Snippets about Lake Tahoe

str• In the first year of South Tahoe Refuse’s blue bag recycling program more than 10,000 bags have been given out on the South Shore.

• This month $8,019,333 in matching funds for the South Tahoe High School ORG (Overcrowded Relief Grant) project and another $105,216 for the California High Performance Schools incentive have been deposited in the coffers.

• Nicole Zaborsky is filling the vacancy on the South Lake Tahoe Parks and Recreation Commission. Bill Ottman resigned because of health issues.

• Got the itch to ride? Check out from the 2010 Warren Miller flick.

• Nira Feeley starts her job Oct. 4 as deputy city attorney for South Lake Tahoe.

• The UNLV Center for Gaming Research did a study on how casinos are using Twitter.

Tahoe Douglas Rotary gives away trip to Hawaii

A lucky Texan won a stay at the Paniolo Greens in Waikola Village, Hawaii, at the Tahoe Douglas Rotary’s raffle at Bijou Bash.

Tahoe Douglas Rotary has two annual Hawaiian trip raffles. The first takes place during the club’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and the other is in the fall. The proceeds from all tickets sold during the fall raffle go toward the club’s international projects and donations such as the efforts to eradicate polio worldwide and providing clean water to villages around the world.

The next raffle for a trip to Hawaii will be during the Club’s St. Patrick’s Day Celebration in March 2011. Raffle tickets are will be available from club members and at the event.

For more information on Tahoe Douglas Rotary, visit the website. Tahoe Douglas Rotary meets at noon on Fridays at MontBleu casino in Stateline. Guests are always welcome. Call (775) 588.1142 for more details about meetings and membership.

Truckee Rotary looking for youth to travel on exchange

Local high school students with a passion for travel and excellent scholastic record are needed for the Rotary Club of Truckee’s Youth Exchange Program.

Two responsible and active local students will receive the rare opportunity to live with a host family and study in a foreign country for a year. This is the chance to continue high school courses while learning a new language and culture. All costs (except airfare and insurance) will be paid for by Rotary.

Applicants must be high school students between the ages of 15 1/2 and 18 1/2 by the departure date of August 2011. Students will be chosen based upon their scholastic record, linguistic ability, community involvement, potential as a cultural ambassador and age.

Although the host country assignments depend on which countries choose to participate in the program, past exchange countries include Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and Thailand. The chosen Rotary Youth Exchange students will spend up to a year with their host family.

Not only is this an opportunity to learn about another culture, it is also the chance to serve as an ambassador of Truckee, creating new connections and sharing your own lifestyle and ideas. One of the main purposes of the international Rotary Youth Exchange program is to promote a better intercultural understanding in the world.

Contact Leisa Peterson at or go by the High School Student Assistance Center at Truckee High School to obtain applications.

Meeting about concealed weapons in Carson City

The Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association annual Nevada Carry Concealed Weapon Permit Holders Forum is Sept. 30 from 9am-noon in Carson City.

Douglas County Undersheriff Paul Howell, Julie Butler of the Division of Records and Technology, and Frank Adams, executive director of the Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association, will moderate the panel.

The meeting will also be broadcast on the Nevada Legislature’s website.

The event is at the Nevada Legislature Building (401 S Carson St.), Room 1214.

Bijou students walking to raise money

Bijou Community School is having a walk-a-thon to raise money for the South Lake Tahoe school. It started at 9:30 this morning and continues until 11:30.

It’s not too late to help the K-5 school raise money that will go to the “extras” for the students.

Bijou walk-a-thon on Sept. 17. Photo/Madonna Doyle

Bijou walk-a-thon on Sept. 17. Photo/Madonna Doyle

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

washoe• The Washoe Meadows Community is having a meeting about the future of Washoe Meadow State Park, Lake Tahoe Golf Course and the Upper Truckee River on Sept. 23 from 5:30-7pm at El Papagayo restaurant in Meyers.

• Harrah’s Lake Tahoe is hosting Tahoe Tech Talk Sept. 30-Oct. 1. Here is a list of the speakers and details.

