Chase realty wins 2 marketing awards

Top luxury real estate professionals from across the U.S. and Canada gathered in Austin late last month to compete for “best in the business” marketing awards. Lake Tahoe-based Susan Lowe and Shari Chase of Chase International came home with two of the five top awards: Best Property Marketing and Best Market Update Report.

Best Property Marketing entry was based on marketing done for Tranquility, currently the nations’ third most expensive home for sale, which Lowe has co-listed with Chase.

Sue Lowe

Sue Lowe

Lowe’s Best Market Update Report win was based on her quarterly statistical analysis of the Lake Tahoe market by price band and by community.

Judging is done each year by independent advertising professionals.

Bread & Broth needs donations to make Turkey Day special

Bread & Broth’s 22nd annual Thanksgiving feast is Nov. 22 from 4-6pm at St. Theresa Church, located at 1041 Lyons Ave. in South Lake Tahoe.

Roast Turkey is on the menu, as well as all the traditional side dishes including homemade dressing and cranberry sauce.

In previous years, volunteers have served as many as 400 people at this special Thanksgiving meal. For many members of the community, this dinner will be the only Thanksgiving meal they’ll have this year. Serving hours on this day have been extended to 6pm to accommodate the expected increase in attendance.

Donations for the meal are needed, especially fresh cranberries, oranges, onions, celery, carrots, sweet and sage sausage, canned yams, marshmallows, and canned fried onions. Food donations will be accepted at the side door of Grace Hall on Nov. 19 from 9am-4pm and Nov. 20 from 1-4pm.

To find out how you can help Bread & Broth as a sponsor, donor or volunteer, contact Diane Weidinger at (775) 588.3993 or or Dave Carneggie at (530) 577. 7762 or

Valhalla Gala on Dec. 4

The annual Valhalla Gala in the Valhalla Grand Hall on is Dec. 4 from 5-11pm.

It’s an evening of fine wine, hors d’oeuvres, dinner and dancing in front of the 40-foot high stone fireplace.

A silent auction will be before the end of the evening. This is a sell out every year so early reservations are recommended.

For more information or ticket purchase, call (530) 541.4975 or visit

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

billboard• The North Lake Tahoe Resort Association is trying to lure Bay Area residents with a billboard in downtown San Francisco. Tahoe used to use billboards all the time – now it’s the exception, not the rule.

• On Nov. 11 at 11am the American Legion in South Lake Tahoe is honoring all living and passed veterans at the American Legion Post, 2748 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Refreshment to follow.

• The Sugar Pine Foundation is in the running to win a Pepsi Refresh Grant. Go to the website under “The Planet” Category at the $50,000 level you can vote for the Tahoe-based organization.

• Comment on the Upper Truckee River-Lake Tahoe Golf Course-Washoe Meadow State Park has been extended to Nov. 15.

Saveur magazine has good things to say about El Dorado County’s Holly’s Hill 2009 Roussanne.

• From the Nov. 5, 2010, Denver Post: Vail Resorts chief marketing officer Heidi Kercher-Pratt described Northstar as “more Beaver Creek-esque, more of a family draw” than Heavenly, which attracts a livelier clientele. Kercher-Pratt said Vail Resorts might consider other acquisitions in the Tahoe area that would increase the synergies from Heavenly and Northstar. “We are always keenly focused on strategic growth, including acquisitions, but will maintain a disciplined approach on the right companies at the right price.”

Did you fall back an hour?

Check your clock. You might be able to go back to bed for another hour.

clockToday is the return to standard time — when clocks are set back an hour.

Caregiving class in South Tahoe

Caregiving is a difficult and often challenging role that one can undertake, and taking the opportunity to share information and feel connected to others who are providing care is a vital step to perform this task to the best of your ability. Take the opportunity on Nov. 11 from 5:30-7:30pm, South Lake Tahoe Senior Center 3050 Highway 50, South Lake Tahoe to become connected and rejuvenated at your local support group.

Refreshments will be served. Free respite care is available to qualified caregivers. Pre-authorization is required for respite services. Questions? Contact the Family Caregiver Support Program at (530) 621.6151.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

logo• Britta Nauta of South Lake Tahoe won the Ski Run BID logo contest.

• Scott Butera, CEO of Tropicana Entertainment, the parent company of MontBleu in Stateline, has resigned. No replacement has been named.

• North Shore Hawaiian Grill recently opened in Tahoe City.

• The $400,000 renovation Incline’s Lone Eagle Grille at the Hyatt should be done by Nov. 23.

• Enrollment in Lake Tahoe Community College’s culinary department has shot up nearly 300 percent in the last two years.

• The South Lake Tahoe Building Board of Appeals will have a public meeting Nov. 15 at 9am at Lake Tahoe Airport on the proposed adoption of the 2010 California Building Standards Codes and implementation of the Building Codes to the Marijuana Ordinance. For more information, call Dave Walker at (530) 542.6072.

• Fischer Skis is opening Carbonlite Demo Centers at 33 retail locations nationwide so skiers everywhere can try and buy the most successful cross country skis and boots from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games. They will be at Brian’s Bicycles & Cross Country Skis in Mammoth, Alpenglow Sports in Tahoe City, and Paco’s Truckee Bike & Ski.

• Travel website puts California as a top 10 destination for golf vacations, specifically saying, “For the serenity of nature, take a swing near Lake Tahoe.”

Caps for Kids collection under way

Attention all you crafty folk who sew, knit and crotchet. The 23rd annual Caps for Kids collection is under way.

The South Lake Tahoe Parks and Recreation Department is the place to drop off all of your handmade goodies – booties, hats, scarves and mittens are wanted — for holiday distribution. All of the donated “caps” will be given to local children this holiday season through Christmas Cheer.

For timely distribution, “caps” should be dropped off at the Recreation Complex, 1180 Rufus Allen Blvd., by Dec. 3, 2010. Please include a note with your name and address.

Need an easy crotchet or knitting pattern? Drop by the Recreation Complex or call (530) 542.6056 to have one sent to you.

USFS looking for project proposals

The U.S. Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is accepting Round 12 project proposals for Lake Tahoe restoration projects authorized by the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act. Project proposal packages will be accepted through the close of business Nov. 30.

usfsTo submit a Capital Project, click here.

Prescribed burn on South Shore

U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews will conduct prescribed fire operations at Tahoe Mountain Road and Angora Ridge Road on Lake Tahoe’s South Shore beginning Nov. 6 and possibly continuing into Nov. 7.

USFSThe project size may be up to 20 acres.

Operations will continue in the McKinney/Rubicon, Meeks Bay and Blackwood Canyon areas through early next week.

Residents and visitors can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources. State and local fire management agencies may also be conducting prescribed fire work during this period.