  • Opinion: Media’s prediction addiction is anti-democratic

    Opinion: Media’s prediction addiction is anti-democratic

    By Andres Martinez Many journalists are confessing that they really blew with a series of poor predictions – dismissing Trump, calling for an early Clinton coronation, anticipating a contested GOP convention – instead of apologizing for their real sin: the compulsive haste to predict everything in the first place. People have long harrumphed about how […]

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  • Letter: Hockey school doesn’t belong in Meyers

    Letter: Hockey school doesn’t belong in Meyers

    To the community, I must rebut what is being portrayed as “negative” and “uninformed” residents. The Lake Tahoe News article about the Meyers hockey academy states, “When the notice about the project went out to neighbors this month…” The fact is we received absolutely no notice, which is why we are uninformed. The proposal just […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. housing shortage sets up battle over land-use control

    Opinion: Calif. housing shortage sets up battle over land-use control

    By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee Once upon a time, California city officials used two tools to shape how their communities evolved – setting property tax rates and controlling land use. The former vanished when voters passed Proposition 13 in 1978, not only cutting property taxes by more than half, but sharply limiting future tax bites. […]

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  • Opinion: Tahoe Fund launches venture trust

    Opinion: Tahoe Fund launches venture trust

    By Amy Berry Taking a page from the playbook of venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, the Tahoe Fund has announced plans to create an Environmental Venture Trust to seed early stage environmental improvement projects at Lake Tahoe with philanthropic capital. Unlike traditional venture capital, the return on investment for the trust will be purely environmental […]

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  • Opinion: Time to get rid of the TSA

    Opinion: Time to get rid of the TSA

    By Adam Minter, Bloomberg This spring, millions of Americans have learned to dread going to the airport. An unfortunate combination of surging passenger volumes and declining numbers of screeners have led to security lines that can average over an hour in length. Thousands of passengers are missing flights daily. Meanwhile, airports and airlines across the U.S. […]

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  • Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for Kirkwood

    Letter: Bread & Broth thankful for Kirkwood

    To the community, Members of Kirkwood Mountain Resort’s human resources team were on hand to help the Bread & Broth volunteers serve the guests at Kirkwood’s sponsorship dinner May 4 at St. Theresa Grace Hall. Representing their fellow HR team members were Becca Hamm, supervisor; Christine Avenett, assistant; Angela Eckhardt, talent acquisitions manager; Eric Davidson, […]

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  • Editorial: Human stupidity endangering wildlife

    Editorial: Human stupidity endangering wildlife

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the May 16, 2016, Los Angeles Times. Those shaggy-haired, shoulder-humped bison roaming Yellowstone National Park have lived in the area since prehistoric times, surviving migration, predators, disease, development. But can they survive tourists? Despite signs in the park and fliers handed out to visitors warning them about being gored […]

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  • Letter: STMS students help at Bread & Broth

    Letter: STMS students help at Bread & Broth

    To the community, Bread & Broth would like to thank and acknowledge Club Live. Club Live is a program for middle school students that promotes a healthy life style through leadership events, recreational trips and community service projects. Under the guidance of Larry Lambdin and Beth Aiton, the program’s co-advisors, five members of the club […]

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  • Opinion: Placer County ignoring residents’ concerns

    Opinion: Placer County ignoring residents’ concerns

    By Alexis Ollar The May 12 North Tahoe Regional Advisory Council hearing was a testament to how the public process can fail. The Martis Valley West Parcel project was on the agenda and the room was packed with community members from Truckee and North Lake Tahoe. Placer County presented the project and made the assertion […]

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  • Opinion: Climate change poses risk to Nev. economy

    Opinion: Climate change poses risk to Nev. economy

    By Andy Wirth As the leader of a major destination mountain resort in North America, thankfully located in the Reno/Tahoe area, I am deeply concerned about the risk that climate change poses to our industry, and our entire region’s economy. Climate change has already begun to reveal itself as persistent drought in the Sierra Nevada, lower snowpack, increased […]

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