Nevada’s rep to TRPA board changing

Las Vegas real estate executive Donna Ruthe has resigned as a member of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board to be on the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners starting next month. She will take the seat of Rene West, who resigned from the board effective Aug. 15.

Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons appointed Robin Reedy to the TRPA. Reedy presently serves as the governor’s chief of staff and is a resident of Douglas County.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

mansion• Living History Day at Sugar Pine Point State Park on the West Shore is July 31 from 10am-4pm, with Ehrman Mansion open house, historical speakers, vintage car display, artists in residence and live music.

•  Kelly Ridge housing area in South Lake Tahoe has made the cover of Tax Credit Advisor magazine. Disabled advocate David Kelly, who the complex is named after, said, “It’s like receiving an Academy Award.”

• On Aug. 4 at 10am will be a groundbreaking ceremony for Lakeview Commons at El Dorado Beach in South Lake Tahoe.

• The Incline Village Tennis Center hosts a professional exhibition match July 31 at 11am between Jan-Michael Gambill (formerly No. 14 in the world) and Robert Kendrick (currently No. 153 in the world). Cost is $5/adults and kids are free.

• Vic Payne’s bronze sculpture “Where Eagles Dare” will be unveiled in its permanent home at Ski Run Marina in South Lake Tahoe on Aug. 25 at 5pm.

• A plaque honoring Scott Rogers, a South Lake Tahoe employee and avid sportsman who died earlier year, will soon be put at the city’s Park and Recreation complex.

• Do It Center in South Lake Tahoe expects to open in August.

• The Tahoe Art League Artist Studio Tour is July 30-Aug. 1 and Aug. 6-8 from 10am-5pm at 13 locations throughout the South Shore. For tour maps, call (530) 541.5458. The event is free.

Placer County looking for candidates for slew of positions

Among the 80 local governmental bodies in Placer County, there are approximately 180 seats open in the November election. Currently, 37 potential candidates have filed with the Office of Elections. In most districts, the sole requirements to run for these seats is that the candidate be a registered voter and live in the district.

Despite the ease with which potential candidates can qualify and register to run for office, about half of the candidates run unopposed.

The filing period is until Aug. 6. If an incumbent fails to file, candidate filing for that office extends until Aug. 11.

Interested candidates can get additional information about the various districts by calling (530) 886.5650.

Pirate event at Zephyr Cove library

The Douglas County Public Library in Zephyr Cove is having a pirate party on Aug. 6 at 1:30pm.

Children can make a pirate treasure chest and ice-cream-in-a-can. Children should bring their own ice cream toppings such as chocolate sauce, cherries, and whipped cream. Bring small clear coffee can lids (13-oz. coffee cans) if you have them.

Safeway and the library will furnish other supplies.

For ages 3 and up; young children should be accompanied by an adult. Children must register by Aug. 5 to attend this program.

For more information visit; to sign up for this event call (775) 588.6411.

Fallen Leaf Lake residents approve special fire tax

El Dorado County Elections Department this morning came out with the results of the Fire Special Tax for Fallen Leaf Lake.

The extension of the Fire Special Tax received 78.3 percent of the vote. Two-thirds was needed. There were 137 votes in favor of extension, 37 against, and one blank.

A special meeting of the Community Services District will be this weekend – date and time not set yet – for the board to vote on the final Fire Department budget and to set the Special Fire Tax parcel rate for 2010-11.

Date set to fill Cox’s state Senate seat

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has set Nov. 2 as the special primary election date to fill the 1st Senate District seat vacancy that was created by the death of Dave Cox earlier this month.

The special election will be Jan. 4.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

mccall• Lake Tahoe-based McCall Realty is presenting $10,000 to area children’s nonprofit organizations Aug. 5 from 4–7pm. It will include free barbecue, drinks, kids’ activities and a 5pm check presentation in the Round Hill Mall, 212 Elks Point Drive in Zephyr Cove.

• The Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation AmeriCorps Team’s video “Carrying Our Community” was selected as a finalist in the National AmeriCorps Video Contest. Follow the link to view the finalists and cast your vote.

• There will be a Hot August Nights Swap Meet at the Heavenly’s California Lodge parking lot July 31-Aug. 1. Admission is free. Find a rare part or just walk around enjoying the mix of scenic beauty and classic cars. Lakeside Inn is getting in on the action, too.

• The nonprofit Tahoe Swim Club, based in South Lake Tahoe, is always looking for new member. For more information, contact Jerry Erickson at

• UC Davis is sponsoring a series of discussion on state water policy issues. There will be one Aug. 4 from 6-8pm in West Sacramento at the Arthur F. Turner Community Library, 1212 Merkley Ave. Advance registration is required by calling (916) 375.6465.

• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency invites small businesses and municipalities to nominate representatives to provide input on a proposed stormwater rule. The rule would strengthen the national stormwater program under the Clean Water Act and focus on stormwater discharges from developed sites. Here is information about participating in the panel. For more information about the rulemaking, click here. South Lake Tahoe City Manger Dave Jinkens said, “If the federal government is going to come up with new requirements for stormwater discharge, they should also come up with the money for business owners and operators to comply with these new standards. As we all know, businesses in our community cannot and should not have to bear more costly requirements.”

Cilantro helps fight cancer

Cilantro Mexican restaurant in Stateline is this week’s featured restaurant in Taste of Tahoe.

Taste of Tahoe raises money for next month’s Relay for Life at Kahle Community Park.

A portion of the proceeds at Cilantro from now through July 31 help fight cancer.

Public memorial for state Sen. Cox

By Jim Sanders, Sacramento Bee

A public memorial service for state Sen. Dave Cox is planned next month near the Capitol where the Fair Oaks Republican served as a legislator for a dozen years.

The celebration for Cox, who died last week after a 13-year battle with prostate cancer, is scheduled for 10 a.m. Aug. 5 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St.

Read the whole story

Caltrans to address Echo Summit project with TRPA

A public hearing for the replacement of the historic rock barrier wall on Highway 50 at Echo Summit is scheduled for Aug. 5 at 2pm before the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency hearing officer.

Click on agenda for more information.