’50 Ways to Love Your School’ fundraiser

While Paul Simon says there are “50 Ways to Leave your Lover,” Whittell High School says there are “50 Ways to Love Your School”.

The Zephyr Cove school’s spring auction fundraiser “50 Ways to Love Your School” is May 22 at 6pm at MontBleu Casino in Stateline.

MontBleu will be transformed into a walk down memory lane. There will be a silent auction, wine toss, fast-paced live auction featuring nostalgic items, dinner, dancing and more.

Proceeds will benefit the students at Whittell High and Zephyr Cove Elementary schools. Last year’s event distributed $40,000 into the classrooms with technology such as smart boards and other teacher tools, sports uniforms and equipment, enrichment activities and field trips.

The event website has where tickets can be purchased, sponsorship opportunities detailed and auction items reviewed.

For more information, call: (530) 307.8658 cell or email lv2plan@aol.com

Choral performance in South Lake

Spring Choir Concert featuring the Blue Ribbon Choir, Tahoe Belles, South Tahoe High School Choir and Tahoe Community Choir on April 23 from 7-8pm at St. Theresa main sanctuary in South Lake Tahoe.

Donation of $5 is requested.

Proceeds will benefit two traveling competitions.

For information, call Paul Kushner at (530) 541.4111.

Wine fundraiser benefits 3 South Tahoe nonprofits

Join Court Appointed Special Advocates, South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center and Tahoe Youth and Family Services at Après Wine Company on April 23 from 5-11pm for a fundraiser benefiting these nonprofits.

Ten percent of all purchases of wine, food, bottled wine and gifts will go to the three South Lake Tahoe organizations.

For more information, visit www.apreswineco.com or call Kelly at (530) 573.3072.

Sierra Day in Sacramento

Representatives from 19 organizations with a broad array of interests will gather in Sacramento today for the 7th Annual Sierra Day in the Capital. The message they’ll bring to legislators and staff members is about the importance of the Sierra Nevada Region to the entire state.

Organizations representing cattlemen, businesses, water resources, land trusts, and other groups will walk the halls and attend meetings in the Capitol. Accompanying Sierra Day this year will be a Sierra photo gallery with works by professional photographers from throughout the region, as well as the unveiling of a permanent window box display showing the Sierra as the source for 65 percent of the state’s water. Both displays are located in the hallway outside the governor’s office.

Participating organizations include the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Sierra Fund, Bear-Yuba Partnership, California Cattlemen’s Association, California Forestry Association, California Rangeland Trust, California Ski Industry Association, CalTrout, Mountain Counties Water Resources Association, Northern Sierra Partnership, Pacific Forest Trust, Planning and Conservation League, Regional Council of Rural Counties, Sierra Business Council, Sierra-Cascade Land Trust Council, Sierra Environmental Water Caucus, Sierra Nevada Alliance, Southern Sierra Partnership, and The Trust for Public Land.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

kirkwood• Adults ages 19-plus can ski or ride for $59 at Kirkwood Mountain Resort until it closes April 25. Sugar Bowl’s 2010-11 season passes are on sale starting at $299.

• South Tahoe Public Utility District board President Dale Rise will be arraigned May 11 on charges stemming from a September incident at his home when he allegedly grabbed a police officer’s Taser.

• Standard and Poors upgraded South Lake Tahoe’ Redevelopment Agency’s bond rating from BBB-minus to BBB-plus.

• IVGID candidates’ forum is on May 3 from 6-8:30pm at The Chateau in Incline Village.

• Spend $30 on wine, beer, cordials and appetizers to benefit Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe on May 11 from 7-9pm at Edgewood Tahoe in Stateline.

• The North Tahoe Business Association is creating the Great Tahoe to Truckee Xtreme Clean on June 5 in an attempt to beautify the area from Incline Village to Tahoe City and into Truckee before the summer crowds arrive.

• Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe is hosting its 12th annual car raffle. This fundraiser offers a chance to win one of three automobiles or $25,000 cash as the grand prize. Second prize is $1,000 cash. For information, contact Dick Derby at (530) 543.5841 or dderby@bartonhealth.org.

STPUD schedules hearing on rate hike

stpudSouth Tahoe Public Utility District is having a public hearing on May 6 at 6pm regarding its proposed 4 percent rate hike that would take effect July 1.

The meeting is at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe.

Written comments may be sent to the above address, attention Customer Service Manager.

TAP fundraiser at Bert’s

Bert’s Spaghetti Night, a benefit for Tahoe Arts Project, is April 22 from 5:30-7:30pm.

Bert’s Cafe is at 1146 Emerald Bay Road in South Lake Tahoe.

Cost is $10 per person.

Call Tahoe Arts Project for tickets — (530) 542.3632.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

• Dina Cipollaro, who with Virginia Boyar runs Fundamental Training Solutions, will be leading two sessions on customer service at the Vacation Rental Management Association conference in Reno next month. Cipollaro is based in Arizona, while Boyar is in South Lake Tahoe.

Dina Ciparollo and Virginia Boyar

Dina Cipollaro and Virginia Boyar

• On April 15 at 4 pm the South Lake Tahoe City Council is having a special meeting to discuss Councilman Bruce Grego’s reimbursement for outside legal counsel. Meeting is at Lake Tahoe Airport.

• Sudeep Chandra, an assistant professor of limnology and conservation ecology at UNR, received the American Fisheries Society California-Nevada Chapter highest honor of excellence award for work on Nevada — Lake Tahoe, Lake Mead, Walker Lake, Pyramid Lake and the Truckee River.

• The Reno-Tahoe Open is boosting the purse for the July tournament to $3.5 million from $3 million. Last year this PGA tournament had the smallest purse on the tour.

• Squaw Valley plans to keep its slopes open through May 9. Skiers and boarders can go to Mammoth until July 4.

• Gardnerville’s JT Basque Bar & Dining Room is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month.

EDC sheriff’s candidate forum

El Dorado County sheriff’s candidates will congregate in El Dorado Hills on April 20 at 7pm in the El Dorado Hills Community Services District Pavillion, 1021 Harvard Way.

Candidates are: John D’Agostini, district attorney’s investigator; Larry Hennick, retired sheriff’s sergeant; Ernie Hillman, retired sheriff’s captain; Bob Luca, retired chief of the California Bureau of Investigation; George Nielsen, Placerville police chief; and Craig Therkildsen, El Dorado County sheriff’s captain.

Written questions from the audience will be asked. A member of the League of Women Voters will moderate.

BMP workshop at LTCC

A best management practices workshop for contractors will be April 16 from 8am-4:30pm at Lake Tahoe Community College in South Lake Tahoe.

Learn how to install BMPs for single family residences. Licensed contractors who pass the course will have their businesses listed in the 2010 BMP Installation Service Providers List, distributed by the BMP Retrofit partners to homeowners.

For registration information, contact the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension at (775) 832.4150 or visit www.trpa.org.