  • Opinion: Wounded Knee — forgotten lesson

    Opinion: Wounded Knee — forgotten lesson

    By Kathryn Reed PINE RIDE INDIAN RESERVATION, S.D. – A week ago today I was at the site of the worst massacre in U.S. history. I wasn’t in Florida. I was in South Dakota. I was on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home of Wounded Knee. This is where 146 Lakota Sioux were killed on […]

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  • Letter: Yacht clubs takes turn at B&B

    Letter: Yacht clubs takes turn at B&B

    To the community, The members of the South Lake Tahoe Yacht Club (SLTYC) are a fun and active group who have a common interest in boating and enjoying beautiful Lake Tahoe. However, this social club is also committed to community involvement and on June 13 the SLTYC sponsored their annual Bread & Broth Adopt A […]

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  • Opinion: Rural entrepreneurship in Nev. near extinct

    Opinion: Rural entrepreneurship in Nev. near extinct

    By Dusty Wunderlich, Reno Gazette-Journal This month’s low job report sent shock waves. While pundits pontificate on stalled job growth despite relatively low unemployment and the impact both might have on capital markets, they may be overlooking a much bigger issue crippling the U.S. economy. Entrepreneurism is on the sharpest decline in the U.S. in […]

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  • Letter: TRPA wrong to allow hockey academy

    Letter: TRPA wrong to allow hockey academy

    To the community, The proposed zoning change from single family-residential, to recreation business needs to be denied by the TRPA board. Whatever happens at an exit from a highway like Highway 50, onto an artery road like South Upper Truckee Road, determines what happens in the neighborhoods off that road. It is called sprawl and […]

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  • Letter: LTVA grateful for Amgen support

    Letter: LTVA grateful for Amgen support

    To the community, The Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority would like to thank the volunteers, businesses, spectators, sponsors, and partners who helped to make the 2016 Amgen Tour of California a success for our community. We are grateful for your support and generosity: North Lake Tahoe, Heavenly Mountain Resort, Harrah’s/Harveys Lake Tahoe, Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel, […]

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  • Letter: Responding to loop road letter

    Letter: Responding to loop road letter

    Publisher’s note: This is in response to a letter about the loop road. Mr. Wright, I believe we discussed this idea at a meeting where I was presenting the project, and you brought it up. As you may recall I responded that a tunnel alternative was considered along with many others, but rejected. The entire […]

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  • Letter: A father’s letter to his daughter

    Letter: A father’s letter to his daughter

    Author’s note: This submission, formatted as a letter to Rosie, is prompted by a “letter to the future” project by the organization Dear Tomorrow. They are soliciting letters from parents to their children about climate change, to be archived and delivered to them in the years 2030 and 2050.    Dear Rosie, Two days ago you […]

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  • Letter: Alternative to the loop road

    Letter: Alternative to the loop road

    Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to the South Lake Tahoe City Council and Lake Tahoe News. At a recent meeting, I believe I heard that two-thirds of the traffic on Highway 50 drives through the casino corridor without stopping. I mentioned my suggestion before at two meetings that I attended: that we need a […]

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  • Opinion: Martis Valley West is a bad idea

    Opinion: Martis Valley West is a bad idea

    By Ann Nichols It was a full house, around 250 people attended the Placer County Planning Commission meeting at Granlibakken on June 9. Placer County staff requested approval of the contentious Martis Valley West project, which consists of a gated community of 760 units (1,900 new folks at least) and 6 acres of commercial plopped […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly serves Bread & Broth dinner

    Letter: Heavenly serves Bread & Broth dinner

    To the community, Partnering with Bread & Broth at their June 6 dinner, Heavenly Mountain Resort was the Adopt A Day sponsor for the evening’s meal. Thanks to Heavenly’s $250 donation and the help of the outstanding sponsor crew from Heavenly’s marketing team, B&B prepared and served a much needed meal to folks who struggle […]

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