  • Letter: Barton volunteers appreciated

    Letter: Barton volunteers appreciated

    To the community, On behalf of the physicians and staff at Barton Health, I want to thank the Barton Auxiliary for volunteering their time and providing generous donations for our health and wellness efforts. More than 80 community members make up the Barton Auxiliary, a compassionate and dedicated group of individuals who help support Barton […]

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  • Opinion: Calif. high speed rail is a boondoggle

    Opinion: Calif. high speed rail is a boondoggle

    By Ted Gaines If you thought the Bay Bridge construction fiasco would reign forever as California’s worst, most unsurpassable example of a government project running wildly over budget, you are in for a bitter surprise.  High speed rail is on pace to be the grand champion money waster in California history and needs to be […]

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  • Opinion: Time to overhaul TRPA commodities

    Opinion: Time to overhaul TRPA commodities

    By Joanne Marchetta When people visit Tahoe for the first time, they marvel at the extraordinary natural landscape and fresh, clean air. At the same time, some are shocked at the dilapidated condition of the built environment:  rundown buildings, crumbling infrastructure, and tired-looking development. The paradox is compelling. Despite TRPA’s mandate to harmonize the natural […]

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  • Opinion: Rent control not an answer for affordable housing

    Opinion: Rent control not an answer for affordable housing

    By Joe Mathews Rent control won’t solve California’s enormous housing problems. But that’s not stopping Californians from pursuing rent control policies in their hometowns. 2016 threatens to become the Year of Rent Control, with the topic white-hot in the Bay Area, home to California’s most expensive housing. Rent control refers to laws that put limits […]

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  • Letter: Restaurant workers assist at B&B

    Letter: Restaurant workers assist at B&B

    To the community, Over the years, Bread & Broth has developed many supportive partnerships with Tahoe South Shore community organizations, businesses, churches and individuals. Every one of these partnerships brings something positive and unique to help B&B ease hunger for those in need. For almost a year now, Tahoe Restaurant Group has been providing resources […]

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  • Opinion: Trump offers a lesson in rhetoric

    Opinion: Trump offers a lesson in rhetoric

    By William Simon For thousands of years, rhetoric, the art of persuasion, was a core area of study in our schools. Over the last century or so, that changed, and rhetoric and public speaking have all but disappeared from curricula. Why? My best explanation is that the academy became skeptical of rhetoric as speaking became […]

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  • Letter: Thankful for successful science expo

    Letter: Thankful for successful science expo

    To the community, On March 30, 31 and April 1, we were fortunate to have the first annual South Lake Science Expo at the Lake Tahoe Community College campus. This event is an exciting opportunity for our third- through fifth-grade students to explore the many wonders of physical science. This amazing event would not have […]

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  • Letter: Action of South Tahoe council questioned

    Letter: Action of South Tahoe council questioned

    To the community, At the April 5 [South Lake Tahoe City] council meeting, Mayor Wendy David declared that comments by the citizens during the non-agenda portion of the council meeting will no longer be televised. It has been suggested that this was done to “prevent staff and others from begin slandered”. Except for Councilmember [JoAnn] […]

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  • Letter: SLT warm room advocates thankful

    Letter: SLT warm room advocates thankful

    To the community, On behalf of the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless (TCH), I would like to thank our community for a successful inaugural season of the South Lake Tahoe Warm Room and the first overnight homeless services in the Tahoe Region. Our agency appreciates vital funding provided this winter by the El Dorado Community […]

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  • Opinion: Campaign to save India’s tigers ignores human cost of conservation

    Opinion: Campaign to save India’s tigers ignores human cost of conservation

    By Lisa Margonelli Tigers are a hypothetical necessity. Hypothetical in the sense that very few of us spend any time around tigers outside of zoos, though we interact with tiger images daily, depending on what type of cereal we eat, or sports team we root for. Necessities in the sense that the existence of tigers […]

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