The Fifth Annual Mutt Strut Poker Run is Oct. 11. With a 1.2 mile walk, building your poker hand along the way, you and your pooch will get a little exercise and maybe make a new friend.
At the party at Timber Cove Marina, enjoy music,raffle drawings, games, and of course the grand prize announcements for the best poker hands. Prizes have been donated by local businesses including restaurants, pet supply stores, spas, and tanning salons. Proceeds benefit ACT’s spay-neuter program and the El Dorado County Animal Shelter.
Registration is 11-11:30 am at Top It! Frozen Yogurt, 3600 Lake Tahoe Blvd., at the Super 8 Motel, near Ski Run Boulevard in South Tahoe.
To keep the event affordable for all, we have lowered our requested donation for the first poker hand to $10, $25 for three hands. This includes snacks, giveaways and one raffle ticket per hand. Call (530) 400-4766 or email for more info.
Animal Coalition of Tahoe is an all-volunteer, nonprofit corporation that sponsors several fundraisers each year to support a spay-neuter program for south Tahoe residents, plus 10 percent of all funds raised are donated to the El Dorado County Animal Shelter.