Assistance for EDC seniors

El Dorado County has help for seniors. Learn about the vast programs available to older adults and their caregivers with one phone call.

The Senior Information & Assistance Program is designed to assist in navigating various senior programs and finding what might best assist you. Learn about programs to keep you safely at home, to keep you active in the community as well as programs that contribute to your overall well being.

Call (530) 621.6369 for more information.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

Read the January-February issue of Sierra magazine to find out what Hannah Teter’s opinions are about the environment.

Mike Lathbury plans to open Truckee Pizza at the Citizen’s Bank Plaza, which is near his Smokey’s Kitchen on Donner Pass Road. Truckee Pizza will have minimal seating as it focuses on delivery and take-out.

Hannah Teter

Hannah Teter

Brooks’ Bar and Deck is open for the winter at Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course.

Crystal Bay’s Prestige Publishing, which puts out Wedding Affair and Homes & Land, acquired Reno’s Pulse magazine.

The Bureau of Reclamation early this year will release draft environmental documents regarding the possibility of increasing the height of Stampede Reservoir, which is north of Truckee.

Bonita Paulis of South Lake Tahoe has three images in “The Best of America Pastel Artists Vol. 2.”

Mt. Rose changes theme for Saturday

Mt. Rose-Ski Tahoe has canceled Elvis Day on Jan. 9 and is replacing it with a community appreciation day.

Community appreciation day includes a Bavarian-theme beer garden at the Winters lodge, a snow-building contest, and a dual slalom race.

Li’l Smokey talk at Explore Tahoe

Explore Tahoe lecture Jan. 14 at 6pm in South Lake Tahoe.

What: “Saving Li’l Smokey” Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Executive Director Cheryl Milham tells the heartwarming story of an orphaned cub, severely injured in a forest fire that was rescued, rehabilitated and released back into the wild. The book written by the firefighter who rescued Li’l Smokey will be available for purchase along with a photo CD. This program is free and refreshments will be provided.

Where: Explore Tahoe: An Urban Trailhead, 4114 Lake Tahoe Blvd in the Heavenly Village next to Cecil’s Plaza. Please consider public transportation – visit for routes and times.

For more information, contact Lauren Thomaselli at (530) 542.4637 or

Kirkwood PUD board to meet

For people who have further questions about the New Year’s Day power plant fire at Kirkwood, the Kirkwood Meadows PUD board of directors is having a meeting at 5 today.

The board also met with concerned residents, guests and employees on Saturday night.

The meeting will be in the Community Center on Loop Road in Kirkwood.

Women Entrepreneurs meeting

Women Entrepreneurs meet Jan. 7 from 11:30am-1pm at Passeretti’s Restaurant at 1181 Highway 50, South Lake Tahoe.

Lunch is $13 for members or advance registration; $15 for non-members or at the door.


Bad feelings linger

Photo/Provided to LTN

Photo/Provided to LTN

Nik and Willie’s Pizza on Emerald Bay Road in South Lake Tahoe has not been a fan of Terry Daniels for years. Daniels, as of the start of 2010, is now the former police chief of the city.

A grand jury report from a few years ago detailed some of the accusations between the ex-chief and the pizza parlor owner.

Invasive clams to be before Lahontan board

Updated as of 9:15am Jan. 4: The February meeting has been canceled. The next meeting is March 10-11 in Victorville.

The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board is expected to discuss invasive clams at its February meeting.

Comments are being sought on a proposal for Lake Tahoe.

Click on clams to get more information.

Comments sought on eliminating plastic bags in SLT

South Lake Tahoe Sustainability Commission is in the initial stages of drafting a policy recommendation with the goal of significantly reducing or eliminating polystyrene and one-time use plastic bags in South Lake Tahoe.

The public is invited to attend the commission’s meeting Feb. 3 at 4pm to comment on the proposed pathways to the goal. The meeting is at Lake Tahoe Airport.

Kittens need foster families

kittenEl Dorado County Animal Services is looking for individuals who would like to provide foster care in their homes for abandoned and adoptable animals.

Animal foster families serve as volunteers who offer temporary, loving care in their homes while a permanent home is being sought for the animals. The commitment to care for the animals usually lasts for two to three weeks. Animal Services provides all of the supplies needed for the animals during the foster care stay, and staff are available for consultation.

For more information call (530) 621.7639 in Placerville or (530) 573.7925 in South Lake Tahoe.