Distinguished LTCC alumni sought

Lake Tahoe Community College Foundation is seeking nominations for its Distinguished Alumni Award.

This award will be based on the person’s exemplary achievement in his or her particular endeavor in life,

which encompasses academic, business and professional and civic activities.

The deadline to make a nomination is March 1.

Click application to get started.

Eating chili helps Bread & Broth

Coyote Grill in the Round Hill Center by Safeway is having a chili fundraiser on Feb. 11 from 5-11pm. Profits go to Bread & Broth.

H1N1 shots at MontBleu

MontBleu in Stateline is offering free H1N1 shots on Feb. 11 from noon-5pm at the Convention Center. Carson City Health Care will administer the shots.

Kiwanians do dinner at Bread & Broth

The Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra was on hand at Grace Hall of St Theresa Church on Monday to help Bread & Broth serve more 75 locals in need of a hot meal.

“This is what Kiwanis is all about – serving the community,” Kiwanian Tom Millham said in a press release.

In addition to donating $250 to sponsor the evening, Kiwanis volunteers rolled up their sleeves to help serve meals, clean up, and put away tables and chairs.

Pat Frega, Marie Foster and Tom Millham serve a hot meal at Bread & Broth. Photo/Georgette Riley

Pat Frega, Marie Foster and Tom Millham serve a hot meal at Bread & Broth. Photo/Georgette Riley

Bread & Broth is reaching out to businesses throughout the area to sponsor a Monday meal any time during the year. A $250 sponsorship covers the cost of food and beverages for the approximately 100 folks who visit each Monday evening.

For more information about Bread & Broth and sponsorship availability, contact Evye Szanto at (530) 570.7890 or evyeszanto@gmail.com

H1N1 clinic in Kings Beach

HiN1 vaccine clinics scheduled for Kings Beach at 8665 Salmon Ave. on Feb. 11 and Feb. 25 from 9am-3:30pm, except for the lunch hour.

SLT Rotary selling tickets to win a vehicle

The Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe is hosting its 12th annual car raffle. This fundraiser offers a chance to win one of three automobiles or $25,000 cash as the grand prize. Second prize is $1,000 cash.

The automobiles up for grabs include a Toyota Four-Runner, a Tacoma or a Prius, which are provided to the club by Cardinale Way of South Lake Tahoe.

Simply purchase one or more tickets from any Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe member. A completed, numbered ticket stub will be entered in your name. The receipt portion, complete with valuable coupons for you to redeem whether you win a car or not, will be returned to you with your ticket numbers.

A maximum of 1,500 tickets will be sold and of those, 25 lucky tickets will be drawn on April 27. The finalists will be invited to a Rotary sponsored dinner on May 5. At the dinner, 25 keys will be drawn and only one key will open the vehicle. The other 24 finalists will be put into a drawing for a second prize of $1,000 cash.

You do not need to attend the dinner to win, as a proxy can attend for you or one will be appointed.

Visit the club’s website at www.sltrotary.org for more information.

Last year, this raffle raised about $45,000 which the club used to fund South Lake Tahoe Rotary scholarship programs and Rotary community projects such as Coats for Kids, Christmas Cheer, Kid’s College, Sober Grad Night, student speech and music contests, CASA and the Drug Store Project, among many others.

For more information, contact Dick Derby at (530)543.5841 or dderby@bartonhealth.org

Opening Ceremony fundraiser for Reno-Tahoe 2022 Games

vanolyThe Reno-Tahoe Winter Games Coalition is having an Opening Ceremony fund-raising party on Feb. 12 beginning at 6:30pm. The Vancouver Games begin at 7:30pm. They will be shown on three large screens.

Proceeds will benefit the coalition which is trying to bring the Games to Reno-Tahoe in 2022, as well as the Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program.

The event is at The Grove, 95 Foothill Road in Reno.

Ticket are $50 for adults, $25 for ages 5-12, free for 4 and younger. Tickets are available by going to www.skytavern.com or calling (775) 342.3444 or (775) 323.5125.

Several former Olympians are expected to be at the fundraising buffet-ceremony.

Radon continues to be a problem at ZCES

Radon is an issue that won’t go away in Douglas County School District.

Thousands of dollars have been spent trying to mitigate the matter at schools on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe. However, tests in December show that the problem is persisting.

For more details, click here.

Winter skills workshops

Join volunteer outdoorsman Bill Holt and the Tahoe Rim Trail Association for a one-day winter skills workshop. This class will be offered Feb. 20 and March 6.

The class will begin with classroom time in the morning and outdoor navigation in the afternoon. Your map and compass will be provided; bring lunch and winter clothing suitable for an afternoon of snowshoeing.

The class will include: challenges of winter navigation, using a map to navigate, handson exercises and using compasses.

Location: DWR Nonprofit Center, 948 Incline Way, Incline Village

Cost: $25

Register in advance, as space is limited to 12 participants.

For more information or to sign-up for this class, call (775) 298.0012 or email programs@tahoerimtrail.org.

Training dates for CASA in South Tahoe

There are many children in South Lake Tahoe who are in need of a special “voice”. These are children that have been abused or neglected and have not had a voice to speak for their safety and needs.

The South Lake Tahoe branch of CASA El Dorado County is offering a spring training class for adults interested in becoming a volunteer advocate and a powerful voice in court for children.

An introduction to our Court Appointed Special Advocate program will be March 4 from 4-5pm. Classes will continue for four weeks from 4pm-5pm: March 9, March 11, March 16, March 18, March 23, March 25, March 30 and April 1.

Plus, two additional Saturday trainings from 9am-2pm on March 3 and March 27.

Each person completing the training is then eligible to become a CASA.

CASA volunteers are appointed by a judge and advocate for a child’s best interest in court. Many of these children have been removed from their homes and are placed in foster care.

The CASA volunteer is often the only consistent person in their life during a traumatic time, serving as an advocate, a mentor and a friend.

The CASA program in South Lake Tahoe is serving more than 90 children but has children waiting. The requirements of a volunteer are simple: a heart for children and a few hours of time.

Call Kelly Parker or Amanda Morozumi at the CASA office at (530) 573.3072 for more information and to sign up for the training.