  • Cooperation key to improving Placer County

    Cooperation key to improving Placer County

    By Kathryn Reed Partnerships and collaboration are making a difference in Placer County. The California Tahoe Conservancy has been a huge player in getting water quality projects, bike trails and other improvements established. In all, the CTC has poured about $62 million into the lake portion Placer County. At the state agency’s board meeting last […]

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  • Snowboarder dies at Sierra-at-Tahoe

    Snowboarder dies at Sierra-at-Tahoe

    By KCRA-TV A 23-year-old man died Thursday after crashing on an intermediate trail at Sierra-At-Tahoe, resort officials said. David Karlin’s parents said he was a Sacramento State University student. The crash happened about 1:15pm Dec. 7 when ski officials said Karlin lost control on the hill, slid off the trail and hit a snow fence. […]

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  • Calif. looks at dumping gas tax for per-mile fee

    Calif. looks at dumping gas tax for per-mile fee

    By Tony Bizjaz, Sacramento Bee   Weeks into a new gas tax hike, California transportation officials said Thursday they are studying ways to charge drivers based on how many miles they drove since their last fill-up rather than the amount of fuel they use. The problem? California drivers are choosing such fuel-efficient cars that the […]

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  • Douglas County replacing voting machines

    Douglas County replacing voting machines

    Douglas County’s voting machines, which showed their age in the last election, are going to be replaced. After 13 years, the machines need to go, according to Clerk-Treasurer Kathy Lewis. The county has allocated $500,000 for the machines. The Legislature has set aside $1.8 million to help all the counties purchase voting machines; Douglas will […]

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  • Greenway Bike Trail to be expanded in 2021

    Greenway Bike Trail to be expanded in 2021

    By Kathryn Reed The next phase of the Greenway Bike Trail in South Lake Tahoe is about to go forward. Trustees of Lake Tahoe Community College on Tuesday are expected to approve three items related to the project. The college, city of South Lake Tahoe and California Tahoe Conservancy are involved in a three-way land […]

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  • State money coming to EDC for road work

    State money coming to EDC for road work

    Two El Dorado County projects have been awarded from Caltrans. The planning grants are funded through the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1) to support efforts to plan more sustainable communities, reduce transportation-related greenhouse gases and adapt for the effects of climate change. Nearly $32 million in grants were awarded. Among projects awarded […]

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  • Trademark lawsuit over name ‘Apple Hill’

    Trademark lawsuit over name ‘Apple Hill’

    By Sam Stanton, Sacramento Bee Apple Hill has been an autumn destination for decades for Northern California families in search of fresh fruits, Halloween pumpkins, Christmas trees and wine tasting. Now, it is at the center of a legal fight over who can use the name “Apple Hill” to hawk their farm goods. The dispute […]

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  • Suspected DUI driver causes 3-car Hwy. 50 crash

    Suspected DUI driver causes 3-car Hwy. 50 crash

    Updated 9pm: Cars were scattered about the Stateline casino corridor Saturday afternoon in what ended up being a three-car accident. Several people were injured, but none with life-threatening injuries. Ryan Land, 33, of Fallbrook was arrested on felony driving under the influence charges. He was reportedly going 60 mph in the 25 mph zone. He […]

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  • Safety of Incline area VHRs called into question

    Safety of Incline area VHRs called into question

    By Kim Burrows, KRNV-TV Lake Tahoe is a popular place to rent a house on a short-term basis to hit the ski slopes in the winter and play on the beach in the summer. But the North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District is worried about the safety in some houses. The danger has already cost […]

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  • Survey: Rural lifestyle critical to EDC residents

    Survey: Rural lifestyle critical to EDC residents

    Maintaining a rural lifestyle is the most important thing to El Dorado County residents who took a recent survey. The county was seeking input on needs and priorities for economic development. In one question people had to pick the following as being most important: rural lifestyle (320 votes), high level county services (306), keeping sales […]

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