Author of ‘Engineering Eden’ to give talk

Jordan Fisher-Smith, author of “Engineering Eden,” will discusses his critically acclaimed book on Dec. 16 at the Donner Memorial State Park Visitor Center in Truckee.

Doors open at 5pm and the program begins at 5:30pm. “Engineering Eden” will be available for sale and signing after the program. There is a $5 suggested donation to attend and parking is free. 

In the book Fisher-Smith questions if humans can actually manage nature. In 1975 the Department of Interior was sued for mismanagement after a young man was killed and eaten by a grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park. Fisher-Smith follows the trial arguments of two of the greatest 20th century wildlife biologists as they struggle with the answer.

Tips for a safe holiday season

The South Lake Tahoe Police Department has the following safety tips for the holiday season:

Vehicle safety:                                                                                                                                      

  • Park your vehicle in a well-lighted area.                                                                                           
  • Ensure all of your car doors are locked.                                                                                              
  • Hide shopping bags and other valuables in the trunk or out of site.                                       
  • Be aware of your surroundings.                                                                                               
  • Avoid displaying large amounts of cash.                                                                                              
  • Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination as the roadway may be icy.            
  • Do not drink and drive. Designate a sober driver.                                                                   
  • Never text and drive.                                                                                                                
  • Do not leave your vehicle running and unattended.                                                     

Safety at home:                                                                                                                                   

  • Keep candles out of reach of children.                                                                                                 
  • Never burn candles near flammable items.                                                                            
  • Never leave burning candles unattended.                                                                               
  • Do not burn wrapping paper or wreaths in your fireplace.                                                    
  • Have your chimney inspected and cleaned once a year.                                                     
  • Inspect stringed lighting for fraying. A small fray in the wiring could ignite a fire.                             

Online purchases/deliveries:                                                                                                               

  • Only purchase from trusted websites.                                                                                                  
  • Use a credit card or pre-paid card for online purchases.                                                        
  • If you are making a Craigslist purchase, find a safe location to make the transaction.       
  • If you are expecting a package, tell a trusted neighbor to keep an eye out for the delivery.

Experts weigh in on holiday decorating safety

By Jessie Bekker Las Vegas Review-Journal

Deanna Goble leaves the holiday decorating to the professionals every year.

“None of us want to climb up this ladder and go around, for one. Two, we don’t really know how,” said Goble, a long-time Las Vegas resident.

But when she forgot to ask them to wrap baby palm trees in her front yard with lights, she figured she could do it herself.

Big mistake. When she came out with cuts that stung with the palm trees’ juices, she decided: “Forget it.”

Her injuries were surface level, but about 14,900 Americans landed in emergency rooms last year after decorating for the holidays, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported.

Read the whole story

WIC program helping women, young kids

Finding healthy foods on a limited budget can sometimes be challenging. The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program is a federally funded nutrition program for women and young children.

WIC provides nutrition education and health information, breastfeeding support, checks for healthy foods (like fruits and vegetables), and referrals to medical providers and community services. There is no charge to receive WIC services.

Individuals or families may qualify for WIC services if they:

  • Are pregnant, breastfeeding a baby up to 1 year old, or had a baby in the past six months
  • Are the primary caretakers of a child under the age of 5
  • Have a low to medium income and/or receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF) or CalFresh (Food Stamps) benefits
  • Live in California.

To determine eligibility, go online.

Staff at the WIC Program in El Dorado County may be reached at 530.573.3491 or 530.621.6176.

Post office sets deadlines for holiday mail

Deadlines are approaching for people who are planning to send mail overseas for Christmas.

To reach the destination by Dec. 25 the parcels should be sent by:

Dec. 11 – Military priority mail and first-class mail

Dec. 14 – USPS retail ground

Dec. 19 – First-class cards and letters

Dec. 20 – Priority mail.

The busiest day of the year for mailing is expected to be Dec. 18.

The U.S. Postal Service offers an online shipping option.

Fundraiser to benefit Bijou Bike Park

Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association is having a fundraiser Dec. 13 with the goal being to raise enough money to fund the 2018 Bijou Bike Park maintenance and improvements in one night.

