  • Scott ski poles credited with making turning easier

    Scott ski poles credited with making turning easier

    By Kathryn Reed The ski pole as we know it today came to the market 50 years ago this winter after Ed Scott saw the need for a lighter pole with a smaller basket. Steel was replaced with aluminum and the baskets used on kids’ poles became the standard size for adults. In the 1960s, […]

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  • Movie depicts bitterness toward bottled water industry

    Movie depicts bitterness toward bottled water industry

    By Kathryn Reed Water might be something people in the Lake Tahoe area take for granted considering the amount of snow that falls each winter and the big lake that’s out there. But predictions are that by 2030 two-thirds of the world will lack access to clean drinking water. Even though 75 percent of the […]

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  • USFS supervisor embraces work — indoors and out

    USFS supervisor embraces work — indoors and out

    By Kathryn Reed STATELINE — Sometimes the line between work and play is hard to delineate for Terri Marceron. As supervisor of the 153,000 acres that encompass the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit of the U.S. Forest Service, she is responsible for more acreage than any other entity in the basin. As an avid hiker, […]

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  • Millions of dollars at stake to improve Lake Tahoe

    Millions of dollars at stake to improve Lake Tahoe

    By Kathryn Reed “This was really an important day for Lake Tahoe,” Joanne Marchetta said after Wednesday;s Senate committee hearing regarding the reauthorization of the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act. As executive director of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Marchetta was one of three people from Lake Tahoe at the hearing in Washington. The others were […]

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  • Chase’s restaurant dispute heats up between owner, SLT

    Chase’s restaurant dispute heats up between owner, SLT

    By Kathryn Reed Things are beginning to sizzle at Chase’s Bar and Grill inside Lake Tahoe Airport and it has nothing to do with what’s being prepared in the kitchen. Owner Sam Sonki Ahn believes the city of South Lake Tahoe, as his landlord, is not acting in good faith in negotiating a new lease. […]

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  • Vancouver Winter Olympics focus on sustainability

    Vancouver Winter Olympics focus on sustainability

    By Kathryn Reed Until these Winter Olympics close on Feb. 28, the true greenness of them won’t be known. Green as in environment, not the cash collected. The goal from the outset of the Vancouver Olympic Committee was to make the 2010 Games the greenest to date. (London has already said it will out-do Vancouver […]

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  • Tahoe residents clamor for food straight from the farm

    Tahoe residents clamor for food straight from the farm

    By Kathryn Reed In today’s world of instant gratification, global trade and I’ll eat what I want no matter the season attitude, some folks in Lake Tahoe and beyond are putting an end to all of that. Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) is a growing movement. Small farms in California and Nevada are growing produce for […]

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  • Emergency guide designed specifically for Tahoe residents

    Emergency guide designed specifically for Tahoe residents

    By Kathryn Reed What would you take in an emergency? Who would you call? Where would you meet? What happens if all your contacts are on your computer and it’s not with you or your cell phone doesn’t work or the battery dies? Those are just some of the questions the “Emergency Preparedness Guide” makes […]

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  • Little-known vehicle law costing drivers money, points

    Little-known vehicle law costing drivers money, points

    By Kathryn Reed Drivers failing to slow down or move into an unoccupied lane when emergency vehicles are on the shoulder with lights on could face a hefty fine and several points on their record. “Move-Over” is the law in 48 states, including California and Nevada. The problem is not many people know about it. […]

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  • Ski Run on road to setting itself apart from rest of SLT

    Ski Run on road to setting itself apart from rest of SLT

    By Kathryn Reed A buzz filled the air as more than 50 people gathered to plot a course to make Ski Run Boulevard in South Lake Tahoe a destination. Going from the lake to the mountains, the businesses and property owners on this street are eager to do what’s needed to be done to make […]

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