  • Sustainability includes promoting health, wellness

    Sustainability includes promoting health, wellness

    By Alexandra Spychalsky, Moonshine Ink Environmental sustainability is a buzzword these days, but when it comes to small businesses, it takes a lot to incorporate sustainable practices. For these business and nonprofit owners/founders, sustainability goes way beyond being good to the environment. It’s also a boon to the health of employees and customers, as well […]

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  • Gold Rush medicine subject of talk

    Gold Rush medicine subject of talk

    Bob LaPerriere, a retired medical doctor and historian, will be sharing stories of the woes of immigrants traveling to California for the Gold Rush in a talk on May 8. These adventurers were subjected to numerous devastating diseases at a time when doctors were unable to provide specific treatment and many of the doctors were […]

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  • Douglas County explorers excel at competition

    Douglas County explorers excel at competition

    Douglas County sheriff’s explorers participated earned 15 trophies out of 19 events at the Central Valley Law Enforcement Explorer Competition. They took the overall award, out-preforming the long standing first-place holders Hanford Police Department. They received three first place awards: in building search, team obstacle, and Individual Obstacle.  Fallon Montanucci was awarded a laptop computer […]

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  • Money Matters: If inflation returns, are you ready?

    Money Matters: If inflation returns, are you ready?

    By Rick Gross Inflation is the normal state of affairs in the U.S. economy. Most economists consider an annual increase in the cost-of-living of 2 or 3 percent per year to be a manageable level of inflation. This increase usually is a good trend because it is an indication of a growing economy.   While […]

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  • Permanently escaping the Bay Area for Tahoe-Truckee

    Permanently escaping the Bay Area for Tahoe-Truckee

    By Michelle Robertson, San Francisco Chronicle   “Every day I wake up here is a vacation,” says 46-year-old Ricardo Garcia. He and his wife moved to Truckee in 2005, after years of hopping around San Francisco’s neighborhoods in an effort to make the city feel like “home.” The endeavor was complicated by an expensive real estate […]

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  • Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe

    Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe

    Gypsy is an 18-month-old golden retriever/German shepherd mix. She came to the shelter when her owners had to move. Gypsy likes other dogs and didn’t chase the cat that she met at the shelter. She needs a home without children under 12. Gypsy is spayed, microchipped, tested for heart worm, and vaccinated. She is at […]

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  • Kids’ fitness is improving, but not to parents’ level

    Kids’ fitness is improving, but not to parents’ level

    By Grant Tomkinson and Justin J. Lang Physical fitness is important for success in sports and athletics, but it is also important for good health. If you are generally fit, you probably have a strong heart, brain, muscles and bones, all of which help you to exercise and improve your chances of living a long, […]

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  • Mt. Rose ski patrol attain advanced care permit

    Mt. Rose ski patrol attain advanced care permit

    Mt. Rose ski patrol is the first non-ambulance, non-fire department, non-air ambulance service to earn the advanced life support permit from the Nevada Department of Health Emergency Medical Services Division. The Mt. Rose ski patrol has been providing ALS medical care to its sick or injured guests since 2010 under a cooperative services agreement between the ski patrol, North […]

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  • ‘Sound blessing’ at Unity at the Lake

    ‘Sound blessing’ at Unity at the Lake

    Unity at the Lake will welcome back Rene Jenkins as he offers a “sound blessing” on April 8 from noon-2pm. This is a group sound healing ceremony requiring participants to simply sit or lie down and receive, using ancient indigenous instruments along with some sharing of their historic metaphysical attributes. Jenkins is a ceremonial sound […]

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  • Program strives to break cycle of abuse

    Program strives to break cycle of abuse

    By Sarah Pond Too many of El Dorado County’s children are growing up in homes plagued with domestic violence. Children’s continually developing brains are like sponges that absorb everything, good and bad. They see the adults in their lives modeling various behaviors, ultimately being their primary source of reference. In a home environment where violence […]

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