Target in South Tahoe?

An email from South Lake Tahoe City Manager Dave Jinkens on Oct. 18 to Lake Tahoe News: “I have had contact with Target representatives over the last 2½ years regarding their possible interest in coming to South Lake Tahoe. Recently, I was told that Target would be interested in locating in South Lake Tahoe if the community wanted them to be here and there was a site or sites large enough to accommodate a new store. I have forwarded some information to them regarding location options that are preliminary, and I am waiting to hear back from them. I believe that Target is a great potential retail opportunity for the community that we will pursue over the next few months.”

Worried about swine flu? Head to Stateline

Want to know if you have swine flu?

The only place to find out on the South Shore is at Stateline Medical Center. Folks their will test people who come in with flu symptoms.

The only way Barton Memorial Hospital will test for H1N1 is if someone is being admitted to the hospital.

Painting the highway lines

Michael Flashner and Miguel Padilla stipe Highway 50. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Michael Flashner and Miguel Padilla stipe Highway 50. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Caltrans workers began to stripe part of Highway 50 near the Y in South Lake Tahoe on Friday. Traffic backed up a bit because lanes were shutdown.

The guys doing the work said everything should be wrapped today “barring any problems.”

Fire on the Divide: An archaeologist’s perspective

Forest fires sweep through numerous regions of California each year. After the embers have died and the smoke fades away, Forest Service archaeologists, who are also involved with fire suppression, are sent in to conduct surveys to record new prehistoric and historic sites, and to assess damage to previously recorded sites.

U.S. Forest Service archaeaologist Nolan Smith will give a PowerPoint presentation of his role as a fire line archaeologist and will discuss some of the surveys he has conducted after fires swept through the Forest Hill Divide region of the Tahoe National Forest. He will share equipment used during the surveys and examples of artifacts pulled from the ashes.

This free program will take place on Oct. 17 at 1pm at the Bernhard Museum Winery. The Bernhard Museum is located at 291 Auburn-Folsom Road in Auburn.

Please call (530) 889-6500 to make your reservation or for more information.

Domestic violence in South Tahoe

kthologo[1]Find out on KTHO AM-590 what the South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center is doing this month for Domestic Violence Awareness month. Listen Saturday at 10am or Monday at 6pm. It’s also streaming at

STHS grad plays with Alice Cooper tonight

South Tahoe High grad Chuck Garric will be in town tonight in Harrah’s Showroom because he is part of Alice Cooper’s band.

Garric will be at the Hard Rock Café instead Harveys at 4:30pm to chat with fans and friends.

The $5 fee for the party goes toward STHS’s music program.

For more information, call (775) 588.6200.

Plumes of smoke from controlled burns

Much of the smoke you are likely to see today in and around the Lake Tahoe Basin is coming from various controlled burns. There is one near Stateline, Fallen Leaf Lake and another farther up the West Shore.

The burns are scheduled on days without wind, when the temperature is ideal and humidity levels are just right. The piles are brush that has been cleared from forested areas to reduce the risk of a wildland fire.

Free business boot camps

Business Boot Camps are being offered throughout the region –  South Lake Tahoe Oct. 20-22, North Lake Tahoe Nov. 17-19, Auburn Jan. 26-28, and Placerville Feb. 23-25. They are from 8am-8pm the first two days and until 5pm the third day. Lunch, dinner and homework included.

The three-day course covers market analysis, marketing strategies, finances, business law, pitfalls of small business and more. The free Business Boot Camps are provided by Golden Sierra Job Training Agency.

Call (530) 823-4703 or email to register.

Commission on Aging needs member

The El Dorado County Commission on Aging has a vacancy. The preference is for someone at least 60 years old.

The deadline to submit an application is Oct. 30. Call (530) 642.4833 for an application.

Commissioners act in an advisory role to the Area Agency on Aging and the county Board of Supervisors.

Towed out of service


Photo/Kathryn Reed

No appropriate code exists for when an emergency vehicle arrives at its destination not under its own power.

Such was the case Wednesday as Scott DeChambeau of South Tahoe Towing brought a South Lake Tahoe firetruck to the city’s maintenance yard on D Street.

Phil Harwood, a city mechanic, said the turbo will have to be pulled and things cleaned out.

“This happens with aging vehicles. It’s just wear,” Harwood said. He expects the truck to be offline for a couple days.