  • Nev. officials cracking down on marijuana testing labs

    Nev. officials cracking down on marijuana testing labs

    By Colton Lochhead, Las Vegas Review-Journal Nevada regulators are cracking down on marijuana testing labs, as nearly half of the state’s marijuana labs have had their license suspended in the past five months. Since the Nevada Tax Department took over the marijuana regulation on July 1, four of the state’s nine cannabis testing facilities have […]

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  • Placer County making strides with affordable housing

    Placer County making strides with affordable housing

    Placer County last week approved a contract for a company to develop an affordable housing strategy. The $186,860 deal with BAE Urban Economics Inc., whose nearest office is in Davis, includes four main tasks: ·      assess and identify affordable housing needs and development opportunities ·      make recommendations about any current housing standards and policies that […]

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  • Hikers find human remains in Placer County

    Hikers find human remains in Placer County

    By KCRA-TV A body was found by hikers Saturday morning along Foresthill Road, the Placer County Sheriff’s Office said. The body was found in an area of brush about 200 feet from Foresthill Road between Upper and Lower Lake Clementine Roads. Deputies said the body had been there for a while and had degraded to […]

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  • In Tahoe, a wild intersection of golf and celebrities

    In Tahoe, a wild intersection of golf and celebrities

    By Malika Andrews, Joe Drape and Karen Crouse, New York Times STATELINE — The 17th hole is the party spot. Nearby is a dock where fans motor up wearing swimsuits. The football coach Herm Edwards remembers playing with the talk show host Maury Povich when his tee shot landed on a boat. Is that out […]

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  • Stabbing at Y sends 1 to jail, 1 to hospital

    Stabbing at Y sends 1 to jail, 1 to hospital

    One South Lake Tahoe man is in jail and another at Barton Memorial Hospital recovering from non-life threatening stab wounds. Kifer Chriss, 57, who local police know by multiple aliases, was booked into the local jail on an attempted murder charge. The 27-year-old victim was in stable condition following the Jan. 27, 5:30pm incident at […]

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  • Water companies to convene to discuss PCE

    Water companies to convene to discuss PCE

    South Tahoe Public Utility District, Lukins Brothers Water Company, and Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association are hosting a public meeting Feb. 7 to discuss the groundwater contaminant tetrachloroethylene, PCE, found in groundwater at the Y area. This will be an opportunity to find out what the local water agencies are doing about it. This is […]

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  • Hikers give USFS static over radio plan for Jobs Peak

    Hikers give USFS static over radio plan for Jobs Peak

    By Benjamin Spillman, Reno Gazette-Journal A proposal by the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest to install a new radio repeater has raised the ire of hikers who say it would be a blight on an iconic Nevada peak. The proposal calls for a 20-foot tower on a five-foot-high metal building on top of Job’s Peak, a 10,633-foot-tall peak […]

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  • Affordable housing — lots of talk, little action

    Affordable housing — lots of talk, little action

    By Kathryn Reed An annual salary of $80,000 is what is required to rent a two-bedroom apartment in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Kings Beach and South Lake Tahoe were called the two poverty pockets in the basin. These dire circumstances were illustrated by Heidi Hill Drum of the Tahoe Prosperity Center. “At least 30 percent […]

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  • Vehicle strikes pedestrian in S. Lake Tahoe

    Vehicle strikes pedestrian in S. Lake Tahoe

    A 27-year-old South Lake Tahoe man is recovering from injuries sustained Thursday night when he was hit by a vehicle on Pioneer Trail. The name of the driver and victim have not been released. According to South Lake Tahoe police officers, the driver turned onto Pioneer Trail from Highway 50 at about 11pm Jan. 25. […]

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  • North Shore biomass facility stalled

    North Shore biomass facility stalled

    Placer County has put the kibosh on negotiations with Liberty Utilities regarding the Cabin Creek biomass energy facility between Tahoe City and Truckee. Placer and Liberty have been in negotiations for several years on an agreement for Liberty to buy energy from the facility and possibly agree to buy the facility after its completion. To […]

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