The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Team is accepting applications.
DCSAR consists of approximately 30 members who volunteer their time and efforts responding to public emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
In the past 12 months, DCSAR has responded to numerous public service emergencies, including searching for lost or stranded skiers, hikers, mountain bikers, ATV or motorcycle riders, horseback riders, four-wheel drivers, river rafters and assisting with downed aircraft incidents.
Interested applicants must be in good physical condition, demonstrate a cooperative team effort and have a goal-oriented disposition. Prior rescue and medical experience is not required.
Applicants will be screened via an oral interview, and a thorough background check will be conducted by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. Once accepted, initial training will be provided through a SAR Academy that begins March 28. Instruction will be provided on the following topics:
First Aid, CPR, Basic Search & Rescue Operations, Personal Survival, Tracking, Snowshoeing, Rescue Vehicle Operation, River Rafting, Water Rescue, Radio Procedure, Introduction to Incident Command, Map Reading and Orientation, GPS and Compass
Members who successfully complete the academy will then participate on actual Search and Rescue missions with experienced team members for a six-month training period before becoming a full member.
If you have time to dedicate to assisting the Douglas County and surrounding communities during times of man-made or natural disaster, and aiding citizens in need of rescue or assistance in the backcountry, mountains, trails and waterways, then the Douglas County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team may be for you.
Details of the academy, including applications, can be obtained online or by calling DCSAR Training Coordinator John Soderman at (775) 720.6260. Interested parties must submit application by Feb. 15.