The Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe is hosting its 12th annual car raffle. This fundraiser offers a chance to win one of three automobiles or $25,000 cash as the grand prize. Second prize is $1,000 cash.
The automobiles up for grabs include a Toyota Four-Runner, a Tacoma or a Prius, which are provided to the club by Cardinale Way of South Lake Tahoe.
Simply purchase one or more tickets from any Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe member. A completed, numbered ticket stub will be entered in your name. The receipt portion, complete with valuable coupons for you to redeem whether you win a car or not, will be returned to you with your ticket numbers.
A maximum of 1,500 tickets will be sold and of those, 25 lucky tickets will be drawn on April 27. The finalists will be invited to a Rotary sponsored dinner on May 5. At the dinner, 25 keys will be drawn and only one key will open the vehicle. The other 24 finalists will be put into a drawing for a second prize of $1,000 cash.
You do not need to attend the dinner to win, as a proxy can attend for you or one will be appointed.
Visit the club’s website at for more information.
Last year, this raffle raised about $45,000 which the club used to fund South Lake Tahoe Rotary scholarship programs and Rotary community projects such as Coats for Kids, Christmas Cheer, Kid’s College, Sober Grad Night, student speech and music contests, CASA and the Drug Store Project, among many others.
For more information, contact Dick Derby at (530)543.5841 or