  • Opinion: Be prepared for the worst

    Opinion: Be prepared for the worst

    By Bob Harmon The weather is starting to warm up and the wilderness calls. Members of Washoe County’s search and rescue team know first-hand that it doesn’t matter how much experience you have, if you recreate in the wilderness, you run the risk of getting hopelessly and helplessly turned around at some point, suddenly and […]

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  • Editorial: Our responsibility on Memorial Day

    Editorial: Our responsibility on Memorial Day

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the May 2, 2016, Stamford Advocate. If children are confused about the meaning of Memorial Day, that’s on us. Collectively, we have not been the best stewards of the most somber of our national holidays. As time sweeps further from its origins in the wake of the Civil War […]

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  • Letter: Vote yes on measures E and G

    Letter: Vote yes on measures E and G

    To the community, Why have so many organizations aligned with Parker Development in wanting to stop the Yes Campaign for Measures E and G? In 2004 El Dorado County adopted a General Plan which was challenged with a referendum giving the voters in the county the opportunity decide whether or not to adopt the plan.  […]

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  • Opinion: Canada’s wildfire highlights trouble with fighting fire with fire

    Opinion: Canada’s wildfire highlights trouble with fighting fire with fire

    By Stephen Pyne “And where two raging fires meet together, they do consume the thing that feeds their fury.” — William Shakespeare The images are gripping. Horizons glow with satanic reds squishing through black and bluish clouds, as though the sky itself were bruised and bleeding. Foregrounds bristle with scorched neighborhoods still drifting with smoke and […]

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  • Letters: Realtors take issue with SLT VHR rules

    Letters: Realtors take issue with SLT VHR rules

    To the community, The South Tahoe Association of Realtors (STAR) is opposed to the moratorium on multi-family units being allowed to operate as vacation home rentals (VHRs), recently adopted by the South Lake Tahoe City Council. STAR, a not-for-profit trade organization that represents more than 300 Realtor members, wants to make it clear, to the City Council and […]

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  • Editorial: Calif. drought isn’t history just yet

    Editorial: Calif. drought isn’t history just yet

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the May 21, 2016, Sacramento Bee. Remember that “historic” drought? The one that erased snow from the Sierra and was turning the Central Valley into a dusty bowl? Remember how it was supposed to be permanent? How all Californians need to forever change the wasteful ways we use water […]

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  • Opinion: Time to stop Martis Valley West

    Opinion: Time to stop Martis Valley West

    By Ellie Waller The community continues to deliver the message that they are unwilling to accept the Martis Valley West Parcel Specific Plan project as currently proposed. But will the Placer County Planning Commission approve the project on June 9 anyway? Probably, unless we all stand up. This is not the first time the community […]

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  • Letter: Appreciation for EMS workers

    Letter: Appreciation for EMS workers

    To the community, South Lake Tahoe is currently in the midst of change, moving from an ambulance service provided by the fire department to a non-safety program, prompted by a lack of county funding and also anticipated changes in the pre-hospital industry. During this transition, an amazing group of qualified medics have been providing ALS […]

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  • Letter: Brooks deserves to be re-elected

    Letter: Brooks deserves to be re-elected

    To the community, Please join me in voting to retain Judge Nelson Brooks. I have lived in El Dorado County since 1963, first serving as a deputy in the District Attorney’s Office. I was later elected District Attorney of El Dorado County, and in January 1977 the Governor appointed me Judge of the Superior Court. […]

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  • Letter: Recognizing older Americans

    Letter: Recognizing older Americans

    To the community, An Older Americans Day celebration took place at the South Lake Tahoe Senior Center on May 19. Those in attendance were able to enjoy the music of bass player Al Botello, Tony the guitarist and singer/guitarist Jo Cain-Stiles. A wonderful roast beef dinner was served. This year’s celebration included a Blaze a […]

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