  • Opinion: Brexit played to Britons’ Imperial nostalgia

    Opinion: Brexit played to Britons’ Imperial nostalgia

    By Philippa Levine Shortly after the result of Britain’s referendum on the European Union was declared last week, an academic colleague remarked to me, “the final curse of the Empire is that the imperial dream is destroying the imperial heartland.” Britain’s long association with imperialism was a major undercurrent in the campaign to leave the […]

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  • Opinion: What Ancient Greece tells us about U.S. democracy

    Opinion: What Ancient Greece tells us about U.S. democracy

    By Daniel H. Foster Times are hard for democracy. Trump wants a wall. Senators refuse to question judicial nominees. And anti-Hillary liberals seriously contend that she is “as bad as” the opposing party’s presumptive nominee, vowing not to vote if she wins the nomination. But when were they ever otherwise than hard? Democracy has always […]

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  • Letter: Don’t build the loop road

    Letter: Don’t build the loop road

    To the community, Building the loop road using the triangle alternative will negatively affect the community. The loop road may reduce travel time and pollutants, but benefits it may provide don’t make the cost, removal of families and businesses, and the negative effects on businesses worth it to the community. The triangle plan would reroute […]

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  • Opinion: Homelessness becomes a political issue

    Opinion: Homelessness becomes a political issue

    By Joe Mathews            How did homelessness suddenly become such a hot issue across California? There are many reasons, few of which have anything to do with homeless people. Those reasons—economic anxiety, budget surpluses, tax schemes, housing prices, prison reform, urban development and politics—have combined to create today’s “homeless moment.” For decades, homelessness has been a […]

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  • Letter: Homeless coalition thankful

    Letter: Homeless coalition thankful

    To the community, Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless would like to thank the many volunteers who participated in our litter pick up day around the 981 Silver Dollar neighborhood this month.  We also appreciate Clean Tahoe for contributing supplies and League to Save Lake Tahoe for providing lunch to our volunteers. Participants included Ivan Aguilar, […]

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  • Letter: Placer County needs to slow down

    Letter: Placer County needs to slow down

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to Placer County and is reprinted with permission. To Placer County: The citizens of North Lake Tahoe, along with environmental groups in Tahoe and surrounding region and local government agencies, are asking for your support for a fair public process. We have been besieged with thousands of pages of […]

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  • Opinion: Can campuses truly prepare for shootings?

    Opinion: Can campuses truly prepare for shootings?

    By David N. Myers A good part of what was so distressing about this month’s shooting at UCLA was the familiarity of it all. The death of William Klug, a brilliant and affable young professor, at the hands of a mad former graduate student, was the chief tragedy. But as our campus was taken over […]

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  • Opinion: TERC’s importance 10 years later

    Opinion: TERC’s importance 10 years later

    By Geoff Schladow I have spent the last week observing the impacts of poor land management, uncontrolled invasive species, and degrading aquatic resources in one of the most unique and idyllic places on earth. I also saw really big crocodiles, so I wasn’t at Lake Tahoe. Rather, I was in the Northern Territory in Australia, a region that is starkly different than Tahoe, but sharing […]

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  • Opinion: Florida — the ‘Gunshine State’

    Opinion: Florida — the ‘Gunshine State’

    By David Cole Ever since the brutal mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando in the early morning hours on June 12, Florida has become the focus of nationwide concerns about easy access to guns, and the mayhem such access can produce. That focus on the Sunshine State is even more appropriate than the […]

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  • Opinion: Community colleges an overlooked option

    Opinion: Community colleges an overlooked option

    By Patrice Apodaca, Los Angeles Times Congratulations to the high school graduating class of 2016. You deserve praise for your achievement and are no doubt excited about the future that lies before you. I’d like to offer a special congrats to those among you who have made what could turn out to be a very […]

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