Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on June 18 unanimously approved a $605 million budget for 2018-19; $290 million of that is the General Fund.

·      Clinton Culp is Lake Tahoe Community College’s first full-time faculty member in Wilderness Education and Outdoor Leadership. He starts July 1. He comes from Montana State University-Billings where he is assistant professor of Outdoor Adventure Leadership.  

·      South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue is partnering with Lake Tahoe Humane Society in the management of the Disaster Animal Response Team program.

·      Here is the El Dorado-Tahoe roadwork schedule from Caltrans for this week.

·      Anyone wanting to know about capital improvement projects in Douglas County may go online to get information. Road maintenance and ownership data is also provided there.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      The next El Dorado County VHR Ad Hoc Committee meeting will be June 25, 6:30pm in Tahoma at the Meeks Bay Fire Protection District.

·      Douglas County Public Library will be hosting a coffee tasting on July 16 at the Minden Library from 2-4pm presented by DST Coffee Company.

·      Benko Gallery in South Lake Tahoe is hosting a solo art exhibit featuring the collected works of Jennifer McEuen on Aug. 18, 5-10pm. The exhibit theme Devotion is expressed through McEuen’s paintings, which delve into expanded perceptions with a strong grounding in realism. Live music will be part of the festivities.

·      The science speaks lunch featuring Tahoe Environmental Research Center Director Geoff Schladow will be July 13 from 11:30am-1pm on the campus of Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village. Tickets are $100 and available online.

STHS class of 1978 working on fall reunion

Andree Brulhart and Leona (Evans) Allen are working on plans for the South Tahoe High School class of 1978’s 40th reunion.

It will be Oct. 20.

So far plans include a tour of the renovated STHS campus in the late morning, then a lunch and get-together at the Camp Richardson boathouse.

The cost of the event will be approximately $50 per person, which will include the facility, set-up, a barbecue-style lunch, sodas and water.

RSVP by July 14 to Andree at or Leona at Indicate if it’s one or two people attending, phone number, and if you are able to volunteer. 

Hotel discounts are being worked on.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·       The South Lake Tahoe pool will be closed June 18 from 10:30am-1:30pm for the annual eighth-grade graduation party.

·      Parking will be free at Harrah’s and Harveys during celebrity golf in July.

·      The comment period has been extended to July 30 for the environmental documents related to Washoe Meadows State Park.

·      Douglas County Public Library will be closed July 4.

·       Live at Lakeview free concerts in South Lake Tahoe start June 21. They are every Thursday from 4:30-8:30pm.

EDC committee to discuss cannabis ballot measures

The ad hoc Cannabis Advisory Committee of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors will meet June 19 to discuss commercial cannabis proposed ballot measures that are planned to go to the full Board of Supervisors on July 17.

If the Board of Supervisors approves the ballot measures, they will be placed on the ballot in November.

The meeting will be from 3-5pm at the Planning Commission Room, Building C, 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville.

The purpose of the committee is to study and create ballot measures for different cannabis commercial uses tied to a tax.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Music in the Castle is a fundraiser for Vikingsholm at the castle in Emerald Bay. The twilight reception in the courtyard includes wine from Fawnridge Winery and hors d’oeuvres following the concert. It will be July 14 from 5-7:30pm. Tickets are $100. For more info, email

·      For the fourth year, writing industry experts C.S. Lakin, Carla King, and Beth Barany will be teaching writing and self-publishing boot camps in the South Lake Tahoe area this fall. For more information, go online.

·      Tito Jackson has teamed up with the legendary BB King’s Blues Band to carry on the rich musical legacy of the Jackson 5, the Jacksons, and the late BB King. They will perform at MontBleu in Stateline on Aug. 18 at 8pm.

·      The 50th annual pancake breakfast supporting California State Parks and Meeks Bay Fire District is July 7 and July 8, 8am-noon both days. T-shirts and raffle items available too. Cost is $10 adults, $6 children, ages 5 and under and first responders eat free. It will be at the fire department on Highway 89 in Tahoma.

·      Douglas County Public Library is providing a free class on how to draw and create with 3D printing pens at the Minden Library on June 25 from 4-6pm and at the Zephyr Cove Library on June 28 from 3-4pm. Preregistration is required at the libraries or call 775.782.9841. The library will provide 3D pens, plastic filament, tutorials, and template.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

·      Kirkwood’s Wildflower Walk & Wine is Aug. 11.

·      As part of the summer reading fun, Douglas County Public Library is providing two free wildlife shows on June 27. The first show is at 4pm at the Zephyr Cove Library; the second show will begin at 6:30pm at the C.V.I.C. Hall in Minden.

·      A Brush with Kindness in South Lake Tahoe, a program of El Dorado County Habitat for Humanity, is seeking volunteers to assist with prepping and painting four homes this summer. For information and an application, contact Sandy at 530.541.2844.  Applications are also available online.

·      South Lake Tahoe’s 100% Renewable Committee is partnering with the Sierra Business Council and Optony, a global leader in clean energy project services, to provide South Shore businesses and agencies an opportunity to obtain a no-cost onsite solar assessment with no strings attached. For info, contact Nick Exline at

·      Steph Curry from the Warriors is returning to the celebrity golf tournament next month in Stateline.

Beer, bingo and burritos benefits animal group

Beer, bingo and burritos at South Lake Brewing on June 19 will benefit Animal Coalition of Tahoe.

Bring your friendly dog on a leash and get $2 off your first pint.

The event is from 6-9pm at 1920 Lake Tahoe Blvd, just west of the Y in South Lake Tahoe. Money goes to ACT’s spay-neuter program

Verde Mexican Rotisserie will be serving up their food.

Bingo cards are $10 for two, $15 for three, $20 for five.

Lake Tahoe Airport issues subject of meeting

The South Lake Tahoe Planning Commission, acting in its capacity as the South Lake Tahoe Airport Land Use Commission, will be discussing an update to the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for Lake Tahoe Airport on June 21 at 3pm.

The draft ALUCP is online. ALUCPs are land use documents that provide for the orderly operation of airports and surrounding areas while safeguarding the welfare of people who live in the airport vicinity and the general public.

The commission meets at the airport.

Delays expected Hwy. 89 on North Shore

Motorists can expect traffic delays on Highway 89 between Truckee and Tahoe City as Caltrans repaints the edge lines in both directions of the highway.

Striping operations are scheduled for June 14 from 7am-7pm. Rolling lane closures will be used.

Motorists are cautioned to slow down when they see the flashing amber lights of the attenuator truck following the striping equipment to provide additional safety for the equipment operator. The striping of the lane deliniations on the Highway 89 roundabouts near Interstate 80 is also scheduled for Friday.