  • Letter: Community helps with ZC tennis tourney

    Letter: Community helps with ZC tennis tourney

    To the community, The annual Tahoe Tennis Classic isn’t just about the play on the courts. The 33-year-old tournament is also the major fundraiser for the Zephyr Cove Tennis Club Foundation. The nonprofit, all-volunteer organization has the responsibility of running the six courts at the Douglas County facility. With the support of Lake Tahoe and […]

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  • Letter: The power of story

    Letter: The power of story

    To the community, Obviously, history has been made since the beginning of time but wasn’t recorded until relatively recent times. One thing certain is that the travelers, teachers, and troubadours of old told and sang stories that informed and entertained. Circles around campfires and huddles around hearths created communities. The means of the telling have […]

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  • Opinion: Combating housing and anti-growth

    Opinion: Combating housing and anti-growth

    By Joe Mathews Ventura County is the most glorious and verdant of California kingdoms. Just ask its princes and princesses—those fortunate enough to be able to afford to live and vote there. The nearly 900,000 residents can pretend that they live in the country, with parks or farmland always nearby. The Kingdom of Ventura’s cities […]

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  • Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for support

    Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for support

    To the community, Robert Stiles, a real estate agent at Chase International, once again sponsored a Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment and brought friends Gary and Melisse Morrison to help at his sponsorship dinner on Aug. 1. This was Stiles’ third sponsorship dinner in as many years and he has become a […]

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  • Opinion: Cuba could learn from Tahoe

    Opinion: Cuba could learn from Tahoe

    By Julie Regan What pops to mind when you think of Cuba? Cigars? Castro? Lake Tahoe? While it may not seem like our high-altitude mountain lake has anything in common with the largest island nation in the Caribbean, we share the challenge of balancing a tourist-based economy with the protection of our spectacular natural environments. […]

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  • Editorial: Losing Lake Tahoe to climate change

    Editorial: Losing Lake Tahoe to climate change

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Aug. 4, 2016, Sacramento Bee.   As a young reporter, Mark Twain visited Lake Tahoe. Its clear, cobalt blue water so entranced him that he wrote of it later, in “The Innocents Abroad.” “I have fished for trout, in Tahoe,” Twain wrote, “and at a measured depth of […]

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  • Opinion: Americans mostly kill the ones we know

    Opinion: Americans mostly kill the ones we know

    By Scott H. Decker Turn on your television in the coming months, and you will see and hear just how much Americans fear strangers and guns. Yet when it comes to violent crime, especially murder, Americans are at much greater risk of falling victim to someone they know, perhaps someone they know intimately. And these […]

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  • Opinion: Fighting poverty won’t defeat terrorism

    Opinion: Fighting poverty won’t defeat terrorism

    By Bruce Hoffman Do poverty and a lack of education produce terrorism? That has long been a favored explanation for eruptions of terrorism. Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a succession of global leaders—among them Tony Blair, Pope John Paul II, the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Oscar Arias Sanchez, and Elie Weisel —fastened on poverty, […]

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  • Letter: Tahoe Summit needs changes

    Letter: Tahoe Summit needs changes

    To the community, The good news is that President Obama is to speak at the Tahoe Summit on Aug. 31. The bad news is that it is to be at Harveys outdoor stage and a band is to perform at the same event – a band named The Killers. This is entirely unacceptable. I ask […]

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  • Opinion: AG proves EDC supes’ incompetence

    Opinion: AG proves EDC supes’ incompetence

    By Larry Weitzman Fact is an overused word. Just because something is written or spoken doesn’t make it a fact, as a fact must be proven to be a fact. Likewise use of the term “proven fact” or “known fact” is redundant as all facts to be a fact must be proven and therefore known. […]

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