Here are ways to contribute:

  • Buy a raffle ticket that night to win outdoor gear.
  • Donations to the bike park that evening will be matched.
  • Spend money at South Lake Brewing Company that night because the brewery is donating a portion of sales to the bike park.
  • Outdoor Gear Lab is donating 100 percent of sales from its discounted used gear from now until the event. Go online to check that out.

The fundraiser starts at 6pm at the South Lake Tahoe brewery.

Tahoe Tails — Adoptable Pets in South Lake Tahoe


Hera (shown here) and Athena are 16- and 15-year-old mother and daughter. They would like a home together, as they have always lived together. They came to the shelter when their owner became unable to care for them.

As older cats, it will probably take longer for them to be adopted, but they are beautiful, sweet cats who deserve a good home for the rest of their lives.

Hera and Athena are spayed, microchipped, tested for FIV, and vaccinated. They are at the El Dorado County Animal Services shelter in Meyers, along with many other dogs and cats who are waiting for their new homes.

Go to the Tahoe animal shelter’s Facebook page to see photos and descriptions of all pets at the shelter.

Call 530.573.7925 for directions, hours, and other information on adopting a pet. For spay-neuter assistance for South Tahoe residents, go online.

— Karen Kuentz

Money Matters: End of the year tax planning

By Nic Abelow

As the end of the year approaches, it is an ideal time to review your financial strategy, which can impact your finances this year and possibly for years to come. There are a number of opportunities you can explore to help you save your money and pursue your financial goals before year end.

Nic Abelow

Make the most of capital gains and losses. If you have capital gains or losses, we can review your portfolio management and rebalancing options to make sure you’re taking advantage of gain and loss tax strategies.

Maximize tax-advantaged accounts. If you have not fully funded your qualified retirement plans or individual retirement accounts, doing so could not only provide tax advantages, but also help position you for long-term financial independence.

Benefit from year-end gifting. You and your spouse can each give up to $14,000 to the same person. Thus, you could gift a child as much as $28,000 a year without incurring a tax liability. If you’re a grandparent, consider funding your grandchildren’s education by contributing to a 529 or other college savings plan that may improve your tax situation.

Required minimum distribution. If you’re turning 70½ years of age or older, you’re required by the Internal Revenue Service to take a required minimum distribution this year and each year hereafter from your retirement accounts.

Do not forget about end-of-year strategies that could potentially benefit your short- and long-term goals.

Nic Abelow is a LPL financial advisor with Abelow, Pratt & Associates Financial Advisors and Wealth Management in Lake Tahoe.

Old ‘Welcome to Nevada’ signs a collector’s item

By Daria Sokolova View, Las Vegas Review Journal

When the Nevada Department of Transportation switched the design of the longtime “Welcome to Nevada” sign this year, a battle for the pieces of history ensued.

Department spokesman Tony Illia said he was shocked by the amount of interest in the old highway fixtures.

“You cannot believe how many people wanted those signs,” he said. “They were fighting over them. We had thousands of people calling and emailing me, and I was just flabbergasted. These are huge signs; you can’t just hang them up in your house.”

About 14,500 Nevadans entered the free raffle via phone, website and social media, and NDOT randomly selected four winners from each region of the state.

Read the whole story

Mixed media show at holiday bazaar

Tahoe Flow Arts Studio’s fifth annual Holiday Bazaar: eARTh is Dec. 9 at Tahoe Art Haus & Cinema in Tahoe City.

This mixed media show includes aerial arts, acrobatics, dance and more. Through entertainment the goal is to ignite activism to start a revolution. Entertainment, Activism, Revolution, Together, Home spells Earth.

This year’s Holiday Bazaar is a no-plastic event and a fundraiser for No Plastic Tahoe – a community initiative to reduce and eventually eliminate single-use plastic in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Bring a stainless steel cup or purchase one at the event.

Donation based workshops:
11-11:45am: Hula Hoop at the Yoga Room with Nicole
11:30am-12:30pm: Dance Workshop inside Art Haus with Renee
noon-1 pm: eARTh yoga at the Yoga Room with Jenna
1:30-2:30pm: Showtime

11am-3pm: Holiday shopping in Cobblestone with local vendors.

Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door, with ages 8 and younger $15, free for 3 and younger.