Four vacancies will occur on the Lake Tahoe Unified School District’s Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee as the first two-year term of current members expires Jan. 31.
Members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The membership vacancies are as follows:
1. A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district.
2. A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district and active in a parent-teacher organization or school site council.
3. A person active in the construction industry in South Lake Tahoe.
4. An at-large member of the community.
The committee’s purpose is to:
· inform the public concerning the district’s expenditures of bond proceeds;
· review expenditure reports to ensure that bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure and that no bond proceeds are used for salaries or other operating expenses;
· present an annual report to the board of education indicating whether the district is in compliance, along with a summary of the committee’s proceedings and activities.
Meetings are quarterly, usually on Wednesdays from 6-8pm.
Qualified applicants are invited to complete an application and submit it to the superintendent by Dec. 1. The board of education will make the appointments, upon recommendation by the superintendent, at the Dec. 14, 2010 Board Meeting.
Call Angie Keil at (530) 541.2850, ext. 225 for further information.