Tahoe Tom’s accused of water code violations

Tahoe Tom’s gas station in South Lake Tahoe will be before the Lahontan Region Water Control Board on Oct. 14.

The water board will consider an administrative civil liability order of $248,400 for Mohammad Ahmad and the Thomas E. Erickson Trust for violations of two California Water Code sections at Tahoe Tom’s Gas.

The meeting begins at 2:30pm in the Aspen Room at Lake Tahoe Community College, One College Drive, South Lake Tahoe.

For more information on the Oct. 14-15 meeting, go to http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/lahontan.

Teen court in SLT needs volunteers

El Dorado County high school students are invited to take an active role in the juvenile justice system through the “Teen Court” Program. Volunteer training for students will be conducted for the South Lake Tahoe Teen Court on Oct. 1 from 5-6:30pm in El Dorado County Superior Court, 1354 Johnson Blvd. in South Lake Tahoe.

Upon completion of this mandatory training, teens will serve as the court personnel for real cases in which an offense has been committed by a minor, the minor has admitted to the offense, and has chosen to be judged by his/her peers.

“This is a unique opportunity for students in our community,” said Tiffany Ellis, Teen Court coordinator, in a press release. “Students manage almost every aspect of Teen Court. Except for the judge, all other participants are students: the prosecuting and defense attorneys, court clerk, bailiff, and jury. Superior Court Judge Steven C. Bailey presides over Teen Court in Tahoe, and volunteer attorneys from the community aid student attorneys in developing their cases. Students come away with a real understanding of the juvenile justice system, and their interest and enthusiasm ensures that all defendants who appear receive a fair and appropriate sentence.”

The Teen Court program began in 1992 in El Dorado County and is funded through the El Dorado County Health Services Department, Alcohol and Drug Programs. Cases are referred and managed by the El Dorado County Probation Department; in addition, the county Superior Court judges and sheriff’s office are partners in the program.

Teen Court hearings in South Lake Tahoe will begin on Oct. 29 and continue through May 2010. Hearings will generally be the third Thursday of each month at Superior Court on Johnson Boulevard in South Lake Tahoe. Participants arrive at 4:45pm in preparation for the hearings, which begin promptly at 5pm.

For more information about Teen Court, contact Ellis at (530) 573.4372.

Sheriff’s group provides seniors with Bingo system

The Washoe County Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s Association donated approximately $4,500 toward the purchase of a Bingo system for the Sun Valley Senior Citizen’s Center. On Sept. 24, Sheriff Mike Haley and Pat Dolan, president of the Honorary Deputies Association arrived at the Senior Center and made the announcement to the group, just having finished with that mornings Bingo game.

Dolan had previously read an article about the Senior Center’s attempt to raise money for a new electronic Bingo system and brought it to Haley, suggesting the Honorary Deputy Association help with the funding.

“We were happy to help with this project,” Haley said in a statement. “To make a difference and improve the quality of life for the citizen’s of Washoe County is always our goal. “

The Washoe County Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s Association Inc. is a nonprofit association composed of civic minded business and community leaders dedicated to supporting the goals and mission of the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. They also support children in the community by funding Shop with a Sheriff and other children’s programs.

State to release grant funds to LTUSD

The state will be releasing the first $6 million for the auto-construction CTE building at South Tahoe High School this fall. This is part of the matching fund dollars the state owes Lake Tahoe Unified. The money was frozen because of the budget brouhaha in Sacramento.

The infusion of cash will allow the district to move ahead with Phase I of the technology and infrastructure plans which have been on hold. The master plan calls for $100,000 in upgrades to Sierra House and Bijou elementary schools, including more SmartBoards and additional carts for grades 2-5.

Swine flu outbreak test

Washoe County sheriff’s officials will spend Monday morning doing a table top exercise to walk through a scenario depicting a large scale breakout of the H1N1 (swine flu) virus in the Detention Center.

The exercise is designed to run through the alternatives available should such an outbreak occur. Participants will be assigned specific duties as if involved in an incident, evaluating possibilities and making decisions, so staff is fully prepared in case of an actual outbreak.

Other organizations invited include Washoe County Health Department, District Attorney’s Office and Court Services along with Prison Health Services, the 2nd Judicial District Court, ICE and the Northern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center.

This event is not open to the public.

Snippets about Lake Tahoe

North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District this fall is celebrating 50 years of service to the Incline Village/Crystal Bay areas.

Jessica Ramirez has been hired by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nevada County and North Lake Tahoe as customer relations specialist and program assistant.

John Singlaub is back among the employed. He traded in his executive director title at Tahoe Regional Planning Agency early this year to take on the same role this fall at Sierra Business Council — a nonprofit with more than 750 members whose mission is to promote sustainability in the Sierra Nevada.

Caltrans is planning to build Class II bike lanes between Dollar Hill and Kings Beach and at least 4-foot wide shoulders from Dollar Hill to Tahoe City.

New restrooms will be built at El Dorado Beach in South Tahoe with a $520,000 grant from the state Department of Boating and Waterways.

Marathon to tie-up Hwy. 89 Sunday

Expect delays on Highway 89 between South Lake Tahoe and Tahoe City on Sunday during the Lake Tahoe Marathon.

Runners start the 26.2 miles at 8am in Tahoe City, and continue along the West Shore until hitting Camp Richardson.

The highway will be closed three miles north of Camp Richardson at Spring Creek Road from 7am-1:30pm. The southbound lane will be open, but delays are inevitable.

Former US poet laureate to speak tonight

Former U.S. poet laureate Robert Hass will from his work and sign books tonight at Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village from 7-9pm.

Brenda Hillman, an award-winning poet, will also read.

The event is in Room 139 of the Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences at the college, 999 Tahoe Blvd., Incline.

Drug, car ramming suspect caught

Jamaal Mansoor Eslami, the man accused of ramming a Douglas County sheriff’s car as he fled from officers Monday, is behind bars.

Officers on both sides of the state line helped in arresting the 27-year-old Wednesday in South Lake Tahoe.

The suspect was originally being sought for methamphetamine charges. Eslami will be extradited to Nevada.

Learn about teen behavior on KTHO

kthologo[1]Hear Bret Stephenson, case manager with Rite of Passage, talk about adolescents on KTHO AM-590 or www.KTHOradio.com on Saturday at 10am or Monday at 6pm.