El Dorado County Food Bank needs volunteers, donations

By Carlos Alcalá, Sacramento Bee

The Food Bank of El Dorado County is inviting volunteers and donors to participate in its annual Holiday Outreach event, to be held Dec. 18.

The Food Bank hopes to hand out more than 1,000 holiday baskets that day. Each will contain a full holiday meal to benefit low-income families and at-risk children, families and seniors.

Read the whole story

South Tahoe choirs to perform at MontBleu

The 16th annual MontBleu Holiday Extravaganza is Dec. 9 and 10 at the MontBleu Theater in Stateline.

Doors open at 6pm and the show begins at 7pm.

Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for students and seniors (under 5 is free).

The South Lake Tahoe Children’s Choral Society will present an evening of holiday music, featuring the Tahoe Elementary Honor Choir, the Tahoe Intermediate Honor Choir, the Tahoe Belles and the Blue Ribbon Choir, with special appearance by the South Tahoe High School Choir, the Faculty/Parent Choir and the Marcia Sarosik Shining Stars.

Tahoe Arts Project will be conducting a raffle to help raise money for its performing arts in the schools programs.

For more information, call (530) 542.3632.

Budget gift: Hard to go wrong with wine

Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News is publishing idea for gifts costing less than $20. Click here for information.

holidayWine is favorite gift. But it doesn’t have to break the bank. Check out the deals Apres Wine Co. in South Lake Tahoe has. And if you aren’t sure what to buy, then go to one of their tastings to sample before buying.

Budget gifts: Music from a harpist

Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News is publishing idea for gifts costing less than $20. Click here for information.

holidayTwo CDs from South Shore harpist Anne Roos fit the criteria for a bargain holiday gift — less than $20 each.

The collections contain music Roos arranged and performed over the past decades.

“Velvet: Timeless Standards on the Solo Harp” and “Blue Jeans: Modern Pop on the Solo Harp” are the names of the discs.

They are available for purchase on amazon.com, CDBaby.com, and at your favorite retail store. These albums, and their individual tracks, are also available for download at iTunes. Roos’ CDs are sold locally at Cork & More in South Lake Tahoe and Borders in Carson City. They are also available online or call 800.255.6318.cd-2


Caps for Kids donation deadline is Friday

The deadline to turn in handmade goodies – booties, hats, scarves and mittens — for the Caps for Kids program is Dec. 3.

The South Lake Tahoe Parks and Recreation Department is in its 23rd year of collecting items that will be given to local children this holiday season through Christmas Cheer.

The Recreation Complex is at 1180 Rufus Allen Blvd., South Lake Tahoe. Include a note with your name and address.

For more information, call (530) 542.6056.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

JT• One-time San Francisco Giants first baseman J.T. Snow will be the keynote speaker at the 27th annual Bobby Dolan Baseball Dinner on Jan. 26 at the Silver Legacy in Reno. For details, call Elise Bozsik at (775) 682-6902 or register online.

• Mammoth Mountain will be even more accessible to the Bay Area starting in December when United flies direct from SFO to Mammoth Lakes airport.

• No need to pay for adventure flicks. Check this footage out.

• Expedition Kirkwood is going to offer tours of The Cirque this season. This area is usually off-limits to skiers.

• The Lake Tahoe Museum in South Lake Tahoe will be open Dec. 3 from 10am-7pm – the same day as the community tree lighting. The annual holiday in history is Dec. 4 from 10am-4pm.

Pet pictures with Santa in South Tahoe

The 24th annual Santa Paws Benefit in South Lake Tahoe is Dec. 4 from 11am to 4pm

All pets must be on a leash or in carrier.

The event is at Lakeview Plaza (3300 Lake Tahoe Blvd. — where Freshies is).

Pets and family pose alone or together. You receive a CD for color prints or holiday cards. Bows and antlers provided.

Cost is $20. Cash or checks accepted. All proceeds benefit local animals.

For more information, call (530) 542.2857.

Budget gift: State park merchandise

Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News is looking for ideas for gifts that cost less than $20 to share with readers. Read this for details.

holidayCalifornia State Parks Foundation has calendars, T-shirts, hats and other items for less than $20. And the money goes back to the state park system. Several state parks are in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

The website has a list of gift ideas.

City decorates South Tahoe Y tree

The Y in South Lake Tahoe is getting a little brighter.

Eleven boxes of lights, each containing 48 strings that are 8 feet long started to be strung Dec. 1 on a large tree at the Factory Stores at the Y. South Tahoe firefighters didn’t have enough time before nightfall to finish getting all the LED lights on so they will be back today to finish the job.

South Tahoe firefighters put up lights at the Y on Dec. 1. Photo/Kathryn Reed

South Tahoe firefighters put up lights at the Y on Dec. 1. Photo/Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe Fire Department Division Chief Marty Scheuerman was watching as his guys on the ladder truck decorated the tree — a first for the town. He said it was City Manager Tony O’Rourke’s idea to “dress up” the town a bit with some holiday spirit.

— Kathryn Reed

Stateline chamber cancels green tour of Tahoe basin

Updated Dec. 2 4:05pm: The tour has been canceled.

Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce’s Green Business Cooperative is hosting the Tahoe Basin Green Tour Dec. 3 from 9am-5pm.

Tour participants will visit various lodging and dining properties around the lake to learn from locals how to implement green practices and realize cost savings along the way.

The tour is designed to be especially beneficial to lodging and dining establishments, but will cover green practices that are applicable to all business types.

Tour stops include: 968 Park Hotel, Zephyr Cove Resort, Moody’s Bistro & Lounge, Cedar House and the Rock in Truckee.

For $40, the tour includes lunch at Moody’s Bistro & Lounge, environmentally friendly transportation, and handouts with contacts from each stop.

Register by Dec. 2 online or call (775) 588.1728.

Transportation will leave from the chamber in Stateline  at 8:45am and will return by 5pm.