  • EDC taking its time addressing VHR concerns

    EDC taking its time addressing VHR concerns

    By Kathryn Reed If the intent was to waste 2½ hours of people’s lives, the goal was accomplished. If the intent was to educate people about the El Dorado County’s policies on vacation home rentals, it was a poor attempt to do so because the only department represented at the Nov. 1 meeting was the […]

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  • Thief takes $15,000 in wine from grocery store

    Thief takes $15,000 in wine from grocery store

    A thief in Incline Village knows his wine. The 55 bottles he is accused of stealing have a value of about $15,000. Sheriff’s deputies said an unidentified man entered the Raley’s store just before 7pm on Oct. 23 and left with a shopping cart full of mostly high-end wine. Some of the wine that was […]

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  • Calif. taxes on legal pot could boost black market

    Calif. taxes on legal pot could boost black market

    By Patrick McGreevy, Los Angeles Times   State and local taxes on marijuana could surpass 45 percent in some parts of California, jeopardizing efforts to bring all growers and sellers into a state-licensed market in January, according to the global credit ratings firm Fitch Ratings. “High tax rates raise prices in legal markets, reinforcing the […]

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  • DC’s assistant county manager out after 6 weeks

    DC’s assistant county manager out after 6 weeks

    Bradley Hurley didn’t last long as Douglas County assistant county manager. He was hired Sept. 13 and his last day was Oct. 31. It is not known if the county didn’t want him or he didn’t want the county. “Probation periods are an opportunity for both the employee and the employer to determine if the […]

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  • Proposed bill would block utilities from passing wildfire costs to customers

    Proposed bill would block utilities from passing wildfire costs to customers

    By David R. Baker, San Francisco Chronicle   Four California legislators on Monday said they plan to introduce a bill that would bar electric utilities from passing on to their customers the costs of wildfires caused by the companies’ negligence. The move comes as investigators are exploring whether Pacific Gas and Electric Co. power lines […]

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  • Statewide gaming win up, down in Stateline

    Statewide gaming win up, down in Stateline

    While statewide the boost in gaming revenue is being attributed to wagers on football, that was not enough to keep Stateline numbers in the black for September. Overall, Nevada’s sports books set a record at $558.4 million. This bested the record of $557.4 million set in November 2015. According to the Nevada Gaming Control Board, […]

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  • Affordable housing runs gamut in Tahoe-Truckee

    Affordable housing runs gamut in Tahoe-Truckee

    Publisher’s note: This is one in a series of stories about affordable housing in the Lake Tahoe-Truckee region. All articles may be accessed via the home page under Special Projects, 2017 Affordable Housing. By Linda Fine Conaboy Few things are more important than a roof over our heads—preferably one that doesn’t leak. But as the […]

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  • Study: Media made difference in water conservation

    Study: Media made difference in water conservation

    By Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times   What does it take to get Californians to save water during a massive drought? Apparently, a lot of ink and newsprint helps. Extensive news coverage of the state’s historic drought prompted residents to conserve water, research out of Stanford University suggests. The more that major newspapers wrote about […]

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  • Tepid response to West Slope development

    Tepid response to West Slope development

    Developers who want to build more than 400 houses on the West Slope didn’t receive much encouragement this month from El Dorado County supervisors. While no action was taken at last week’s public hearing, plenty of angry neighbors gave their two cents. The developer, True Life Companies, also gave an update on revisions to the […]

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  • Nevada Grow mines data to help small businesses

    Nevada Grow mines data to help small businesses

    By Mick Akers, Las Vegas Sun A pilot program that began in 2015, made permanent by the Nevada Legislature this year, continues to help small businesses grow. Nevada Grow provides small-business owners who are looking to expand with technical assistance and strategic research. Assembly Bill 94, sponsored by Assemblywoman Dina Neal, D-Las Vegas, was signed […]

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