  • Letter: Two cultures of Lake Tahoe

    Letter: Two cultures of Lake Tahoe

    To the community, We recently spent our first vacation in Lake Tahoe. From experience and observation this is what we found. The culture of South Lake Tahoe is dominated by big time gambling, parties, drinking, restaurants, tourist traps, and lake activities. For sure action is the buzz word for tourist. There is only one main […]

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  • Letter: Parishioners help serve at B&B

    Letter: Parishioners help serve at B&B

    To the community, “Today was a wonderful experience,” commented Sheldon Zimbler, as he was volunteering as a member of Friends of Our Lady of Tahoe Catholic Church’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsor crew. “It was good to not watch TV, especially in this difficult time, rather to feel a very small part of the […]

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  • Opinion: Not everybody is an expert on policing

    Opinion: Not everybody is an expert on policing

    By Maki Haberfeld Nowadays, everybody—agenda-driven politicians, entertainment moguls, and many citizens on the streets —is considered an expert on what needs to be done to improve policing. This is not helping policing or our current national conversation. As a former police officer and as author of many books and articles about the police profession, I […]

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  • Opinion: Nix the campfire

    Opinion: Nix the campfire

    By Marjorie “Slim” Woodruff, High Country News In 1972, Grand Canyon National Park outlawed campfires in the backcountry. Backpackers like me considered this an outrage. After all, the only people who carried those fancy little stoves back then were people incapable of building a fire. I bring this up because we are living through another […]

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  • Editorial: What would legal pot do for Nevada’s economy?

    Editorial: What would legal pot do for Nevada’s economy?

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the July 15, 2016, Las Vegas Sun. By legalizing recreational marijuana, Nevada voters would spark $7.5 billion in economic activity in the first seven years of sales. That’s the biggest number in an extensive report released this week by RCG Economics and the Marijuana Policy Group, but it’s not […]

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  • Opinion: CalPERS sees flat earnings for a second year

    Opinion: CalPERS sees flat earnings for a second year

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee The California Public Employees’ Retirement System – the nation’s largest pension trust fund – took a beating during the Great Recession, dropping nearly $100 billion in value. However, it recovered nicely as the nation emerged from recession and finally got back to its pre-recession level three years ago. At the […]

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  • Opinion: Dissecting workplace discrimination

    Opinion: Dissecting workplace discrimination

    By Serena Does and Margaret Shih While the U.S. currently has a black president and a woman just made history by clinching the Democratic presidential nomination, both racial minorities and women still face significant barriers in professional settings. Considering the parallels and differences in the biases that women and racial minorities face is an important […]

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  • Opinion: Change in law could let Garrido out

    Opinion: Change in law could let Garrido out

    By Vern Pierson In 1972, Phillip Garrido drugged and raped a 14 year old girl in Contra Costa County. In June 1976 in South Lake Tahoe, Garrido talked his 19 year old victim into his car, then handcuffed her and raped her. On Nov. 22, 1976, at approximately 6:30pm in South Lake Tahoe he talked his 25 […]

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  • Opinion: Smaller government needed in Calif.

    Opinion: Smaller government needed in Calif.

    By Kerry Jackson, Orange County Register As much as the Brexit vote, coming just before Canada’s and America’s own independence celebrations, drove the West’s elitists to call those who don’t agree with them “rubes” and far worse, it also inspired other autonomy movements to increase their efforts to break away from those ruling them from […]

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  • Letter: Shining a light on government inefficiency

    Letter: Shining a light on government inefficiency

    To the community, OK, so I really don’t want to be “that old guy,” but I’m having a problem getting something taken care of and at this point I think the only way is to go public. Months ago I noticed that a streetlight was out across from my house. I pay an addition fee […]

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