NBC expects Olympics to be financial loss

vanolyNBC is already predicting it will lose money on the Vancouver Olympics, which it will televise Feb. 12-28.

Although ads for the Winter Games are already airing, sales were slow, according to published reports. Apparently they are picking up.

Part of the broadcasting firm’s financial problems stem from it costing $820 million to secure the rights to air the Games.

The overall loss is expected to be a couple hundred million dollars.

SLT redevelopment update

South Lake Tahoe officials and the South Tahoe Public Utility District will meet Feb. 18 regarding redevelopment.

A South Tahoe PUD official plans to be at the Feb. 2 El Dorado County Board of Supervisors meeting when the city speaks.

For more information about the issue, click here.

The utility district had $845,000 in property tax redirected from Project Area 1 in fiscal year 2008-09 and it will be $886,000 for this fiscal year.

What to do with plastic bags in SLT?

kthoFind out what South Lake Tahoe’s Sustainability Commission is up to and what it wants to do with plastic bags. Chairwoman Kirstin Cattell takes to the airwaves Saturday at 10am on KTHO FM-96.1/AM590; or listen at www.kthoradio.com.

TY&FS needs volunteers

Tahoe Youth & Family Services needs volunteers to help in the South Lake Tahoe office, Gardnerville office and both Drop In Centers.

Answering phones, odd office jobs and help with bulk mailings is needed.

Interested? Contact the office you are interested in — Gardnerville (775) 782.4202 or South Lake Tahoe (530) 541.2445.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

South Shore radio stations KRLT and KOWL are in need of a general manager. Betsy Miller’s last day was Jan. 6.

Thane McCall is back in real estate with offices opening this month in South Lake Tahoe and Round Hill.

With Wells Fargo now owning Sue Abrams house in the Angora burn area of El Dorado County, the bank is promising to remove the large sign from the side of the house.

Overheard this week at Ernie’s Coffee Shop in South Lake Tahoe – ice fishing is good at Indian Creek Reservoir near Markleeville.

Santiago to lead EDC supervisors

Norma Santiago, who represents Lake Tahoe on the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, will chair that elected body for the next year.

Norma Santiago

Norma Santiago

On Tuesday, Ray Nutting was elected first vice chairman and John Knight second vice chairman.

Gavel changes hands in DCSD

At the Jan. 12 Douglas County School District board of education meeting, the seven members picked new leaders.

jaminTeri Jamin is now president. Tom Moore is vice president and Keith Roman is the clerk.

Trash Talk with Attorneys

The business community is invited to attend “Trash Talk with Attorneys” on Jan. 15 at Resort at Squaw Creek from 9am to noon.

Co-sponsored by the Truckee Donner and North Lake Tahoe chambers of commerce, in partnership with the Sierra Human Resources Association, this seminar includes updated information managers and business professionals need to know for 2010.

The popular “Trash Talk” format includes a presentation followed by plenty of time to ask the panel of attorneys from California and Nevada anything that’s on your mind.

Richard Rybicki of Employment Law Advocates, PC in Napa, David Cohen of Cohen Durrett, LLP in Sacramento and Nicole Harvey of Harvey Law Firm in Reno will cover best practices in general employment such as the increasingly complex ADAAA/LOA/FMLA/Workers Comp Web.

Updates regarding Wage and Hour, Fair Pay and Immigration best practices, new Department of Labor guidance on the reversal of temporary reduction of exempt worker hours and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission FAQ’s on furloughs, reductions in pay, severance agreements and GINA compliance will be discussed.

Seating is limited and advance registration is required so please register today online at www.sierrahra.com. Click on the online store.

Questions can be submitted in advance so they can be asked anonymously by the moderator. Call Laura Moriarty, SHRA president-elect, at (530) 573.0224 or Linda Pendleton at (530) 587.8808 for more information.

Meyers elementary singled out for honor roll

Lake Tahoe Environmental Science Magnet School in Meyers has been selected by California Business for Education Excellence as one of 1,304 public schools in California to receive the title of 2009 Honor Roll school.

Schools receiving this distinction from California’s business community have demonstrated consistently high student academic achievement and have made significant progress toward closing achievement gaps among all their students.

The honor roll list has grown from 304 schools in 2006 to the current 1,304.

Prescribed burn on West Shore

USFSU.S. Forest Service fuels management crews will begin prescribed fire operations on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe in the Meeks Bay Canyon area beginning Jan. 12 and continuing throughout the next two weeks as weather and staffing allow.

Residents and travelers can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas.

Other fire protection agencies, state and local, may also be conducting prescribed fire operations during this period.