pm with Dave Borges, local Lake Tahoe history expert, sharing the story of John C. Fremont’s sighting of Lake Tahoe and the 1856 presidential campaign highlighting free speech, free press, free Kansas and Fremont.

Explore Tahoe is located in the Heavenly Village next to North Face at 4114 Lake Tahoe Blvd.

A $5 donation is requested.

For more information, call (530) 542.4637.

Blood drive in South Tahoe today

BloodSource is having a blood drive in South Lake Tahoe today. The drive is sponsored by the Barton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. All walk-ins are welcome and there are no appointments.

BloodSource provides blood to Barton Memorial Hospital.

The blood drive is from 11am to 6pm Feb. 7 at the El Dorado County Library at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.

To give blood, you must be in generally good health, free from cold symptoms for at least 48 hours, be at least 17 years old (16 years old with parental consent) and weigh at least 110 pounds. Prospective donors must bring a photo ID. The entire process takes about an hour.

For more information, contact Dan Kerr at (775) 781.5343. For donor eligibility questions, call BloodSource at 800.995.4420.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

bike• The Slow Rollers Bicycling Club is coordinating a bike parade for May 12 at 4pm as part of the Tour de California cycling event in South Tahoe.

• Employees and volunteers at North Lake Tahoe businesses and organizations will be recognized at the 57th Annual North Lake Tahoe Community Service Awards Dinner Feb. 16 at the Resort at Squaw Creek. RSVP by Feb. 7, (530) 581.8764 or

• South Lake Tahoe planning commissioners on Feb. 10 at 3pm will discuss changing the Ski Run BID special use permit so more special events can be conducted and they could be on more streets in the area. The meeting is at council chambers, aka Lake Tahoe Airport.

• What’s going on in the greater Lake Tahoe area? Check out the Events page on Lake Tahoe News. Send info about an event to

• Squaw Valley comes alive in February with a two-week kids extravaganza Feb. 12-27.

Lahontan creates new rules for construction sites

Lahontan Water Board staff has drafted a revised General Storm Water Construction Permit for construction and land disturbance activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin. People disturbing more than 1 acre must obtain coverage under this general permit by submitting application materials to Lahontan for review. The revised permit contains new requirements for monitoring storm events at construction sites.

Lahontan is hosting two informational workshops its office at 2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe. The two, two-hour workshops are Feb. 10 starting at 10am and 3pm.

The tentative permit may be found at the Water Board’s website.

Comments on the tentative permit are due to Lahontan by Feb. 26. The board anticipates considering adoption of the permit at its April 13-14 meeting in South Lake Tahoe. Questions regarding this permit may be directed to Bud Amorfini, Engineering Geologist at (530) 542.5463.