Patriotic church service to salute veterans

On Nov. 7 at 11am First Baptist Church South Lake Tahoe is having a Patriotic Service honoring veterans and those in the Armed Forces.

There will be patriotic music and various video presentations. Pastor Alan Morse is a Vietnam War veteran.

The church is at 1053 Wildwood Ave., South Lake Tahoe.

For more information, call (530) 544.2743.

LTUSD bond committee needs members

Four vacancies will occur on the Lake Tahoe Unified School District’s Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee as the first two-year term of current members expires Jan. 31.

Members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The membership vacancies are as follows:

1. A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district.

2. A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district and active in a parent-teacher organization or school site council.

3. A person active in the construction industry in South Lake Tahoe.

4. An at-large member of the community.

The committee’s purpose is to:

· inform the public concerning the district’s expenditures of bond proceeds;

· review expenditure reports to ensure that bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure and that no bond proceeds are used for salaries or other operating expenses;

· present an annual report to the board of education indicating whether the district is in compliance, along with a summary of the committee’s proceedings and activities.

Meetings are quarterly, usually on Wednesdays from 6-8pm.

Qualified applicants are invited to complete an application and submit it to the superintendent by Dec. 1. The board of education will make the appointments, upon recommendation by the superintendent, at the Dec. 14, 2010 Board Meeting.

Call Angie Keil at (530) 541.2850, ext. 225 for further information.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

ktho• Need an art fix? Listen to Robert Schimmel’s Tahoe Art Scene on KTHO radio (FM-96.1 and AM-590) every Thursday at 1:15pm.

• Tahoe residents have another way to get to Mexico. Southwest has a deal with Volaris airline to connect people flying out of Sacramento and Reno to Volaris in Los Angeles.

• Lahontan Water Quality Control Board is having a public hearing Nov. 16 at 9am at Lake Tahoe Community College in South Lake Tahoe regarding the Total Maximum Daily Load rules.

• Northstar-at-Tahoe’s village will open a movie theater in December.

• The Truckee Donner Land Trust website now features interactive maps, trail map downloads, updated land conservation projects, donation tools, and volunteer information.

• Homewood Mountain Resort plans to open Dec. 17.

• North Lake Tahoe’s 11th annual Learn to Ski and Board Weekend is Dec. 11-12, when beginners pay $25 for ski rentals, lesson and a lift ticket at a handful of downhill resorts.

Memorial to honor South Tahoe’s fallen soldiers

The public is invited to attend a dedication ceremony Nov. 10 at 10am for Sgt. Timothy M. Smith and Pfc. Phillip Brandon Williams adjacent to the Children’s Memorial on the corner of Wildwood and Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe.

DSCN7631The dedication is to recognize the young members of the South Shore who have given their lives as the ultimate sacrifice while serving their country. They will be memorialized on a commemorative plaque on a monument in their honor.

Celeb golf tourney continues to benefit local groups

Nineteen area organizations will share $102,377 at this month’s Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority board meeting from Livestrong through the American Century Championship golf tournament.

american centuryFor the fifth consecutive year the official tournament charity at the celebrity tourney was Livestrong, the foundation established by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong to inspire and empower people affected by the disease. The first $15,000 was distributed earlier to Barton Memorial Hospital for mammogram screening and the Cancer League.

The $87,377 balance will be distributed to 17 other organizations. Receiving $10,000 each are Lake Tahoe Community College Foundation, South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center, Boys & Girls Club Teen Enterprise program, and Tahoe Youth & Family Services.

Recipients of $4,000 to $5,000 include Christmas Cheer, Back Door Pantry, Douglas County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue, Bringing Arts to School, Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation, South Lake Tahoe Family Resource Center, and Tahoe Arts Project.

Accepting contributions of $2,500 to $4,000 are Kiwanis Club of Lake Tahoe, South Tahoe High School Performing Arts Booster Association, Whittell Boosters Club, Kahle Community Center, South Lake Tahoe Police Activities League, and Zephyr Cove Elementary School PTC.

MontBleu gears up for giving season

MontBleu casino in Stateline is having its annual food drive Nov. 6.

Non-perishable food items will be accepted at MontBleu from 10am-4pm. They food will benefit Christmas Cheer. This food bank provides dry goods to families on the South Shore year-round.

MontBleu will partner with the Barton Foundation to host the second annual Festival of Trees and Lights Dec. 3-5 at the Convention Center. Proceeds will benefit the Barton Community Clinic, which provides medical care to the community, especially for those living in poverty or without insurance. Tickets are available Nov. 8. For a complete schedule, to purchase tickets or for more information, visit or call (530) 543.5909.

Prescribed fires returning to Tahoe basin

U.S. Forest Service fuels management crews will conduct prescribed fire operations in the upper Kingsbury Grade area Nov. 3 and continue through Saturday.

USFSIf favorable weather conditions continue, crews will move into the McKinney/Rubicon, Meeks Bay and Blackwood Canyon areas beginning Nov. 5 and continuing through early next week.

Residents and visitors can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

derby dames• Tahoe Derby Dames is in search of an indoor space of approximately 5,000 square feet for the team’s evening practices during the months of November, December and January. The Dames first bout of the 2011 season is in March. Contact

• Mountain bike riders from around the Lake Tahoe Basin will convene Nov. 5 from 6-8pm at South Lake Tahoe Parks & Recreation Department, 1180 Rufus Allen Blvd., Cedar Room, to discuss how to proceed in forming a single regional club or a couple clubs representing each area in the basin.

• For $50 find out Nov. 18 who won the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce’s Blue Ribbon awards. Lunch included. Call (775) 588.1728 by Nov. 10 to reserve a seat.

• Harveys Lake Tahoe will host the World Series of Poker Nov. 11-23.

• Bilingual Story Time at the South Lake Tahoe branch library on Nov. 6 at 11am. Hear stories, do crafts, play alphabet bingo, and learn a few words in Spanish.

A Brush with Kindness looking for homeowners

A Brush with Kindness is seeking applicants for 2011.

A Brush with Kindness is a program of El Dorado County Habitat for Humanity that helps low income homeowners by offering exterior home improvements. Volunteer teams partner with the homeowner and work to improve the condition of homes by painting, landscaping and performing minor exterior repairs at minimal costs to the homeowners.

Habitat is accepting applications for projects to be completed in 2011. To qualify, you must be a homeowner in the South Lake Tahoe area, meet the income guidelines, and submit a completed application.

Contact Carolyn at (530) 541.4654 or email for an application.

Library book club announces reading list

The South Lake Tahoe branch library has book club the third Wednesday of the month at 3pm in the library conference room off Rufus Allen Boulevard.

The group reads and discuss a wide variety of critically acclaimed books.

Nov. 17: “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot. Group leader is Ellen Davis.

Dec. 15: “The Whistling Season” by Ivan Doig. Group leader is Marie Filip.

Jan. 19: “Alice I Have Been” by Melanie Benjamin. Group leader is Kate Maney.