  • Opinion: ‘Bambi’ hoodwinked American environmentalists

    Opinion: ‘Bambi’ hoodwinked American environmentalists

    By Robin L. Murray and Joseph K. Heumann When “Bambi was first released in 1942, the National Audubon Society, compared the Walt Disney cartoon film’s consciousness-raising power for the environment to what “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” did for the abolition of slavery. “Bambi”, about a deer, lost money then, but subsequent re-releases and video rentals brought […]

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  • Letter: EDC needs better CAO hiring practices

    Letter: EDC needs better CAO hiring practices

    To the community, One of the most important jobs in El Dorado County is the county administrative officer. El Dorado County is currently looking for a new qualified candidate to replace the temporary CAO Larry Combs. While this process is stated to be an open state and national search, the county’s past record shows that […]

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  • Opinion: Invention of the modern political attack ad

    Opinion: Invention of the modern political attack ad

    By Robert Mann On Sept. 7, 1964, a 60-second TV ad changed American politics forever. A 3-year-old girl in a simple dress counted as she plucked daisy petals in a sun-dappled field. Her words were supplanted by a mission-control countdown followed by a massive nuclear blast in a classic mushroom shape. The message was clear […]

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  • Opinion: A school district without a teachers’ union

    Opinion: A school district without a teachers’ union

    By Joe Mathews What would a California school district be like if it jettisoned its teachers’ union? That question, once hypothetical (conservatives saw it as fantasy, liberals as a threat to teachers to questions), is now real. With the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the U.S. Supreme Court is now divided 4-to-4 on the validity […]

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  • Opinion: Kids need delightfully dangerous playgrounds

    Opinion: Kids need delightfully dangerous playgrounds

    By Joe Mathews California doesn’t make playgrounds like it used to. Fifteen years after the state legislated compliance with national safety standards for new and renovated public playgrounds, I can take the Three Stooges—my three sons under age 8—to parks around California confident I’ll see the same reassuringly safe equipment: low swings, low slides, ubiquitous […]

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  • Opinion: Checking on bullying at the doctor’s office

    Opinion: Checking on bullying at the doctor’s office

    By Jessica W. Tsai, New York Times I let out a huge sigh as I picked up the next chart in clinic. “Chief complaint: Behavioral concerns” was typed out on the top of a thick packet of papers. My young patient was sitting on the exam table comfortably. His parents sat stoically with furrowed brows […]

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  • Editorial: Get rid of caucuses in Nevada

    Editorial: Get rid of caucuses in Nevada

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the April 10, 2016, Las Vegas Sun. In a society gorging on technology and consumed by new interactive ways to share information and promote points of view, it is befuddling that political scrums known as caucuses, with roots dating to the 1700s, are still conducted in Nevada and 13 […]

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  • Letter: Heavenly store managers at B&B

    Letter: Heavenly store managers at B&B

    To the community, A very energetic and outgoing volunteer team from Vail Resorts’ Retail Group joined the Bread & Broth volunteers to donate their time to serve the April 11 evening dinner at St. Theresa Grace Hall. With funds provided by the Vail EpicPromise Grant program, Heavenly Mountain Resort sponsored the Monday meal and had […]

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  • Letter: Cave Rock project should be stopped

    Letter: Cave Rock project should be stopped

    To the community, NDOT is in the process of “selling” the Tahoe community on its plans for an extension of the Cave Rock tunnel. Their proffered justification is that our community needs such a tunnel extension to prevent future accidents that might be caused by rocks falling from the Cave formation. This is not a good […]

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  • Opinion: EDC has good CAO candidate in-house

    Opinion: EDC has good CAO candidate in-house

    By Larry Weitzman Who will be the next chief administrative officer for El Dorado County? In another recent failure of the CAO’s office, EDC’s Economic Development Policy J-7 allowing the county to give tax incentives for businesses to locate in EDC lapsed during some potential negotiations to locate a small to medium business enterprise in […]

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