  • Suspicious phone calls claiming to be from WCSO

    Suspicious phone calls claiming to be from WCSO

    The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office started receiving reports from the public this week about phone calls from a male identifying himself as a “Detective Phillips from the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office” and asking for personal information. In one instance, the caller was described as becoming aggressive and angry when information was refused. Although the motive […]

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  • Film spotlights need to protect firefighters

    Film spotlights need to protect firefighters

    By Kurtis Alexander, San Francisco Chronicle   As Hollywood rolls out a blockbuster drama about the 19 firefighters killed after crawling inside their protective emergency shelters during a raging 2013 wildfire, the federal government is wrapping up a real-life bid to improve the nation’s standard-issue fire shelter — by going space-age. Much of the redesign […]

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  • Weather-ravaged Hwy. 50 repaired 9 months later

    Weather-ravaged Hwy. 50 repaired 9 months later

    All lanes are open on a section of Highway 50 that suffered significant damage last winter. The roadway near Bridal Veil Falls, about seven miles east of Pollock Pines, was damaged in February. The two westbound lanes had to be closed after the slope failed. A 600-foot retaining wall has been built to stabilize the […]

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  • EDC sex offender guilty on 16 felony counts

    EDC sex offender guilty on 16 felony counts

    A jury on Nov. 8 found an El Dorado County man guilty of 16 felony sex crimes. Robert Lee Edmonds, 24, of Cameron Park committed sex crimes against five children under the age of 14, provided controlled substances to a minor, possessed child pornography, and made criminal threats. The crimes were committed over a two-year […]

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  • Study: Weed can be worse for forests than logging

    Study: Weed can be worse for forests than logging

    By Kaleigh Rogers, Motherboard From guzzling water to pesticide pollution, it’s been long established that growing weed—legally or not—isn’t great for the environment. But a recent study published in the journal “Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment” shows that, at least by some measures, it can be even worse for the environment than logging. By […]

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  • Nev. health insurance outreach aims to bridge fed cuts

    Nev. health insurance outreach aims to bridge fed cuts

    By Yvonne Gonzalez, Las Vegas Sun A huge federal cut to health insurance outreach is spurring awareness efforts, with minority and rural communities considered some of the most at risk of missing the message. Open enrollment on the Silver State Health Exchange runs through Dec. 15. Heather Korbulic, executive director of the exchange, said an […]

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  • Ballot proposal would obliterate VHRs in SLT

    Ballot proposal would obliterate VHRs in SLT

    By Kathryn Reed From 1,400 vacation rentals to zero is what a group of South Lake Tahoe residents would like to see happen. Dan Browne and Ken Weitzman are the two who have signed the paperwork to bring the initiative to the ballot in November 2018. Peggy Bourland, they both said, is the other key […]

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  • SLT man faces possible life sentence for sex crimes

    SLT man faces possible life sentence for sex crimes

    A former maintenance worker at a South Lake Tahoe hotel was convicted on seven felony counts, including kidnapping for the purpose of committing a sexual assault, as well as six additional counts and numerous special allegations relating to the subsequent sexual assault of the victim. Manuel Ovidio Ramos-Munoz, 32, could face life in prison. Sentencing […]

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  • Kings Beach without power

    Kings Beach without power

    Kings Beach residents can expect to be in the dark for the better part of the night. Liberty Utilities says the outage is because of an NV Energy equipment failure in Incline Village. It could be at least 11pm Nov. 9 before power is restored. It’s been out since before 4pm. — Lake Tahoe News […]

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  • Vacation rental scam warning in S. Lake Tahoe

    Vacation rental scam warning in S. Lake Tahoe

    South Lake Tahoe Police Department is warning potential vacation home renters of an ongoing scam on Craigslist. These listings may include pictures and a lengthy description of a real house. Unsuspecting vacationers are paying in advance, usually by check or Western Union wire. The supposed landlord takes receipt of the money and when the victim […]

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