  • SLT, EDC approve garbage rate hikes

    SLT, EDC approve garbage rate hikes

    South Lake Tahoe electeds on Tuesday voted for the full garbage rate increase, while El Dorado County officials decided to stagger the fee. The Waste Management Joint Powers Authority board in November approved South Tahoe Refuse bills to go up Jan. 1 in South Lake Tahoe by 8.81 percent, El Dorado County 9.34 percent and […]

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  • Clock ticking to find shelter for Tahoe’s homeless

    Clock ticking to find shelter for Tahoe’s homeless

    By Kathryn Reed The overnight low in South Lake Tahoe last night was supposed to be 15 degrees. There were residents who were outside, in a vehicle or in other substandard housing. That is going to keep happening until the warm room is able to open. Now in its third year, the facility could open […]

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  • Kings Beach event center lease terminated

    Kings Beach event center lease terminated

    The controversial lease agreement between North Tahoe Public Utility District and Laulima Kings Beach Event Center LLC has been terminated – and not because of public outcry. “LKBEC did not submit sufficient documentation to the district’s third-party financial consultant to satisfy the contingencies in the lease agreement and otherwise verify LKBEC’s operational and financial ability […]

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  • SLT, EDC taking time to allow pot shops

    SLT, EDC taking time to allow pot shops

    By Kathryn Reed and Susan Wood There will be no sales of recreational marijuana anywhere in El Dorado County for the foreseeable future. This is because on Dec. 12 the South Lake Tahoe City Council and El Dorado County Board of Supervisors at their respective meetings agreed to implement urgency ordinances related to cannabis. Each […]

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  • With climate change, tree die-offs may spread

    With climate change, tree die-offs may spread

    By Jim Robbins, New York Times Ponderosa pine and pinyon forests in the American West will die at an increasing rate as the world grows warmer, becoming less and less resilient when they are weakened by higher temperatures, according to new projections. Although these forests now withstand short droughts, warming temperatures increasingly stress the forests, […]

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  • Second La Niña winter could mean drought

    Second La Niña winter could mean drought

    By Matt Weiser, Water Deeply Winter is off to a dry start across the West, raising the specter of ongoing drought in many locations. The culprit could be La Niña – a periodic cooling of Pacific Ocean waters near the equator that often brings drought. And not just any La Niña, but a “double whammy” […]

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  • David sets agenda for year as mayor of SLT

    David sets agenda for year as mayor of SLT

    Without drama and with unanimous votes, the South Lake Tahoe council changed its leadership roles today. Wendy David will be mayor for the next year and Tom Davis mayor pro tem. At the Dec. 12 meeting David laid out her vision for the next year. She would like to see more of a “we” approach […]

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  • Airlines with best, worst on-time flight rankings via Reno

    Airlines with best, worst on-time flight rankings via Reno

    By Jason Hidalgo, Reno Gazette-Journal Thinking of flying in and out of Reno? From Burning Man and Hot August Nights, there are plenty of things to do in and around the Biggest Little City. Then you’ve got your frequent business travelers plus folks who fly out of Reno for vacation or visiting friends and family […]

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  • In hospitality industry, sexual misconduct often part of job

    In hospitality industry, sexual misconduct often part of job

    By Don Babwin, AP CHICAGO — One woman recalls how a general manager at a Chicago-area restaurant where she worked told her that if security cameras recorded him reaching between her legs and grabbing her genitals he could simply “edit that out.” Another woman worked at an Atlanta restaurant and says her boss did nothing when […]

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  • GOP tax bill could curtail renewable energy surge

    GOP tax bill could curtail renewable energy surge

    By Brad Plumer and Jim Tankersley, New York Times WASHINGTON — The Republican tax bills moving through Congress could significantly hobble the United States’ renewable energy industry because of a series of provisions that scale back incentives for wind and solar power while bolstering older energy sources like oil and gas production. The possibility highlights […]

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