Lake Tahoe Basin Fed Advisory Committee meets Oct. 14

The Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee (LTFAC) is scheduled to meet from 1-4pm Oct. 14 at the U.S. Forest Service office, Emerald Bay Room, 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe.

LTFAC will address issues related to federal activities at Lake Tahoe.

Items on the agenda include:

Aquatic Invasive Species funding, Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA) Round 11 process updates, and public comment.

LTFAC consists of 20 members representing a broad array of constituencies. The secretary of Agriculture chartered the first LTFAC inJuly 1998 to advise the Federal Partnership on programs and projects within the Lake Tahoe Basin. LTFAC’s charter has been renewed every two years with the most recent renewal occurring in August 2008.

All Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public. Interested citizens are encouraged to attend. Issues may be brought to the attention of the committee during the open public comment period at the meeting, or by filing a written statement with the committee through Arla Hains, at the address above.

For more information on the Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee, visit

Cal officers on Oprah Oct. 13

Lisa Campbell and Ally Jacobs

Lisa Campbell and Ally Jacobs

Oprah Winfrey’s show on Oct. 13 at 4pm features the two UC Berkeley police officers who are credited with breaking the Jaycee Lee Dugard case.

Washoe deputies cite business for selling booze to a minor

Washoe County sheriff’s deputies conducted compliance checks of establishments in the Incline Village and South Reno areas on Oct. 10, and cited one business for selling alcohol to a minor.

Deputies sent an underage person into 11 businesses to attempt to purchase alcohol. The businesses included four bar/restaurants, one liquor store and six convenience stores. Staff at 10 of the 11 businesses asked for identification and declined the sale. One business, a convenience store, completed the sale and was cited for non-compliance.

Washoe County Sheriff Mike Haley reminds parents and businesses it is a crime to supply alcohol to minors. Juvenile drinking increases the possibility of traffic accidents, injuries and deaths, and these tragedies are preventable, deputies said.

Lahontan water board meets in SLT this week

Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board will conduct a public hearing Oct. 14 to review the Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region.

The Basin Plan includes water quality standards and control measures for surface and ground waters within watersheds east of the Sierra Nevada crest and in the northern Mojave Desert. The Triennial Review process meets state and federal requirements for periodic review and update of Basin Plans. Staff-recommended topics for plan revisions range from an editorial update of the entire plan to revisions of standards for specific water bodies. Public comments are invited on these and any other issues that should be addressed in future plan amendments.

Following the public hearing, the board will consider adopting a prioritized issues list to direct planning efforts for the next three years. Adoption of the Triennial Review list does not necessarily mean the board will adopt subsequent revisions to the Basin Plan. Water Board staff will investigate issues and propose plan amendments for Water Board consideration at future public hearings.

The public hearing will be during the Water Board’s regular meeting.

Date: Oct. 14 and 15; the public hearing will not begin earlier than 7:30pm Oct. 14.

Place: Lake Tahoe Community College, Aspen Room, One College Drive, South Lake Tahoe.

Living Voices at Edgewood Oct. 14

Living Voices uses a unique combination of theater, video and live interaction to create a high impact experience allowing audiences to discover history’s relevance to their lives.

The Oct. 14 5:30pm performance at Edgewood Tahoe in Stateline is sponsored by Robert and Annetta Chester.

Donations support Tahoe Arts Project.

This program is presented by Tahoe Arts Project in conjunction with Arts Expo Lake Tahoe.

(530) 542.3632

Drive-through flu shot clinic

El Dorado County Health Services Department will offer a drive-through flu shot clinic Oct. 14 from 1-3:30pm at the El Dorado County Fairgrounds at 100 Placerville Drive in Placerville.

The Health Services Department will bill Medicare Part B for persons aged 65 and older. There is a donation requested of $15 per shot for people 19-64 years of age. The vaccine is free for children who are 6 months through 18 years of age.

Parents are advised to bring their child’s immunization record so the flu vaccine can be recorded. Seniors should bring their Medicare card.

Additional information is available at Public Health’s Flu Hot Line, (530) 621.6188, orat

Meet the El Dorado County sheriff’s candidates

El Dorado County sheriff’s candidates’ forum presented by El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce on Oct. 19.

7am – Check in/registration/breakfast buffet/networking

7:30-9am – Program

Holiday Inn Express in Town Center, El Dorado Hills

$12/(916) 933.1335 to RSVP

Snippets from Lake Tahoe

Flu shot clinics in South Lake Tahoe are on Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Nov. 18 and Dec. 2. All are from 9am-noon at the South Lake Tahoe Senior Center, 3050 Lake Tahoe Blvd.

Carl Ribaudo of Strategic Marketing Group is contemplating forming a symposium on poverty at the lake.

Mike Riley, First Allied Securities investment executive, is among the first 1,000 people to earn the Certified Wealth Strategist designation from Cannon Financial Institute.

Adventures by Disney’s 2010 destinations include 19 global itineraries. One of the seven in North America is — NorCal: Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, SF.

Children’s shelter benefits from Edgewood Cos. donation

edgewoodEdgewood Companies donated $8,250 to The Austin Kirby Foundation, an emergency children’s shelter providing services to children from rural Northern Nevada who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect.

This most recent donation is one of many over the years to the charity, with a total of $30,950 over the last three years alone being given from Edgewood Companies. This makes Edgewood Companies, formerly Park Cattle Co., the largest benefactor of Austin’s House.

The $8,250 will be used by Austin’s House to cover its annual land lease with the Bureau of Land Management.

In addition to monetary contributions to the children’s charity, Edgewood Companies has also donated use of their land for an event that raised more than $50,000 for the charity.

Bicycle plan subject of KTHO radio show

kthologo[1]Hear Karen Fink, transportation planner with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, talk about the update to the pedestrian-bicycle plan on KTHO AM-590 or on Saturday at 10am or Monday at 6pm.