Barton orthopedic center names director

Michael Lewis has been hired by Barton Health to be the director of its Tahoe Center for Orthopedics.

Lewis has been the senior vice president and chief medical officer of Priority Healthcare, and most recently was the medical director of Active Implants Corporation in Southern California.

Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis

Barton is working with Accelero Health Partners, a consulting firm specializing in the development of orthopedic centers, to finalize the local center.

Working with the local orthopedic surgeons, several who have worked with the U.S. Ski and Snowboard teams, the center will incorporate surgery, medical imaging and rehabilitation teams. The multi-faceted team plans to introduce a leading-edge approach to the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries.

The center will also be home to the Lake Tahoe Orthopedic Sports Medicine Fellowship –- an intensive training program for orthopedic surgeons from around the world that has been in existence for more than 20 years.

Control burn scheduled for Meeks Bay

USFSU.S. Forest Service fuels management crews expect to conduct prescribed fire operations in Meeks Canyon on Lake Tahoe’s West Shore beginning April 20. The project would continue throughout the week if favorable weather conditions persist, with the goal of completing 60 acres.

State and local fire management agencies may also be conducting prescribed fire work during this period.

Residents and travelers can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

Vendors for art festival sought

Tahoe Arts Project’s 9th annual Art Festival is July 10-11 outside at South Tahoe Middle School.

Applications are still being accepted for vendors. However, all the jewelery spots have been taken.

Click here to download an application or call (530) 542.3632.

Comments sought on Kirkwood’s power plant

Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District is seeking comments regarding Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District’s permit for a power plant.

Written comments will be taken until May 7. Send them to the district office at: 157 Short St., Ste. 6, Bishop, CA 93514.

Prescribed burn on Tahoe’s East Shore

USFSU.S. Forest Service fuels management crews expect to conduct prescribed fire operations in Slaughterhouse Canyon on Lake Tahoe’s East Shore beginning April 18. The project would continue throughout the week if favorable weather conditions persist, with the goal of completing 245 acres.

State and local fire management agencies may also be conducting prescribed fire work during this period.

Residents and travelers can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

Student speaker contest today

Lion’s Club District 4A-1 Student Speakers Contest is at noon on April 17 at the Horizon casino in Stateline. Four locals will judge the event.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

boat• Lake Tahoe Museum’s website is up and running.

• Carl Young, program director at the League to Save Lake Tahoe, has been selected as Lake Tahoe Community College’s distinguished alumni.

• South Lake Tahoe plans to disseminate bid documents April 19 for Lakeview Commons (aka 56-acre Project). Assuming funding is available via the California Tahoe Conservancy, the bid would be awarded June 8, with construction to start after July 4.

• The 1928-era courthouse in Markleeville will be replaced. California will supply the $24.37 million to build the facility in Alpine County.

• Kids 15 and under can snowmobile for free the remainder of the season at Zephyr Cove Snowmobile Center.

Graffiti clean-up day in South Tahoe

South Shore residents are invited to participate in a Community Graffiti Clean Up Day by Leadership Lake Tahoe.

Members are working in conjunction with the Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club.

Meet at the Boys & Girls Club (old Al Tahoe Elementary School in South Lake Tahoe) on May 1 at 10am. Volunteers will paint over graffiti in various locations around town under the guidance of the Community Service Officers of the South Lake Tahoe Police Department.

The vision of this project is to foster a sense of community by bringing citizens together to collectively make a difference in the appearance of our town, as well as discourage criminal behavior in our community.

Lahontan, Forest Service plans for Angora burn area

Click on letter to find out more about Lahontan Water Quality Control Board’s plans regarding work in the stream environmental zone in the Angora burn area.

Land swap possible in El Dorado County

A land swap between Eldorado Irrigation District and the U.S. Forest Service will be discussed April 26 at 10am.

The meeting is at 2890 Mosquito Road in Placerville.

All of the property involved is in El Dorado County, with the federal parcels in Eldorado National Forest.

For more information, call (530) 642.0482.