4-H Camp open house on South Shore

The 4-H Camp in Stateline is having an open house Sept. 12 from 10am-2pm.

The event is an opportunity to see changes to the camp and to learn what future changes are in store.

Lunch is sponsored by Nevada Farm Bureau Federation and a donation of $5 is suggested.

In addition to lunch, the camp beach will be open for swimming, and tours of the cabins and new dining pavilion will be available. Various groups will have exhibits set up, and there will be a presentation on the history of 4-H in Nevada.

Click here for more information.

South Lake Tahoe library book sale

On Aug. 21 from 10am to 3pm the South Lake Tahoe Branch Library will be having a book sale to support the Friends of the Library Free Children’s Programs. Many hardcover and paperback books will be available at deep discounts.

DVDs, VHS and books on tape will also be available.

The South Lake Tahoe Branch Library is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am to 8pm, and Thursday through Saturday 10am to 5pm. For more information on library services, call (530) 573.3185 during regular business hours.

Who: South Lake Tahoe Friends of the Library

What: Booksale

When: Aug. 21s, 10am-3pm,

Where: South Lake Tahoe Branch Library

Conference Room (1000 Rufus Allen Blvd

Telephone: (530) 573.3185

Tour of artists in Incline

Incline Village Artists Studio Tour is Aug. 7-8 from 10am-5pm Friday and to 4pm Sunday in Incline Village and Crystal Bay.

Watercolors, oils/acrylics, photography, pottery, printmaking, textile/fiber art and jewelry will be on display.

There is no charge.

For more information, call (775) 833.0637 or go to www.inclinearts.com.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

timthumb• Heavenly Mountain Resort will break ground Aug. 6 on its 14,980-square-foot restaurant at the top of the gondola. It should open in February 2011.

• Douglas Woods and Shawn Kearney are opening Tahoe Duck Tours Stateline. A Duck Tour allows people to experience the sites and sounds of a locale from land and water.

• Charter Cable is making channel changes this month affecting El Dorado County, Meyers, South Lake Tahoe, Zephyr Cove, Glenbrook and other parts of Douglas County.

• Charlie Brown out of Atlanta has taken over the emcee role at Carnival Cabaret at Horizon in Stateline. His act alone is reason to see the show.

• Big Blue Adventure brings the Lake Tahoe Open Water Swim on Aug. 8 with an 8am race start at West Shore’s Sugar Pine State Park, with half-mile, 1-mile and 2-mile courses set up just off the beach from Ehrman Mansion.

Crisis line volunteers needed at SLT Women’s Center

South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center is in need of volunteers to cover the 24-hour crisis line. Volunteers may select their hours and answer the line from their home.

Beginning Aug. 24th the Women’s Center is offering a course designed to teach the fundamentals of working with victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse. The course will provide participants with peer counseling skills, familiarity with local resources, crisis intervention techniques, and the opportunity to be a state certified sexual assault and domestic violence volunteer. It offers an opportunity to give back to the community and learn more about important social issues.

Once certified, Women’s Center volunteers may participate in areas, including childcare, outreach, administrative duties and coverage of the 24-hour crisis line. The crisis line assists people experiencing issues as a result of family violence, sexual assault or child abuse, as well as offering referrals to other community resources.

Class will be Aug. 24-Oct. 13, 5:15-7:30pm, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

To sign up, contact Leanne or Sarah at (530) 544.2118.

Dog training classes in August

Aug. 8 marks the start of the next series of positive focus dog training classes designed to promote bonding, dependable good behavior, and fun activities with your dog.

The current series includes Rally O Sport, Adolescent Dog Obedience, and Brilliant Buddy Advanced Obedience.

To assure individual attention, class size is limited to 10 participants. Preregistration is required. Classes are at the South Lake Tahoe Recreation Center. Only positive reinforcement methods are used – no choke chains, pinch collars, or physical restraint. The instructors are certified professionals from “Dog Training by PJ”.

For information and to register, call the Lake Tahoe Humane Society and S.P.C.A. at (530) 542.2857.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

daron• This in from Daron Rahlves, “This clip from Teton Gravity Research is not the way I wanted to kick off my trip in Alaska. I took a beating, but managed to ski the rest of the day.”

• An 18-hole disc golf course designed by Craig Getty is open in Turtle Rock Park in Markleeville. For more information, call (530) 694.0532.

• After more than 50 years of taking people to tropical destinations, Pleasant Holidays has added the continental U.S. to its destination portfolio — including Lake Tahoe.

• The recent adoption of Proposition 90 by El Dorado County enables qualified people who have sold their homes in other California counties to transfer their property tax base to a home in El Dorado County. El Dorado County is one of eight counties of the 58 counties in California to adopt this proposition, and is the only rural county in California to do so.

• Mike Crawley, fire supervisor at Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, is leaving to be a ranger in the Bridgeport District ranger at the end of August.

Public meetings set for Placer County biomass proposal

Two meetings are scheduled for this month by the Placer County Planning Department and TRPA Advisory Planning Commission regarding a proposed biomass plant in Kings Beach.

The purpose of the meetings is to receive comments from the public and agencies regarding issues in the EIS/EIR.

The first meeting is Aug. 9 at 6pm at the North Tahoe Conference Center, 318 North Lake Blvd., Kings Beach and on Aug. 11 at 9:30am at Tahoe Regional Planning Agency office at 128 Market St., Stateline.

The plan is to build a 1-3 megawatt biomass energy facility. Tahoe City is a possible alternative location.

Autumn Fest at LTCC

Autumn Fest at the Lake Tahoe Demonstration Garden at Lake Tahoe Community College is Sept. 12 from 11am-3pm.

Celebrate autumn and support the Lake Tahoe Demonstration Garden by enjoying a pumpkin patch, bake sale, speakers, bluegrass music, silent auction, kids’ games and more.

No entrance fee.

Contact Kara Steeland at ksteeland@tahoercd.org or (530) 543.1501, ext. 105 for more information.

Douglas County has new alternative sentencing officer

Mike Beam has been appointed the chief alternative sentencing officer for Douglas County.

Working for Douglas County for the past 27 years, he was the youth facility manager with China Spring Youth Camp where he worked for the past eight years. Prior to that position he served as a special investigator in the District Attorney’s Office for seven years, and was also a deputy sheriff/investigator for 12 years.

Mike Beam

Mike Beam

As the chief alternative sentencing officer, Beam will plan, organize and manage the activities of the Alternative Sentencing Department, which handles misdemeanor offenders who have been sentenced as an alternative to incarceration and have legal conditions of probation and parole.