• The regional United Way, which includes El Dorado County, has kicked off its workplace-giving program. For more info, visit here or call (916) 368.3000.

• French and Russian language screens will be added to the entire network of Wells Fargo ATM machines.

• Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Granite Bay, was named a Taxpayer Hero by the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste for his 2009 voting record. McClintock received a 99 percent rating and was the highest rated congressman in California.

• Meyers Community Roundtable Committee meets Sept. 22 at 5:30pm at Lake Tahoe Environmental Science Magnet School.

• Water rates in Douglas County are going up Oct. 1 for most residents at Lake Tahoe based on a decision by commissioners on Thursday. The interim increase will last until July 1, 2011, by which time officials hope to have a consolidation plan in place.

Mutt Strutt in South Lake Tahoe

The Animal Coalition of Tahoe has planned a fun, family event where you can get a little exercise with your pooch, play poker, and maybe win some prizes.

The Sixth Annual Mutt Strut Poker Run will begin at the Super 8 Motel at 3600 Lake Tahoe Blvd. in South Lake Tahoe on Oct. 10 between 11 and 11:30am.

Participants will pick playing cards at stops along a 1.2 mile route, hoping for the best poker hands. No experience is necessary.

The fun continues after the walk, with a party at Timber Cove Marina featuring music, giveaways, raffle drawings, and contests such as best trick, best smooch, and musical sit.

Poker hands may be purchased for $10 each, or three hands for $25. One free raffle ticket with each poker hand purchased.

ACT was established in January 2004 as a nonprofit, all-volunteer corporation with the goal of raising funds to support a low-cost spay-neuter program for local residents. ACT also donates 10 percent of funds raised to the El Dorado County Animal Shelter.

For more information on the Animal Coalition Mutt Strut Poker Run, call (530) 400.4766 or click here.

SLT Poverty to Prosperity Forum on Oct. 8

Tomorrow’s prosperity is only possible by understanding and responding to those factors that contribute to poverty today. An increasing number of decision-makers and community leaders recognize that the pathway to prosperity is dependent on all sectors of the community working together.

South Lake Tahoe Poverty to Prosperity Forum 2010 is a day to provide that opportunity through awareness, education, linkage, and action.

Join business leaders, education boards and administrations, government officials, nonprofit directors and community decision-makers as we continue the strategic discussion that will define the critical linkages needed to move our South Lake Tahoe community from poverty to prosperity.

The gathering is Oct. 8 from 9am-4pm at Embassy Suites, 4130 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.

Lunch will provided.

RSVP by Oct. 1 to Lori Blackburn at (530) 295.2403 or or go online

Sponsors are Child Abuse Prevention Council of El Dorado County, El Dorado Community Foundation, El Dorado Office of Education, First 5 El Dorado, Lake Tahoe Gaming Alliance, South Lake Tahoe Area Fund at the El Dorado Community Foundation, and Tahoe Youth & Family Services.

SLT Women’s Center annual fundraiser on Sept. 25

South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center 11th Annual Sunset Gala by the Lake fundraiser is Sept. 25 from 5-8pm in Zephyr Cove.

There will be fine wines, hors d’oeuvres, desserts, classical guitar, and a silent auction.

Each year South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center serves more than 2,000 victims of abuse in our community. In 2009, the Women’s Center faced more than $200,000 in reductions in state funding for programs, and with no state budget signed for the current fiscal year, it is unclear if the agency experience the same reduction.

Purchase tickets online for $50 each or stop by 2941 Lake Tahoe Blvd.

South Lake Tahoe, Upper Truckee River topics for morning Soroptimist

Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra will host Tony O’Rourke, South Lake Tahoe city manager, on Sept. 16 at 7:30am at the Lake Tahoe Senior Center in South Lake Tahoe.

On Sept. 30 Kathy Strain, an instructor at Lake Tahoe Community College and a consultant with the California State Parks, will speak about the issue concerning the Upper Truckee River, its effect on Lake Tahoe Golf Course and what the proposals are to address this issue.

Everyone is welcome.