How are you spending your time in Tahoe without much snow to play in?

What would you do to improve the holiday spirit in the Lake Tahoe Basin?

What house/business is worth driving by to see its holiday lights? Please put address and city.

What are you thankful for?

How would you promote Lake Tahoe if you were in charge?

November is National Novel Writing Month. What is your favorite book about Tahoe or who is your favorite Tahoe writer?

What election, issue or candidate had the most impact on your life?

If you had the chance to speak with a presidential contender, what would you say?

October is National Book Month. What are you reading and would you recommend it?

What is your favorite part about Halloween?

halloween I like all the creative decorations — like this house on the corner of Jeffery Street and Tahoe Keys Boulevard in South Lake Tahoe.

— Kathryn Reed