Pumpkin art

pumpkinThis photo was submitted by Chris Heng, who writes, “I wanted to make a pumpkin that we could all remember from 2009 … The Swine Flu.”

Early childhood parenting class

Choices for Children is offering a free workshop “The Early Months: Infant Development and Parenting, birth – 36 months” on Nov. 7 from 9-11:30am. It will be at 1029 Takela Drive, Ste. 1, South Lake Tahoe.

Call (530) 541.5848 to reserve a space or for more information.

Controlled burns in Zephyr Cove area

US Forest Service fuels management crews will begin prescribed fire operations in the Zephyr Heights area (Zephyr Cove urban lots) and near Zephyr Shoals, north of Zephyr Cove Resort, starting Oct. 29, as weather and staffing allows.

Residents and travelers can expect to see smoke from prescribed fire project areas.

Other fire protection agencies, state and local, may also be conducting prescribed fire operations during this period.

This and other prescribed fire projects are designed to reduce wildfire risks to communities and critical resources. Smoke management is part of every prescribed fire burn plan, and efforts will be taken to reduce actual or potential smoke impacts on community areas.

Cash incentive to toss old woodstoves

The El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is working to improve winter air quality by continuing to offer incentive rebates toward the purchase of clean burning stoves and fireplaces.

Currently the AQMD has approximately $38,000 available to help residents offset the cost of the removal and replacement of older, wood stoves or fireplaces with more efficient devices. Originally approved by the AQMD Board of Directors in July 2007, the purpose of the Chimney Smoke Reduction Incentive Program is to reduce particulate matter emissions caused by inefficient residential wood combustion.

Funding is intended for primary residences in El Dorado County and is available on a first come, first served basis. Applications and additional information about the Chimney Smoke Reduction Incentive Program are available at: http://www.edcgov.us/emd/apcd/grants.html, or at (530) 621.6662.

El Dorado County’s Air Quality Management District is a Division of the Environmental Management Department. The AQMD administers the California and Federal Clean Air Acts via guidelines set forth by State and Federal Agencies.

KTHO broadcasting in stereo on FM-96.1

kthologo[1]KTHO, the local talk-classic rock radio station based in South Lake Tahoe, is now on FM-96.1. If the other dial is more to your liking, it’s still at AM-590, too.

No radio? No worries. Listen in at www.kthoradio.com while you’re reading Lake Tahoe News.

Halloween dance for high school students

The HOPE Club from Lake Tahoe Community College in partnership with the Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club is throwing a Halloween Dance for high school students on Oct. 30 from 6-10pm.

It’s at the Boys & Girls Club (1100 Lyons Ave., South Tahoe)

Admission is $7 or $5 with a costume.

There will be prizes for best costumes as well as raffles. Music provided by disc jockey Diversity/Diversity.

Dance convention at Stateline

MontBleu at Stateline is hosing the 11th annual Mountain Magic Dance Convention Nov. 5-8.

It is geared to dancers of all levels. There will be workshops in West Coast Swing, Hustle, Night Club Two Step and more.

For registration information, contact Michelle Kinkaid at (415) 585.6282 or go to www.michelledance.com.

Help for displaced workers

One-Stop Career Centers in South Lake Tahoe and Placerville can help people who have been laid off and who don’t expect to return to the industry they left.

Assistance is the through El Dorado County’s Human Services Department. The Dislocated Worker Program can also help those who worked in the home and were self-employed.

Applicants must be 18 or older, unemployed or underemployed, and able to support themselves while in training.

For more information, call (530) 573.4317 in South Tahoe, (530) 642.4850 in Placerville, or go to edcgov.us/humanservices/ adultservices.html.

St. Theresa to host visiting priest

The Rev. Emilio Rosolen, a visiting priest from “House of Hope” and Cross International, will celebrate all Masses this weekend at St. Theresa Catholic Church in South Lake Tahoe. He will speak on behalf of Cross International.

Following the Oct. 31 evening 5:30 Mass, Emilio will present an evening of prayer and reflection, and then again on the evening of Nov. 2 after the 5:30 Mass.

Some of the topics of this mini retreat are: “Finding God in Autumn” and “Healing in Ourselves and in Our Church”. The community is welcome and there is no charge.

Lahontan to discuss Tahoe piers

Lahontan Regional Water Board plans to meet Nov. 17 from 1-3pm at Lake Tahoe Community College in South Lake Tahoe for a scoping meeting regarding pier construction in Lake Tahoe.

For more information, call Mary Fiore-Wagner at (530) 542.5425.